Posts Tagged as ‘hate’

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Politics drops its drawers

The best party is but a kind of conspiracy against the rest of the nation – Lord Halifax, 1750 It is difficult to judge how far the effect of this latest scandal extends outside Westminster.  I suspect that many people had their suspicions confirmed, before shrugging their shoulders and getting on with their days, while supporters of [...]

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Suffer, little children

If you should find yourself musing on the immigration question this election-tide and wondering if we are, in fact, in danger of being swamped, seen as a soft touch or provider of free swan burgers to all the world’s poor and huddled masses, reassure yourself with this story: M was arrested, and locked up in [...]

Monday 15 March 2010

We have a winner!

Mr Eb Ward wins for his comment comparing Mary Wollstonecraft, original feminist, to Kenneth Wolstenholme: I reckon she would too, the slapper. We only remember her because she commented on the 1966 World Cup Final anyway. Get in touch to claim your prize, sir!

Sunday 7 March 2010

One glorious year of ten minutes hate!

ten minutes hate celebrates its first birthday today. Twelve months of venting spleen on the internet and having it vented right back at me has been funny, inspirational and thought-provoking. I have had help from some exceptional people, especially the lovely ladies who designed my Penguin-tastic header, but, today of all days, I will avoid [...]

Thursday 4 March 2010


Questions that MUST be answered regarding the return to jail of Jon Venables, co-murderer of 2-year-old James Bulger: 1. Does the public’s the tabloid editor’s right to know supercede the importance of not prejudice a pending hearing? 2. Does this right to know also include an element of a right to turn up outside the [...]

Monday 11 January 2010


A couple of innovations to make your experience of ten minutes hate a more enjoyable one: First, I am now on twitter, so there are even more opportunities to see inside the workings of my brain.  Updates on politics, books, music and occasionally football can all be yours by clicking on the icon on the left [...]

Thursday 15 October 2009

No alternative

Quote from a ‘senior source’ talking about the latest expenses scandal: We were led up the garden path by Gordon. I have never known a prime minister to be heckled at a meeting of the parliamentary party as he was on Monday. Not even Tony during the Iraq war got such a rough ride. (my [...]

Friday 25 September 2009

Something for the weekend

Maybe it is because it is the season of fashion weeks (Fashion Month?) and maybe because I just submitted some scribblings to a fashion mag’s writing competition (in the hope of winning shoes!) but I have of late, found myself musing about the mad, bad and dangerous to know world of fashion. Of course, ten [...]

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Share the hate

ten minutes hate has made some great leaps forward, with the addition of  RSS feeds. Now you can get a dose of hate delivered to you via Bloglines, Live Bookmarks or Technorati and there is even a cool gizmo on the right and at the bottom of the post to assist with sharing the hate [...]

Thursday 2 July 2009

Rampant anti-hipsterism

I have been having a lot of fun in recent weeks taking the mickey out of the hipper inhabitants of my neighbourhood.  Ripping them for their lack of irony, helping a friend to surreptitiously take pictures of overly sincere straw boater-wearing, which may end up on here soon.  And I am not the only one.  [...]