Entries from August 2009

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Fighting fire with fire

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that police acted in self-defence in Genoa but the family of killed protestor Carlo Giuliani have been awarded damages because of the Italian state’s failure to hold a proper inquiry into the planning and management of the police operation at the summit, the BBC reports today. It [...]

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Age is no concern

Not to worry about the little wrinkles around the eyes.  I think that’s glamorous. This is a lovely short film including pictures from Guardian photographer Christian Sinibaldi alongside interviews with people he met at Age Concern in Camden.  Their take on what makes a person glamorous and beautiful should give hope to any late twenty-something [...]

Thursday 13 August 2009

Teenage kicks

There has been a further outcry about teenage strumpets this week. Someone close to Miley Cyrus decided it would be a good idea for her to make her debut as a pole-dancer at the Teen Choice Awards, of all places, Taylor Momsett was photographed on the Gossip Girl set looking like a streetwalking storyline was [...]

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Share the hate

ten minutes hate has made some great leaps forward, with the addition of  RSS feeds. Now you can get a dose of hate delivered to you via Bloglines, Live Bookmarks or Technorati and there is even a cool gizmo on the right and at the bottom of the post to assist with sharing the hate [...]

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Politics will make you mad

A couple of different commentators in the same paper today (read it while you can – it is still free!) musing on the possibility of politics not being for the sane.  Over here, there is Rachel Sylvester pondering if politicians are born mad or driven that way by the need to pander to the demands [...]

Friday 7 August 2009

It’ll all come out in the wash

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be -Kurt Vonnegut Having trounced the troughing politicians so well, and given the ‘dead tree press’ a run for their (lack of) money, the next battle has been declared against the spinmeisters.  This is one endeavour that everyone, regardless [...]