Should Holocaust denier David Irving be barred from Auschwitz?

Should Holocaust denier David Irving be permitted to conduct a “tour” of Auschwitz with a group of “revisionist” supporters, as he intends?  As of now, the Auschwitz Museum (which controls the site) appears to be saying that Irving will not be stopped from entering the grounds, but that the museum staff will be “closely watching” his visit.  ”If his speech will have signs of Holocaust denial, we will take appropriate action,” said museum spokesman Bartosz Bartyzel.  ”We cannot allow for statements that defame the memory of the victims.”

I agree that to the extent that it is possible to do so, Irving should be prevented from making a public and highly offensive spectacle of himself at Auschwitz.  And I understand that the Auschwitz Museum — an institution that administers and protects what is essentially the largest Jewish cemetery in history — would be exercised first and foremost by its mission to sustain and venerate the memory of the dead.  But on a tactical level, I think that Irving should probably not be allowed onto the grounds at all.  And defaming the memory of the dead should not be the principle that guides our reaction to Irving’s latest quest for publicity. Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, David Irving, Holocaust denial | 1 Comment

Iran claims Jews harvest Gentiles’ organs

They’re at it again.  Press TV, an official Iranian news agency – fully-funded by the Iranian government — has repeated its allegation that Israelis kidnap non-Jews and harvest their organs for use as “spare parts.” In a story about real allegations that some Israelis purchase kidneys on the black market in South Africa, Press TV adds that “another report” describes an Israeli plot to “kidnap children and harvest their organs.” Press TV continues:

“According to the report, some 25,000 Ukrainian children had been brought into Israel over the past two years to be used by Israeli medical centers for their ‘spare parts.’  The Israeli military is also accused of stealing the organs of Palestinian prisoners.”

Press TV has made this heinous allegation at least three other times. Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Judaism, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Blood Libel, Iran | Leave a comment

Thoughts on the vandalism of the Omri Casspi mural in Sacramento

Before last week I had never heard of Omri Casspi — an Israeli-born basketball player for the Sacramento Kings.  [Before last week I also don't think I had ever heard of the Sacramento Kings -- which is less a statement about the merits of the Kings and much more a statement about my knowledge of pro basketball.]  There is a mural devoted to the Kings on a Sacramento street, and last week (apparently on Rosh HaShanah eve) someone drew a swastika on the forehead of Casspi’s image on the mural.  (Here’s the report from the Sacramento Bee, and here’s a slideshow of the defaced mural.)  The police investigated the vandalism as a possible hate crime, but as of this writing have not yet caught anyone.  The ADL came up with a $1,000 reward for information about the perpetrator.  The swastika was scraped off the mural. I thought I’d never hear about Casspi again.

Except that this morning (Thursday), the same swastika vandalism happened again. Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Vandalism, swastika | Leave a comment

Small explosive thrown at synagogue in Kyrgyzstan

Shortly before the start of Rosh HaShanah, an unknown attacker threw a small explosive device over the fence of a Chabad House in the capitol city of Kyrgyzstan, according to several news reports (EJPRFE/RL).  The device was packed with nails but luckily the detonation was very small, and no one was hurt.  The same synagogue was also attacked in April 2010, during the civil unrest accompanying the overthrow of the old Kyrgyzstan government. See here for a JTA story describing the violence.

Probably between 1,000 and 1,500 Jews live in Kyrgyzstan.  Conventional wisdom has it that Kyrgyzstan is relatively free of anti-Semitism, a position confirmed by a 2009 report from the NCSJ (formerly the National Conference on Soviet Jewry, based in Washington DC), and by the 2008 report from Tel Aviv University’s Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Antisemitism and Racism, which tracks anti-Semitism in countries around the world. Let’s hope the recent violence is just an aberration and that things will quiet down.

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Holocaust denial organization to challenge “online censorship”

The Institute for Historical Review (IHR), a Holocaust-denying organization, told supporters today that it is beginning a new project to challenge “online censorship.”  Apparently, IHR learned that a Wells Fargo employee tried to access its website from a company computer, but was stymied by automated blocking software that identified IHR’s website as a source of “Violence/Hate/Racism.”  I say good for Wells Fargo.  But IHR isn’t taking this lightly, and is calling on supporters to contact its offices when they discover that the site is being blocked.  IHR says that “[i]n letters and in face-to-face meetings, the Institute is protesting this defamatory and harmful practice” with the companies that engage in it, while of course keeping the identity of the complainants confidential.

IHR’s announcement states that “[f]ar from promoting ‘hate’ or ‘racism,’ the IHR has a long record of staunch opposition to hate [and] bigotry….”  That’s pretty funny coming from the folks who published the writings of a real live Nazi and former SS Commander in 1992. IHR Director Mark Weber has become a prominent proponent of anti-Judaism, arguing recently that “the often cruel and arrogant policies of Israel, and the often arrogant attitudes of what is called the ‘Israel Lobby,’ the Jewish lobby, or the organized Jewish community, are not an aberration, but rather are deeply rooted in Jewish religious writings and in centuries of Jewish tradition.”  Oh, and also, according to the ADL, Weber got his start working at a neo-Nazi newspaper called the National Vanguard. How’s that for opposing hate and bigotry. Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Judaism, Anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, Institute for Historical Review, Mark Weber | Leave a comment

Holocaust Denier Bradley Smith on Facebook

A few months ago, Holocaust denier Bradley Smith joined Facebook.  Smith runs an organization called the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH), and is most famous for his “Campus Project,” which he began in 1991 and is ongoing, in which he seeks to disseminate Holocaust denial among college students by taking out ads in college student newspapers and, occasionally, by arranging speaking engagements on campuses. Smith’s early ads were rather explicit in their questioning of the Holocaust, but over the years he has been forced by increasingly savvy editors to tone down his ad copy.  His most recent round of ads barely mention the Holocaust at all, and rely on links to his website to get his propaganda across to unsuspecting students.  (ADL has a pretty good write-up of Smith, his background and activities.) Like many other Holocaust deniers, Smith prefers to describe himself as a Holocaust “revisionist.”

In the latest issue of his newsletter (creatively named Smith’s Report), Smith explains his reason for joining Facebook:

The purpose of Smith and CODOH being on Facebook is to promote CODOH and all the Web pages that CODOH supports. We want to put as much revisionist material on Facebook as possible where it can be seen by as many people from as many places on the globe as possible….Some 1,200 of [Facebook] users have chosen to be “friends” of Smith and CODOH over the last six weeks. The hope is that we will get a lot more, and that a couple handfuls (to begin with) will become revisionists and supporters.

Should Bradley Smith be allowed on Facebook?   Continue reading

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Austrian Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik sentenced to prison

The Austrian Independent reports that Gerd Honsik, an Austrian Holocaust denier, has been sentenced to two years in prison for propagating Holocaust denial in his books, “Der Juden Drittes Reich” (The Jews’s Third Reich) and “Schelm und Scheusal” (Prankster and Monster). Honsik had been sentenced on at least two other occasions for promoting Nazi apologetics in other books and articles. He fled to Spain to avoid incarceration, but was extradited back to Austria in 2007.

Americans, who are rightly proud of the free speech guaranteed them by the First Amendment, often have a hard time understanding the laws in many European countries that criminalize Holocaust denial. I’ll have more to say on this in a future post.

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Anti-Judaism and the Kol Nidre myth

A recurring theme on this blog will be anti-Judaism, a form of anti-Semitism that focuses on the immorality that is allegedly inherent in the Jewish religion. Proponents of anti-Judaism claim that Judaism is a debased and depraved religion; that its holy books – especially the Talmud – are filled with absurdities and blasphemies; that its laws encourage or even require Jews to scorn and hate non-Jews and to engage in activities to damage and undermine non-Jews and their societies. In this respect, Anti-Judaism should be distinguished from other forms of anti-Semitism, which attribute alleged Jewish malevolence to racial characteristics or to deviant socio-cultural norms in Jewish societies.

One of the staple accusations of anti-Judaism is particularly relevant now, in this season of Judaism’s High Holy Days. I am referring to the Kol Nidre myth, which alleges that Jews conduct a ritual by which they cynically and maliciously absolve themselves from keeping their promises.

Aramaic text of the Kol Nidre prayer

Kol Nidre is the name of a prayer uttered in synagogues on Yom Kippur, known in English as the Day of Atonement.  Yom Kippur is a day of fasting and repentance, in which many Jews spend virtually the entire day in synagogues, reciting prayers, reflecting on their shortcomings and sins of the previous year, and making resolutions to become better people and better Jews in the year to come.  The day is physically and emotionally exhausting, but many Jews, myself included, love the melodies of the chanted prayers, the camaraderie of being surrounded in the synagogue by family and friends, and the emotional catharsis we feel when the stars come out at the end of the day and we turn to face the new year, refreshed.

Anti-Semites turn Yom Kippur into a hideous caricature of itself. Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Judaism, David Irving, Kol Nidre, Talmud, Ted Pike, Yom Kippur | Leave a comment

David Duke’s presidential platform

No word yet on what happened at David Duke’s speaking engagement on the subject of a possible run for president in 2012.  But Duke released a video detailing his platform in case he would actually run.  Some of it is pretty funny, actually.  He starts by saying that he’s not sure whether he will actually run for president, and that his decision will be based on the amount of money he can raise.  Then he insults his potential voters:

“As president, I will give you better government than you deserve, because you have let the media lie to you and manipulate you, and you’re let the politicains lie to you and you’ve let the government take away your basic American  rights.”

David Duke, in KKK regalia, at a cross-burning in 1979

Duke admits that he will have some difficulty with a possible run for president on account of the fact that he is a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.  But he cites the late Senator Robert Byrd, who had also been in the Klan but then went on to serve in the US Senate, as proof that this can be overcome.  Of course, Byrd left the Klan and (mostly) stopped spouting racism and bigotry, and, in later years, publicly repudiated the Klan and stated his regret for his youthful involvement in it several times.  As former president Bill Clinton said at a memorial service after Byrd died, “He did something he shouldn’t have done, and he spent the rest of his life making it up.  And that’s what a good person does.”  Contrast that with David Duke, who continues to disseminate the most odious forms of racism and antisemitism to this day.

Further into the video, Duke lays out his platform.  His planks include:

  • “American first….We must bring our boys home from these insane foreign wars….We cannot afford to let Israel or any other nation dictate our foreign policy….”
  • “Stop the immigration invasion….Mass imigration is destroying the America of of our fathers and mothers….[including] legal and illegal [immigration]….”
  • “True equal rights for all, special privilege for none.  Racial or gender discrimination will stop on the first day I am president….”

That last point needs to be unpacked a little.  He’s saying that he would do away with all federal programs that encourage the awarding of contracts to female and minority-owned businesses, and annul all affirmative action programs, no matter how thoughtful or carefully-executed they may be.

After watching the video, I would wager (if I were a betting man) that Duke will not actually try to enter any Republican primaries.  His pitch includes enough calls for cash — and no mention of any sort of exploratory committee — that I’d guess that this is simply an effort to drum up excitement and raise funds for his regular activities.  Duke has a history of treating his supporters as a personal ATM.

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Antisemitic imagery on “progressive” blogs

My friend Adam Levick has a paper on the existence of anti-Zionist cartoons that employ antisemitic imagery on “progressive” blogs such as Daily Kos, Mondoweiss, MyDD, and Indymedia. It’s worthwhile to take note of this phenomenon, but I’m not sure what conclusions we should draw from it. Adam concludes that “the failure to act in the face of such clear expressions of Jew-hatred constitutes a shameful — and potentially calamitous — moral abdication” by mainstream progressives. But what if these progressives don’t understand that such images are expressions of antisemitism in the first place? If so, their failure may be less a moral one, and more one which stems from a lack of knowledge or a series of misperceptions. I’ll have more to say on this later, but for now I recommend a very thoughtful working paper on left-wing antisemitism, entitled “Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism: Cosmopolitan Reflections” by David Hirsh, a sociologist who teaches at the University of London.  I have met Hirsh a few times and most recently heard him speak on this topic at the YIISA conference at Yale. His insights are important.

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