
Notable: Auction Houses Versus Autumn Art Fairs

In Article, Black and White Photography, Photo Print Collector on October 10, 2010 at 5:59 am


Andrew McAttee, Spin, 2010

You should read this article on auction houses encroaching once again on dealer’s turf (in London) …

Can anything stop the relentless drive to dominance by the auction houses in the world of fine art and antiques? In recent years the main response by their rivals, the dealers, has been to pool their strengths at fairs, offering a collective array of artefacts to tempt customers.
Now the auction houses have muscled in here. On October 15-18, to coincide with Frieze – London’s most successful dealer fair – Christie’s is throwing open its South Kensington rooms to host Multiplied, a new fair mainly devoted to prints but also including contemporary art editions of photographs, videos and sculptures.

Christie’s head of prints, Richard Lloyd, got the idea from the Editions and Artists Book Fair in New York last winter.
"I was struck by the energy of the participants. There were young dealers, publishers, collectors and artists creating a buzz, and on many of the works the ink was scarcely dry."

For more on this article: Collecting in the FT

Preview: How Alfred Stieglitz Framed Our Contemporary New York

In Black and White Photography, Books, Photographer on October 9, 2010 at 6:26 am


© Alfred Stieglitz New York, by Bonnie Yochelson, Skira Rizzoli, 2010

We admire the early last century work of Alfred Stieglitz. His New York photos are among his most famous and they are revisited in a new book by Bonnie Yochelson.

Today’s New Yorkers will recognize in Steiglitz’s images of snow-covered streets (“An Icy Night,” 1898, and “Reflections Night -  New York”, 1897) the magic of being seemingly alone in a city of millions. In part, Steiglitz was trying to convey his own personal isolation. But there was also some larger myth-making at work.

In 1896, Steiglitz was the editor of Camera Notes, which published an October 1900 essay by an art critic that entreated photographers to “teach New Yorkers to love their own city… and be proud of its beauties as the Parisians are of their city.”

In the 1930s, Steigliz focused his attention on Manhattan’s changing skyline and the interplay of geometries that emerge each day from shadows on skyscrapers. But even these images suggest a glinting coldness and isolation. Stieglitz’s wife, Georgia O’Keefe, famously said that her husband “was always photographing himself.”

To read more on the book : WSJ Review

Favorites: Atlanta Celebrates Photography, Now Through November 14

In Art Fair, Black and White Photography on October 8, 2010 at 11:40 am


Portfolio review October 17, 2010

Last year we were introduced to the month long photo festival in Atlanta. With venues throughout town at museums, galleries and public spaces it is a great photography centric experience.

Atlanta Celebrates Photography (ACP) is a non-profit arts organization dedicated to the cultivation of the photographic arts and the enrichment of the Atlanta art community.

ACP hosts an annual, citywide photography festival in October: the Atlanta Celebrates Photography Festival. The festival includes a wide variety of exhibitions and multiple events around Atlanta and throughout the surrounding communities. The festival’s diverse offerings bring together professional and amateur photographers, general art enthusiasts, gallery owners, critics, and collectors.

Throughout the year, ACP sponsors additional community programming and opportunities specifically for the professional development of photographers.

We will be there again this year starting next week.

For more information: Atlanta Photo Festival