Posts Tagged as ‘Labour’

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Toerags unite!

If you haven’t read The Road to Wigan Pier yet, now might be a good time to add it to your reading list.  It isn’t just a searing indictment of everything that had gone wrong in the economic policies of the 1930s and their effects on the day-to-day lives of millions in that blighted Northern [...]

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Building a dream

Diane Abbott called it right.  According to Paul Waugh on Twitter: As well they might.  But do not be mistaken, although Liberal Democrats with narrow majorities over Labour MPs will be rueing the day they lined up for such a shafting, it is all of us who will be getting fucked. Royally, in fact.  While [...]

Tuesday 15 June 2010

A warning to children

Children, do not bully the weird kids at school, for they may grow up to be a Treasury secretary and exact a most terrible vengeance on us all. — Picture borrowed from here

Monday 14 June 2010

Why Labour lost

Following a defeat or set back it is natural to contemplate what went wrong, human nature having developed this tactic to avoid repeating mistakes forever.  One of my favourite and oft-quoted pieces of wisdom is that one, sometimes attributed to Einstein, about the definition of insanity being expecting a different result from the same action. [...]

Thursday 10 June 2010


If it is true, as H. L. Mencken suggests, that ‘no-one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public’, perhaps it is equally true that no-one ever lost power in the UK by underestimating the stupidity of our electoral system. The Tories attempt to win an election with a leader who is their [...]

Friday 7 May 2010

Hang ‘em high

So… I bet you are glad you paid attention in constitutional law now, right? In case, like 80% of the people being interviewed across the media this morning, you have next to no idea what comes next, here is a brief outline of The Rules. First and most important, it is the incumbent who gets [...]

Wednesday 5 May 2010

E-Day minus 1

Some good things for you to read as you wait for tomorrow to make your mark.  First, I could probably have written every word of this piece by Gary Younge, just nowhere near as well: I don’t have a phobia about Tories. That would suggest an irrational response. I hate them for a reason. For lots [...]

Tuesday 4 May 2010

May madness

So it is decision time.  Not for me, of course, mine has already gone in the post which means, as it does for Mr Vowl, that I can ignore all the wittering and squarking of the next two days in favour of (hopefully) more meaningful discourse. But in case you are not so fortunate as to be able to [...]

Tuesday 6 April 2010

And they’re off…

Except it seems that this is going to be perhaps the most stupid election in history rather than ‘the most important one for a generation’ that we have been promised.  By the time Sky News had followed every second of Gordon Brown’s journey to the Palace, as neatly skewered here, I was already losing the [...]

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Julia fixes Parliament!

You guys, I just thought of something! There’s MILLIONS of us right? Must be at least a few that are hacked off with all this corruption. So why don’t we all throw a quid in the pot until we’ve got a couple of grand and then we can buy our VERY OWN MP. They’ll have [...]