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October 07, 2010, 09:55:29 AM *
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No New Posts General Discussion for the Prison Planet Educational Forum and Library
This is the Prison Planet Educational Forum and Library. This forum is for educational and library purposes only. Please do not use this forum for anything else.
803339 Posts
140237 Topics
Last post by jofortruth
in * West Virginia - Dems m...
on Today at 09:55:22 AM
Child Boards: Breaking News/Very Important Threads/Most important issues/Basic Information on the New World Order, Treasonous Violations of the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution for Bilderberg's Surveillance Based Political Economy, Censorship - Violation of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, STUXNET CYBER FALSE FLAG LAUNCHED DURING THE PLANNED CYBER STORM III MILITARY DRILL, Military Drills preparing the United States for False Flags like 9/11, 7/7, cyber & bio terror, Ptech and the use of transportation (Planes, Trains, and Automobiles) for assassinations and false flags, Pat Tillman, ***IRAN BOMB PLANS GREEN LIGHTED BY BILDERBERG 2010 IN SPAIN!, False Flag Oil Rig Explosion used to push Carbon Credit Ponzi Scheme, G20/G8 2010, The People v. Elena Kagan...100% Proof that the Supreme Court is compromised and must be investigated, Arizona's defiance of the Globalist agenda to bankrupt the United States, Finance Reform Bill is a surveillance plus Bailout plus Protection of Federal Reserve Bill, Absolute Proof that the CIA has staged a coup in the United States and Need to be defunded/prosecuted or as RP puts it: "Taken Out", GE/MSNBC, ABC/Disney, CNN, ADL, and SPLC Demonizing Anti-War Citizens and Conditioning for a False Flag bragged about by Cass Sunstein, ***POLICE STATE 4***, Rand Paul Nomination exposes Bilderberg Puppets Everywhere, Even with Bribes and Intimidation, the NWO deathcare plan is exposed as a Nazi eugenics scheme and bailout for Big Insurance, *Mainstream Media: Effects Based Operations uses Comcast/ATT/TimeWarner/FOX to provocate a Civil War!, Bilderberg 2010 in Spain, SWINE FLU EXPOSED! Evidence that NOVARAX/CDC/WHO/BAXTER/ROCHE created the PANDEMIC for power and profit!, Globalist Pigs and Liars are just a bunch of Jokers!, International News, PhD Investigative Reports (only for the hardcore), Missing Children/Torture/Rape/Satanic Ritual Abuse, Activism
No New Posts Satire/Cartoons/Parodies
When these News Stories = "Real" News Stories, then things are real bad
Moderators: Brocke, Femacamper
12691 Posts
2064 Topics
Last post by mr anderson
in Re: Forum Member Gullibi...
on Today at 02:06:13 AM
No New Posts Off Topic / Faux Controversies / Whining Threads / UFO's
Issues that are mostly outside the realm of this board, or topics that may attempt to hijack discussions on this Forum
Moderator: aLLyOuRbAsE
51499 Posts
3070 Topics
Last post by One Revelator
in Re: Amazing! US govt. cr...
on Today at 09:52:51 AM
Child Boards: This is like soooo gay
No New Posts PP Forum Journalism
Place you complete articles here-This section is for PP Member written articles only
Moderator: Byrne0ut
3397 Posts
905 Topics
Last post by Dan
in Re: Dans Articles
on October 06, 2010, 01:08:59 PM
No New Posts Questions
Moderator: aLLyOuRbAsE
31351 Posts
3062 Topics
Last post by JT
in Re: How do you deal with...
on Today at 08:51:02 AM
No New Posts Live Show Forum 11AM - 2PM Weekdays & 4PM - 6PM Sunday CST
This is a forum to put questions to Alex Jones during the live show. Alex will be reading from this board during the course of the broadcast.
Moderator: JT Coyoté
49171 Posts
4406 Topics
Last post by Route
in Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Liv...
on Today at 09:42:05 AM
Child Boards: Guests, Archived - Past Shows, The Alan Watt "Cutting Through" Chat, "Audio and Video How To's... Info-sharing with Fellow Info-warriors", ***Hot Topics, Rants, and Information Threads, "Attn: Alex"***, ***The Second Amendment, Anti-Tyranny, Firearms Board*** , ***THE 9TH & 10TH AMENDMENT STATE SOVEREIGNTY BOARD***, ***THE INFOWARRIOR RADIO SHOW with Jason Bermas***, ***Piercing the Darkness Anti-Illuminati and Lordssyndicate Internet-TV Show***, ***Corbett Report***, ***A Lizard Free David Icke Forum***, ***THE SCRIBBLER'S INTERVIEW AND SHOW TRANSCRIPTION FORUM***
No New Posts Acknowledge Defenders/Expose Enemies/Activism
History of the Republic, documents, video tutorials, expose all enemies and highlight all defenders that fight for the republic
4451 Posts
689 Topics
Last post by dragnet53
in Re: Einsteins Anti Zioni...
on October 06, 2010, 09:18:34 AM
No New Posts 9/11 Material & Research
This board is for the dissemination and discussion of new material and research regarding the events of 9/11.
Moderators: jimd3100, KiwiClare
12592 Posts
1658 Topics
Last post by simpletruths19
in Re: Pentagon Worker Apri...
on Today at 09:29:56 AM
Child Boards: New 9/11 Thermite Peer Review Study by 9 Scientists, Over 570,000 pages on 9/11, Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting with Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up, Documentaries / Video / Audio / Documentation, WTC 1 & 2, WTC7, Pentagon, Flight 93 / Shanksville, First Responders, War Games / Foreknowledge, Hijackers / Patsies, Insider trading / Moneytrail, The Cover-Up
No New Posts Other False Flags Throughout History
Moderators: jimd3100, KiwiClare
5507 Posts
424 Topics
Last post by Dig
in Winnipeg Free Press repo...
on October 06, 2010, 03:55:29 PM
Child Boards: MI6 Mumbai False Flag, Multiple Shootings Hyped by the MSM , Anthrax Letters, 7/7, JFK, Katrina/FEMA/Tsunami/Weather FF
No New Posts Whistleblowers
Moderators: jimd3100, KiwiClare
777 Posts
123 Topics
Last post by simpletruths19
in Conspiracy Theory with J...
on October 05, 2010, 06:38:14 AM
No New Posts Faux Controversies and Case Studies
Moderators: jimd3100, KiwiClare
4498 Posts
147 Topics
Last post by ScipioAfricanus
in Re: Holy Cow! Louis Farr...
on October 05, 2010, 03:32:24 PM
No New Posts Eugenics/War on Family
Does not get more sick than these crimes against your body and humanity.
Moderator: Brendan
6843 Posts
1292 Topics
Last post by freedom_commonsense
in Re: Socialist Human Righ...
on October 06, 2010, 07:51:06 AM
No New Posts Chemtrails/Geo-Engineering
Moderators: KiwiClare, Brendan
3630 Posts
390 Topics
Last post by ekimdrachir
in Re: Chemtrail Photo Gall...
on Today at 09:43:25 AM
No New Posts Mind Control
Moderator: Biggs
3701 Posts
503 Topics
Last post by freedom_commonsense
in Re: New World Order and ...
on October 05, 2010, 06:42:19 PM
No New Posts Vaccine information
Moderator: Brendan
2393 Posts
483 Topics
Last post by simpletruths19
in Re: What is in the Swine...
on Today at 09:26:19 AM
No New Posts Weather including Earthquakes
Moderator: Brendan
3172 Posts
213 Topics
Last post by TRY
in Re: Earthquake reports ....
on October 05, 2010, 09:11:35 AM
Child Boards: Bilderberg news outlets actively conditioning the public for California Earthquake False Flag
No New Posts Depopulation
1386 Posts
86 Topics
Last post by freedom_commonsense
in Re: How Big Are Your Bal...
on October 02, 2010, 02:39:07 PM
No New Posts EU/Unfair Trade/Globalization
NAU, Global Government and the New World Order
Moderators: Biggs, Sub-X, Brendan
4796 Posts
895 Topics
Last post by Freeski
in Re: 10:10 A day of prote...
on October 05, 2010, 09:53:52 PM
No New Posts NAU
Moderator: Sub-X
811 Posts
117 Topics
Last post by America2
in Re: Vicente Fox - Corpor...
on September 07, 2010, 09:27:23 PM
No New Posts Technology
Video Games, Computer platforms (OS), technical discussions
Moderator: Monkeypox
4174 Posts
577 Topics
Last post by simpletruths19
in Re: The Inslaw Affair an...
on Today at 09:28:16 AM
No New Posts HAARP / CERN
1732 Posts
173 Topics
Last post by citizenx
in Re: CERN 66% Chance of C...
on October 06, 2010, 08:13:06 PM
No New Posts DARPA
79 Posts
17 Topics
Last post by Route
in One Program to Watch The...
on October 05, 2010, 12:11:32 PM
No New Posts Alternative Energy
462 Posts
48 Topics
Last post by normington headspice
in Re: Never Before Release...
on October 04, 2010, 07:09:47 AM
No New Posts Project Blue Beam
1870 Posts
87 Topics
Last post by mr anderson
in Super 8
on Today at 08:30:45 AM
No New Posts Fluoridation
Moderator: Brendan
1794 Posts
194 Topics
Last post by grapecrusher1
in Re: Need Help!!!
on October 06, 2010, 11:07:26 PM
No New Posts Microwave Weapons
232 Posts
36 Topics
Last post by birther truther tenther
in The Electromagnetic Spec...
on September 30, 2010, 02:05:03 AM
No New Posts LOST - Law of the Sea
Moderators: Biggs, Revolt426
287 Posts
34 Topics
Last post by infowarrior_039
on September 16, 2010, 12:30:25 AM
No New Posts Space Based Weapons Technology
Moderator: Brendan
1561 Posts
467 Topics
Last post by TRY
in Re: The Weaponization of...
on September 29, 2010, 09:59:36 PM
Child Boards: CASE STUDY: US Nuclear Missle Defense Space Weapon Test
No New Posts NWO Cultish Foundations/Symbolism/Networks/Hijacked Religions
NWO and their thousands year old plan is unraveling
Moderator: Biggs
14813 Posts
1352 Topics
Last post by Seraphim
in Re: occult symbols overt...
on Today at 03:07:45 AM
Child Boards: Wars, Revolutions and Genocide, Discussions concerning religious texts, Genuine philosophy discussions
No New Posts Alt Health/Natural Food/Survival
5678 Posts
567 Topics
Last post by rot_soldier
in Re: Tips To Survive: Wh...
on Today at 08:39:20 AM
No New Posts FAKE WARS:Terror/Drugs/Education/Pandemic/Peak Oil Lies
Moderator: Biggs
4415 Posts
640 Topics
Last post by oddargyle
in Re: California voters ha...
on Today at 06:14:13 AM
Child Boards: The war on Drugs is complete BS
No New Posts Video
Please feel free to post links to all your video clips here - be they interviews, documentaries, or news content.
12623 Posts
3640 Topics
Last post by charrington
in Why I Hate the World 18:...
on Today at 12:44:36 AM
No New Posts Audio
Please feel free to post links to all your audio clips here - be they interviews, music MP3's or news content.
4129 Posts
730 Topics
Last post by Pilikia
in Re: Red Ice Radio - Jeff...
on October 05, 2010, 07:16:19 PM
No New Posts Books / Literature / Declassified Documents
Links to important Books, resources. Please post reviews only after a book link is given. Please reference all sources.
1905 Posts
468 Topics
Last post by rustygunn
in Re: Classic Books Banned...
on Today at 01:30:47 AM
No New Posts The Official Stanley Kubrick Movie Forum
Deep analysis of Stanley Kubrick's exposure of all NWO tools...Deception, War, Corruption, Seduction, Shock and Awe, Occultism, Mind Control, etc.
Moderator: 37
1142 Posts
38 Topics
Last post by Kilgore Trout
in Re: The Sun Cult and It'...
on October 04, 2010, 11:57:54 AM
No New Posts South Park
719 Posts
41 Topics
Last post by Dig
in Re: Cleavland show - "9/...
on October 06, 2010, 06:46:16 PM
No New Posts Digital Millennium Copyright Act
It is our policy to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (found at the U.S. Copyright Office) and other applicable intellectual property laws.
1 Posts
1 Topics
Last post by admin
in DMCA Notice
on September 17, 2010, 03:15:47 PM

* PrisonPlanet Forum - Info Center
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Re: Amazing! US govt. created alien myth to hide what really happened at Roswell! by One Revelator (Off Topic / Faux Controversies / Whining Threads / UFO's ) Today at 09:52:51 AM
Re: Chemtrail Photo Gallery by ekimdrachir (Chemtrails/Geo-Engineering) Today at 09:43:25 AM
Re: Janet Tavakoli - Special by Letsbereal (Financial Crisis Forum) Today at 09:43:22 AM
Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed/MP3's, Guests & Topics (2010) by Route (Live Show Forum 11AM - 2PM Weekdays & 4PM - 6PM Sunday CST) Today at 09:42:05 AM
"McDonald's, 29 other firms get health care coverage waivers" by Valerius (General Discussion for the Prison Planet Educational Forum and Library) Today at 09:38:51 AM
Re: Pentagon Worker April Gallup said there was no plane debris at Pentagon by simpletruths19 (9/11 Material & Research) Today at 09:29:56 AM
Re: The Inslaw Affair and the PROMIS of a new America by simpletruths19 (Technology) Today at 09:28:16 AM
Re: MAINCORE: A Government Database with over 8 million Names by simpletruths19 (Technology) Today at 09:27:34 AM
Re: Amazing! US govt. created alien myth to hide what really happened at Roswell! by BruiseViolet (Off Topic / Faux Controversies / Whining Threads / UFO's ) Today at 09:26:25 AM
Re: What is in the Swine Flu Shot? by simpletruths19 (Vaccine information) Today at 09:26:19 AM
Re: Bill pushed through congress attempts to give banks power to steal homes [WTF?] by jeremystalked1 (General Discussion for the Prison Planet Educational Forum and Library) Today at 09:24:53 AM
Philip Schneider UFO Alien Disclosure Martyr by simpletruths19 (Off Topic / Faux Controversies / Whining Threads / UFO's ) Today at 09:24:53 AM
Re: Bill pushed through congress attempts to give banks power to steal homes [WTF?] by adissenter2 (General Discussion for the Prison Planet Educational Forum and Library) Today at 09:22:34 AM
Re: Amazing! US govt. created alien myth to hide what really happened at Roswell! by carlee (Off Topic / Faux Controversies / Whining Threads / UFO's ) Today at 09:15:19 AM
Re: death threats & office raided of MT Sheriff Dept critic & much more by adissenter2 (Guests) Today at 09:10:58 AM
Re: Soetoro podium vomits the Great Seal..... by agentbluescreen (General Discussion for the Prison Planet Educational Forum and Library) Today at 09:10:08 AM
Re: Amazing! US govt. created alien myth to hide what really happened at Roswell! by Ellsworth52 (Off Topic / Faux Controversies / Whining Threads / UFO's ) Today at 09:02:34 AM
Re: Amazing! US govt. created alien myth to hide what really happened at Roswell! by Ellsworth52 (Off Topic / Faux Controversies / Whining Threads / UFO's ) Today at 08:58:48 AM
Re: Bill pushed through congress attempts to give banks power to steal homes [WTF?] by agentbluescreen (General Discussion for the Prison Planet Educational Forum and Library) Today at 08:57:45 AM
Re: Amazing! US govt. created alien myth to hide what really happened at Roswell! by Dok (Off Topic / Faux Controversies / Whining Threads / UFO's ) Today at 08:56:23 AM
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