
Oct 18, 2010

More District by District Polls Show Democrats Well-Positioned for November

The DCCC released another crop of IE polls and highlighted campaign and outside group polls showing even more Democrats in a strong position for November.  Here are some highlights of the recent polling: DCCC Independent Expenditure Polls Bright Leads Roby by 12 in New AL-02 PollA new Greenberg Quinlan Rosner poll shows Representative Bobby Bright has expanded his lead over Republican challenger Martha Roby to …

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Oct 15, 2010

BREAKING: Allen West (FL-22) Tied to Criminal Organization

Tonight, NBC News’ Lisa Myers reports that Allen West (FL-22) has ties to an infamous motorcycle gang, the Outlaws.  On Monday, Republican Leader John Boehner campaigned with Tea Party darling Allen West (FL-22).   The Justice Department has said that the Outlaws produce and distribute methamphetamine, and engage in other criminal activities including arson, homicide, and prostitution. [Justice Department, National Gang Threat Assessment …

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Oct 14, 2010

Breaking: Democrats Surge in Final Countdown

Executive Director Jon Vogel just sent this breaking news message to supporters: Friend --The September numbers are out and thanks to you, we outraised our GOP counterparts!A few weeks ago, the pundits were quick to try to close the book on November's elections. Republicans bragged of momentum and outside shadowy groups were pouring millions into attack ads. But, you helped Democrats fight back with over $17 million in …

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Oct 14, 2010

CBS News: John Boehner: A Pelosi Ally?

CBS News: John Boehner: A Pelosi Ally? Republicans have cast House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as Enemy No. 1 this election season, and they point out in a number of campaign ads how closely Democrats running for re-election have aligned with the speaker's voting record. Those ads fail to mention, however, just how commonplace such figures are -- even House GOP leader John Boehner votes with Pelosi the majority of the time, it turns out. Boehner sided with Pelosi and …

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Oct 14, 2010


Rep. Carolyn Maloney just sent this message to DCCC supporters: Friend -- It's dirty trick #1 in the Rove playbook: When you've got dirty laundry, don't apologize for it. Instead, just throw it at your opponent. That's exactly what the Republican attack squad is trying to pull off.They're claiming that my fellow House Democrats who consistently stand up for good paying American jobs are actually the ones to blame for …

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Oct 13, 2010

What is it with NRCC candidates playing dress up?

Add this to the list of the NRCC's "special candidates"... The NRCC has been buzzing about their latest "it" GOP candidate – Blake Farenthold, challenging Congressman Ortiz (TX-27).  In case the negative campaign bank account (according to the FEC, Farenthold is in the red by - $4,976) didn’t convince you the NRCC spin machine was in overdrive, perhaps today’s cover of a local weekly magazine in Corpus Christi, TX will. …

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Oct 12, 2010

NRCC Admits They Do Not Vet Their Candidates they Choose to Support

At this morning’s National Journal Midterm Cram Session, NRCC Executive Director Guy Harrison admitted that the NRCC does not vet the candidates they choose to support.  Harrison said, "I hate the words national Republican establishment. We’re not the Democrats. We’re not the Democrats. We don’t vet our candidates and pick out our candidates like the Democrats do." House Republicans have recruited, endorsed and donated hefty sums of money …

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Oct 11, 2010

If you knew…

Speaker Pelosi sent this message to DCCC supporters: Friend -- If you knew that what you did today could make a difference in stopping the destruction of three decades of progress on November 2nd -- would you act? Women have the most to gain from this election. We also have the most to lose.Unless we stop the Republicans, this year may be the first year in 30 years that the number of …

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Oct 11, 2010

More District by District Polls Show Democrats Well-Positioned for November

The DCCC released another crop of IE polls and highlighted campaign and outside group polls showing even more Democrats in a strong position for November.  Here are some highlights of the recent polling: DCCC Independent Expenditure Polls McIntyre Leads Pantano by 11 in New NC-07 PollA new Grove Insight poll shows Representative Mike McIntyre leading Republican challenger Ilario Pantano by 11 percent.  McIntyre leads Pantano …

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Oct 10, 2010

Another NRCC Young Gun Under Fire… This Time the NRCC Promotes a Nazi Enthusiast

On Friday night it was revealed that John Boehner and House Republican Leadership recruit Richard Iott, a member of the NRCC Young Guns program, is a Nazi enthusiast. This revelation comes on the heels of NRCC recruit Tom Ganley (OH-13) being investigated for attempted rape and sexual assault of  a potential campaign volunteer and other top Republican recruits’ have had a role in the strip …

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Oct 08, 2010


Friend -- In jujitsu, whenever you get hit, you turn it right back against your opponent. The same is true in politics. The Republicans are using the final days of this campaign to attack Democrats with the financial resources of Big Banks, Big Oil, and Big Insurance companies, all channeled through secretive outside groups.We must turn this force right back against them by tattooing …

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Oct 07, 2010

Republican ‘Young Guns’ Show Alarming Pattern of Contempt Towards Women

House Republican Leadership have recruited, endorsed, and promoted the campaigns of Young Guns candidates with a history of contempt, violence towards women, and wildly extreme policies towards women. A recent report about NRCC Young Gun Tom Ganley (OH-13) being sued by a potential campaign volunteer for attempted rape and sexual assault comes on the heels of recent reports about other highly NRCC touted Young Guns and candidates …

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Oct 07, 2010

Urgent Update: GOP’s Deceptive Ads and Expanding their Ad Buy

Executive Director Jon Vogel just sent this message to DCCC supporters: Breaking: Republicans expand ad buys into seven additional districts bringing the total to over 60 races.Friend --With just 24 hours to go before our ad buy deadline, news reports broke yesterday that the Republicans' campaign attack squad has expanded their advertising blitz.The claims in Republican ads have already been debunked by the Pulitzer Prize winning PolitiFact. Yet, they …

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Oct 06, 2010

Worse than Palin?

James Carville just sent this message to DCCC supporters: Friend -- It's getting ugly out there. None other than Sarah Palin announced she's going to sic her tea party cronies on us in 20 make-or-break races. She's even hopping aboard Republicans' "Fire Pelosi" bus to spit her special brand of venom. Give me a break.We can't let these bozos beat us because we sat on our hands when we had the …

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Oct 05, 2010


Speaker Pelosi just sent this message to DCCC supporters: Friend --The Republicans think they have won this election. They think you have given up and that you will not show up.But the truth is -- they have underestimated us before, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is their biggest miscalculation of all.We will retain our Democratic Majority in the House because I have you in this fight. …

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