Category Archives: Turkey

Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum Extends Range of Liberties

The question in the American blogosphere seems to be whether the referendum on Turkey’s constitutional changes was good for democracy or good for the sharia (the system of Muslim law, analogous to Roman Catholic canon law, against which the American … Continue reading

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Posted in Turkey | 18 Comments

Erdogan vows that Turkey will not Let Israel Get away with Flotilla Attack

Predictably, the Israeli military investigation of itself with regard to the commando attack on the Mavi Marmara humanitarian aid ship on May 31 is a whitewash that says the deployment of deadly fire by the troops was justified. Eyewitnesses reported … Continue reading

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Posted in Turkey, Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Turkey Threatens Israel with cut-off of Diplomatic Relations

As Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu flew to Washington, DC, on Monday, a further war of words has broken out between Turkey and Israel over comments made by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to the press corps on an airplane returning … Continue reading

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Posted in Israel/ Palestine, Turkey | 7 Comments

Turkey Forbids Israeli Military Overflights

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday in Toronto in the wake of the G20 conference that Turkey will no longer routinely give Israeli military aircraft permission to fly in Turkish airspace. The announcement came as Turkey forbade an … Continue reading

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Posted in Israel/ Palestine, Turkey | 33 Comments

Turkey Shelves Israeli Cooperation,
Considers breaking off Ties;
Israel Lobbies in Congress denounce Ankara

Members of the US Congress attacked Turkey on Wednesday for voting against the UN Security Council resolution imposing further sanctions on Iran, and for its heavy criticism of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana) said, “There will … Continue reading

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Posted in Turkey, Uncategorized | 40 Comments

Erdogan: Israel in danger of losing its “best friend” in the Region
NATO HQ Seething

As funerals were held in Turkey on Thursday for 7 Turks and 1 US citizen, a new wave of anger swept over Turkey at Israel. The popular emotions have potential implications for Turkey and NATO in the Middle East, and … Continue reading

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Posted in Israel/ Palestine, Turkey, Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Guest Op-Ed: PKK Terrorism Undermines US Policy in Middle East

An informed observer writes anonymously: ‘“With our understanding of the worries of the Turkish friends, we are ready to undertake urgent negotiations with senior Turkish officials to discuss all points of disagreement,” he said. (NYT) The Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Authority … Continue reading

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Posted in Iraq, Turkey | Comments Off

Turkish Press reaction to Armenian Resolution

The USG Open Source Center translates and summarizes Turkish press reaction to the US congressional resolution concerning the Armenian genocide. ‘Turkey: Roundup of Press Reactions to House Resolution on Armenian GenocideHighlights of reports and articles in the Turkish secular press … Continue reading

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Who Lost Turkey?

Turkey has been the strongest ally that the United States has had in the Middle East since the end of WW II. The Marshall Plan started with Northern tier states like Turkey and Greece. Turkey joined NATO and was a … Continue reading

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