Entries from October 2010

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Sugar and spice

Once again, Grace Dent has written the kind of column that should have all intelligent people running around the room cheering and air-punching. I had only made it as far as this paragraph: Sotomayor spent 2010 transforming judicial thought on the “right to remain silent”, while Gaga was probably dancing about a stadium – nips [...]

Friday 8 October 2010

Hicks and Gillett, do one!

Almost three months to the day since we gathered at St George’s Hall to declare our independence from the owners of Liverpool Football Club, it looks as if the gig is finally up for these two particularly septic tanks.  As the Liverpool Echo reports that Gillett’s role at the club is now unclear following a [...]

Sunday 3 October 2010

No half measures

ten minutes hate is not often given to dishing out advice for living, preferring to let people get on with messing things up in their own unique way without unasked-for interference. Predictably, perhaps, a birthday sees a departure from that path, in order to offer up the following admonition: Accept no half measures. Let your [...]

Friday 1 October 2010


You can reach a point where you almost stop noticing or caring that you are bathed in sweat and have been ever since you reluctantly got dressed into ‘smart business wear’ at 11 o’clock that morning. From the last possible moment before you leave the house, when the air conditioning absolutely must, no question, be [...]