Bumbu Alex personal website



I am bumbu, or bumbu alex, and this is my site. Finally I did it (after more than 3 years of thinking and 1.5 of trying to realize it). If to count all my tryings to do it, this one will be with number 6 : ), and I hope that it will be not last one, but first which is done fully. So welcome.

What I intend to put in here:

  • Blog
  • About me/Contacts
  • Portofolio(Projects)
  • Downloads(hate such categorization, so have to think about it)
  • Gallery
  • Time ruler(CV)
  • I like(Movies, Books, Songs and other thing that I like or which impressed me)

Some info? Useful links for me

Because it is my site, and I have such felling that ony I'll use it, I post here some useful links for me

Of course you also can use them, but them are allmost unuseful for you, but still if you have any questions - just ask me (so what if here are not published my contact data?). Link example