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Blogs about: Environment

More than 45 years ago, pioneering environmentalist Rachel Carson published “Silent Spring,” helping spawn the modern environmental movement. People responded on a massive scale, realizing that our innovations and actions have a profound effect on the world around us — and because it’s the only world we have, keeping it clean and happy is probably a good idea. Not longer after, Earth Day was born.

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The outdoor environment to evaluate when you select a wireless field backup camera system
Wirelesshomes's Blog

HomeSurveillance system price offers surveillance cameras, System & EquipmentCamerasMonitoring camerasNight vision security cameraWireless security camerasInfrared camera systemsVideo surveillance systemsWireless home security systemsCCTV camera systemsX 10 video security system more productsVideo surveillance equipmentDigital video recorder ServerVideo multiplexerDVR softwareRecommended security resources. See more about Wireless Security at Wireless Home Security Camera and Wireless Security Sitemap View the Original article

Hugo Blanco: Indigenous struggles in Latin America
Phillyworkersvoice's Blog

Hugo Blanco was a leader of the peasant uprising in the Cuzco region of Peru in the early 1960s, a symbol of the unity and renewal of the Peruvian revolutionary left in 1978-1980, imprisoned, threatened with death, exiled and freed thanks to international solidarity.  (description from International Viewpoint) Links for two videos below:  Indigenous Struggles in Latin America and End Capitalism Before It Ends Us Indigenous struggles in Latin America (source: Socialist Resistance) Peruvian ecosocialist Hugo Blanco discusses the struggles of indigenous peoples in Latin America. He was talking at a seminar organised by Socialist Resistance and Green Left in London on September 18, 2010. For video Follow Link… Hugo Blanco tells Greens: End capitalism before it ends us Hugo Blanco, a longstanding leader of Peruvian peasant struggles and fighter for indigenous rights is currently touring Britain as a guest of Socialist Resistance and Green Left. On 11th September he spoke at the succes

Typhoon Richard, devastated Honduras

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras – Typhoon Richard brought strong winds and rain which have devastated Honduras today. It is expected that it will even get stronger until the said storm will totally become a hurricane while hitting Belize and southeastern Mexico. The government of Honduras have also warned regarding the floods and mudslides caused by the bad weather. The four provinces in Honduras were also placed under the state of maximum alert. The Permanent Emergency Commission in Honduras have also prepared an evacuation operation if needed. Meanwhile, the hurricane warning were also raised in the coast of Honduras and Belize while the storm warning is in the southern Caribbean coast of Mexico. Tomorrow afternoon, tropical storm Richard is already expected to become a hurricane.

The teams that meet in caffs...
BrownhillsBob's Brownhills Blog
The Future of Water
A Philosopher's Blog
The sounds of automation

Whenever the power would go off in our home, our Briard (French Shepherd), Asta, would go absolutely snaky. She would twirl like a dervish and whine pitifully. She knew something was up and it probably wasn’t anything good. Thunderstorms and the sudden shrill shriek of the smoke detector would cause her similar anxiety. And while we can relate to the latter two events, her reaction to the power failure is a little more puzzling. There is a constant hum to our everyday lives, although we rarely notice it. It is the white noise of our automated world, the constant low sizzle of electricity running through our technological veins. Dogs, with their far greater hearing acuity, must be very aware of this noise, although they probably get used to it too, and it constitutes the normal state of their lives, as it does ours. But when the power goes off and there is no sound, clearly dogs are much more acutely aware that something is definitely out-of-place. I rarely sleep the night, usuall

Cuts Cuts and more Cuts: Uncertain Times
Chris Bellinger1

I am not posting a image for this post as it is rather a thoughtful one . I hope you will bear with me, my art bubble will resume  one I have said a few things here. The current spending review which was annouced by the Coalition Government here in the Uk,still has consequences none of which we can know, I worry very much for the future of our country in these uncertain times and am concerned about the Social Equilibrium of our society especially after seeing this There is so much uncertainty and many wrong decisions will be made full of consequence . A nuclear Submarine ran agroud off the Isle of Sky but was pulled off the shingle by a tug,this tug was one of three that are to be scrapped. The Forestry Commission is going about a massive upheaval bits to be sold off with unknown consequence to our Landscape  especially the forests and the trees. A 10% reductiion in Flood defences, at a time when the seas are rising seems madness, Do not get me wrong I know the deficit has to be tackle

Clothes wallpaper
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Condensation that does not dry out allows mould and mildew to grow on surfaces and clothes Wallpaper and paint will also peel off as the moisture gets underneath Condensation and a damp atmosphere causes blackmouldtoappearinallareas that are damp and cold mildewonclotheswallpaperand soft furnishings Case Making Clothes Moths Tineapellionella Webbing Clothes Moth Tineolabisselliella with sizings textiles mounted with starch pastes books binding paper clothes wallpaper How does it reflect the theme of the book Bishops illustrations also show some New Zealand decor from the 1940s to the 1960s furniture clothes wallpaper and appliances Clothes moths The tiny white caterpillars larvae of the clothes moth eat holes through They eat cereals moist wheat flour paper on which there is glue or paste wallpaper and Source: Clothes wallpaper

<b>'Biodiversity': The New Big Lie</b>
PA Pundits - International

By James Delingpole Climate Change is dead. Long live the new Eco Lie. And so it begins. With all the shamelessness of a Goldman Sachser trading in his middle-aged wife for a hot, pouting twenty-something called Ivanka, the green movement is ditching “Climate Change”. The newer, younger, sexier model’s name? Biodiversity. (Mega hat tips to: Hilary Ostrov and Ozboy at Libertygibbet) When I say shameless, I’m talking so amoral it makes the Whore of Babylon look like Mother Theresa; so flagrant it makes Al Gore’s, ahem, alleged drunken “Love poodle” assault on the Portland Masseuse look like an especially delicate passage from Andreas Capellanus’s The Art of Courtly Love. Consider this summary of the UN’s two-week Convention On Biodiversity, launched on Monday: Delegates from nearly 200 countries are being asked to agree to new 2020 targets after governments largely failed to meet a 2010 target of achieving a significant reduction in biological diversity losses, a goal set at the last bio

Welcome to the Tasmanian Environment Blog
Tasmanian Environment Blog

While this blog has been in the planning for the past couple of months, its official beginning has come at a very significant time for Tasmania’s environment. Most Tasmanians would not have missed news of the historic deal between green groups and the forestry industry coming after months of roundtable discussions between the usually warring groups. ABC’s analysis and opinion site, The Drum, has had a couple of great features on the issue, including its background. One is by the Tasmanian News Editor, Andrew Fisher, and the other by Anna Krien, the author of Into the Woods: the battle for Tasmania’s forest. They can be found here and here.

Week 8 – Information Management: Afraid of Your Inbox? 5 Tips For Email Efficiency (Originally Published on GetConnected.com)
Donna Magazine

Clare Kumar Writes About Organizing Your Email Inbox - Photo Courtesy of GetConnected.com By Clare Kumar One of the most common frustrations in today’s work environment is the volume of email. I commonly hear reports of between 100-200 emails a day and inboxes with thousands of unread emails. Coupling email with portable devices creates the expectation of an immediate response – a pressured system. Here are 5 tips to help you take control of your inbox and boost your email efficiency. 1. Unsubscribe Be judicious about signing up for email newsletters. Just as with traditional magazines, if you’re not reading the articles, do you really need the subscription? 2. Use rules To keep your inbox uncluttered, consider applying rules to direct emails to specific folders. This works well for non-urgent material you wish to read or process later. Paying attention to how you craft an email may take a bit more time upfront but will save you and your readers plenty. Do these three

Carbon Tax v. Cap and Trade
Ian Coe v. World

It seems that the majority of the world has used a cap-and-trade systems whenever a country wants to enact some sort of energy cap.  For my readers that are unaware of what cap-and-trade is; it’s when the government sets a limit as to what corporations can emit as far as pollution goes.  The idea is that if you want to emit more than your allowable rate, you have to trade with other corporations for credits.  It’s an open market approach that seems like a winning idea.  However, here’s what I think. It seems like cap and trade in actual application has gone somewhat poorly.  England had a problem where credits were given away, so they had no value to them.  Every time cap-and-trade is employed in a country, it’s like the country realizes that these credits are just little pieces of paper.  It’s almost as if Americans woke up one day and decided to abandon the U.S. Dollar because we realized it was just a piece of paper. Also, there have been other problems

It is foolish to Think you can not get money in any market environment literally
Marketing Environment

Is there any way you can continue can certainly take a loss on the market? No, but you can ensure the pare down the odds and make it much more in your favor. Similarly, it is foolish to think you can earn money in literally any market environment. If you are looking for leadership, go good chart patterns and time your entries as well, even in a raging Bear market, you can still for a long time with success. It is, of course, “fighting the tape” right? Absolute. It would be more profitable to be short in a down market timeframe, and easier to do also. We have many readers who simply do not go short or buy the “put” settings. So we try to show that if you are careful and do your homework, you can go for a long time in a bear market.But fighting the tape is the wrong way to go., then, of the first installment of our mini series, let us look at the tape, and where it comes from. First, we must be aware of the overall “market trend” and we will take a mom

More on what's behind things
Roger Haydon Mitchell's Blog

I can still remember my worst ever nightmare. It was back in the sixties when I was still in my early teens. In the dream I was standing outside Woolworths in my then home town of Hemel Hempstead and I was eating myself. My right arm to be exact. For years I tried to work out why it was such a nightmare. It was extremely vivid and obviously a bit disgusting, but it shook me to the core and for months I kept going over it in my mind like one would a terrible event in the real world. But then this week I have been continuing my work on the place of law in the contemporary world and looking again at Giorgio Agamben’s development of the state of the exception [see my blog for October 1st]. This suggests that contemporary western constitutions, whether written [the US] or unwritten [the UK], and the laws developed from them, now only serve as superficial veneers covering the real motivation or driver of the contemporary world which, simply put, is essentially power and money. There is