Entries from September 2009

Tuesday 29 September 2009


Cartoon from the ever-excellent xkcd Ok, so I know I should know better than to bite.  I know I should just move on.  I am trying to, honest.  There I was, innocently reading an eminently sensible and thought-provoking post by David Osler about how to today’s youth it is Labour who are the evil ones [...]

Sunday 27 September 2009

An accidental tourist

I’m leaving because the weather is too good.  I hate London when it’s not raining -Groucho Marx This morning, after a most enjoyable Full English (exquisite black pudding, sorry veggies), I left the Aged Relatives at the station and wondered what to do with the rest of a beautifully sunny Sunday on which I had [...]

Saturday 26 September 2009

It’s Nice That

Got home on Friday to discover It’s Nice That had arrived… I very excitedly tore open the package to reveal my copy, screen print by Rob Ryan and a lovely postcard which to my eyes appears to be a handwritten ‘thanks!’ from editors, Will Hudson and Alex Bec.  I almost hope it was printed though, [...]

Friday 25 September 2009

Something for the weekend

Maybe it is because it is the season of fashion weeks (Fashion Month?) and maybe because I just submitted some scribblings to a fashion mag’s writing competition (in the hope of winning shoes!) but I have of late, found myself musing about the mad, bad and dangerous to know world of fashion. Of course, ten [...]

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Pick a pocket or two

When the recession started last year, most British households cut their cloth accordingly. Reduced unnecessary outgoings, started to pay more off the credit cards and, despite rates that are the lowest since the Bank of England opened its doors, they even began bunging cash into the savings accounts. But not the Government. The Government couldn’t [...]

Tuesday 8 September 2009

The Golden Country

Last night I got home from work and watched the evening sun play across the wall for about an hour. In 1984, the Golden Country is a place of escape, untouched by Big Brother and the Party and remote from the cares of everyday life in Oceania. More posts to follow… (Photos by me, for [...]