Category Archives: Environment

Top Stories More Important than Quran-Burning Nut Job

The horrible era of anti-Muslim bigotry in the United States yielded a one-day silly season on Thursday, covered wall-to-wall by the US cable news channels. The weird cultist Terry Jones, fired from his church in Cologne, Germany last year for … Continue reading

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Posted in Afghanistan, Environment, Islam, Islamophobia, Pakistan, US Politics | 30 Comments

Dear Climate Change Deniers

Dear Climate Change Deniers: This summer, Russia, a former icebox, is so hot that it is actually on fire. A third of Pakistan is affected by massive flooding caused by especially hot tropical waters. Parts of the Greenland ice shelf … Continue reading

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Posted in Environment | 14 Comments

Portugal’s Green Energy Revolution and the true Cost of Gas, Coal and Oil

Don’t miss Elisabeth Rosenthal’s important and well-written piece at NYT on Portugal’s energy policy. With remarkable clarity given the potentially technical subject matter, she explains exactly how the Portuguese government went from generating 17% of its electricity from alternative sources … Continue reading

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Posted in Energy, Environment | 19 Comments

Take that, Dennis Miller; Climate Change is Real and Dangerous

I have a bone to pick with comic Dennis Miller. We all know about his famous shift to the political right after the September 11 attacks. Although I can remember an interview in which he said it went back further, … Continue reading

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Posted in Energy, Environment | 25 Comments

Dietrich: Energy and the Future of U.S. Diplomacy

Christopher R. W. Dietrich writes in a guest editorial for Informed Comment: Energy and the Future of U.S. Diplomacy In a paper written in conjunction with Lloyds of London, Dr. Paul Stevens of Chatham House recently predicted that oil could … Continue reading

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Posted in Energy, Environment | 8 Comments

Global Warming and al-Qaeda in the Greater Indian Ocean

Politico says that the fate of the earth, i.e. the climate bill in the senate, is now in the hands of Sen. Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico. This is because he is seen as someone who could get a bipartisan … Continue reading

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Posted in Environment, al-Qaeda | 10 Comments

Germany Will Seek 100% of its Electricity from Renewables by 2050

Germany, which generates 16% of its power from renewable sources such as hydro-electric, wind and solar, now plans to get 100% of its electricity from renewables by 2050. It is an audacious plan, but German economists maintain it will actually … Continue reading

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Posted in Environment, Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Hurricane Alex Halts Efforts to Deal with Gulf Oil Gusher

VOA reports that the oil skimming ships are gone. The booms protecting islands and marshes have been torn from their anchors. Sand bags have been overwhelmed. The headline is that Hurricane Alex is delaying the clean-up. But what is really … Continue reading

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Posted in Environment, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Walthen: I saw 100 Dolphins in the Oil, some Dying

John L. Walthen and companions take a helicopter trip out over the Gulf of Mexico. “This was the most emotionally disturbing video I have ever done! A flight over the BP Slick Source where I saw at least 100 Dolphins … Continue reading

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Posted in Environment | 4 Comments

Jindal idles National Guardsmen He Demanded

CBS reports that after jumping up and down demanding Federal government resources for Louisiana to deal with the BP Gulf oil gusher, Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal has only put to work about 1,000 of the 6,000 national guardsman provided by … Continue reading

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Posted in Environment | 2 Comments