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Acquisitions Monthly

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  • | Pockets of activity 1 October, 2010

    Acquisition activity across the broad support services sector remains subdued. This is not surprising given continuing concerns about the economy and the impact of proposed Government spending cuts. However, certain subsectors are still attracting demand from acquirers even in the current financial climate. Advisers pinpoint energy management services and car parts distributors as particular hotspots.

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    Top Stories

    Up Front M&A; feels the cold wind of regulation

    Slowly and stealthily a regulatory net is closing in on M&A; in Europe. Many of the measures looming over the horizon have little direct connection with M&A; but collectively they could significantly alter the climate in which deals are done, the tactics employed and ultimately the costs and complexity of deals.

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    • Still a powerful appeal for private equity 1 October, 2010

      The energy sector continues to attract financial investors, although their current and future involvement – for the medium term at least – will inevitably be more discriminating than in the boom years that led up to the global financial crisis in 2008.


    • Mid-market improves 1 October, 2010

      The value of mid-market M&A; deals increased by some 29.6% until September compared with the same period last year.

    Legal & Regulatory

    • Bank M&A; set to pick up 1 October, 2010

      Bank M&A set to pick up

      There is more clarity now on Basel III capital requirements and once the economic cycle turns, banking sector M&A; is expected to resume with even extra drive.

      Sector Reports

      • Postal sector set for Europe-wide shake-up Free1 October, 2010

        Up to 15% of the €95bn (US$128bn) per year 1.6m-employee European postal sector could soon be targeted for acquisition, with the market being deregulated on December 31 on the basis of a 2008 European Directive.

      Regional Reports

      • Increasing opportunities in Asia 1 October, 2010

        Increasing opportunities in Asia

        While most of Asia’s emerging economies lack a developed LBO market, the stellar economic growth rates mean there are increasing opportunities in expansion capital and in minority investments in fast-growing companies. China and India are the key markets, but South-East Asia is also attracting interest.


        • Alliance Medical: senior lenders vs DIC and mezz 1 October, 2010

          Alliance Medical: senior lenders vs DIC and mezz

          Alliance Medical, a UK company that provides scanning services to hospitals, has found itself at the centre of a restructuring battle between the combined forces of its owner Dubai International Capital (DIC) and six mezzanine investors, fighting against the senior lenders.

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        • KPMG Guide to M&A Tax

        Thu, 14 October, 2010

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