Posts Tagged as ‘football’

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Sugar and spice

Once again, Grace Dent has written the kind of column that should have all intelligent people running around the room cheering and air-punching. I had only made it as far as this paragraph: Sotomayor spent 2010 transforming judicial thought on the “right to remain silent”, while Gaga was probably dancing about a stadium – nips [...]

Friday 8 October 2010

Hicks and Gillett, do one!

Almost three months to the day since we gathered at St George’s Hall to declare our independence from the owners of Liverpool Football Club, it looks as if the gig is finally up for these two particularly septic tanks.  As the Liverpool Echo reports that Gillett’s role at the club is now unclear following a [...]

Saturday 25 September 2010

Japan: the first month

All pictures by Julia Top: an obsession is born, Roppongi Crossing sizzles in the heat, Bento Heaven Middle: downtown platform, Samurai noodles, Tokyo Tower Bottom: You walk into a bar…, Japanese bowling shoes – designed by the Klaxons, told you I was obsessed!

Sunday 25 July 2010

Well Red

Feeling a little guilty at the lack of new reading material I have been providing loyal ten minutes hate readers with lately, so instead here is a reminder to get yourself a copy of some of the finest football writing around when issue 3 of Well Red magazine hits newsstands next week.  Or order online [...]

Wednesday 7 July 2010

My team is Red

‘It’s all thought out,’ Flavia said.  ‘This [music] and the football stadium – they give us two places to scream and curse and stamp our feet.  They’re not stupid… they’re evil.  They know they have to provide an outlet.  Without a valve to release the pressure, this country would explode.’ – Nathan Englander, The Ministry [...]

Monday 5 July 2010

Independence Day

Liverpool fans gathered at St. George’s Hall in the city yesterday to celebrate their independence from the American owners who have loaded the football club with millions in debt while failing to invest in promised infrastructure such as the much-needed upgrade to the Anfield stadium and other essentials such as world-class players. Around 3,000 supporters [...]

Wednesday 30 June 2010

No Alanis, this is ironic…

This blog hates many things, as the name suggests.  Top of the all-time shit-list though, is the British tabloid “news”paper known as The S*n.  This earlier post explains why. Now, as much as I love to hate, there are many things I genuinely love and WordPress is one of them.  Absolutely lovely, easy-to-use blogging software [...]

Thursday 17 June 2010

World Cup naysayers

The World Cup is here and isn’t it glorious? The sun shines and I manage to fit in an early morning stroll on the beach before heading home to watch three almost back-to-back football matches EACH DAY. Envy my life! Of course, the commentators are as stupid as ever.  Life in South Africa is far [...]

Saturday 29 May 2010

In Memoria e Amicizia

At this time of year the anniversaries come often for Liverpool fans, the games we love to remember and the ones we will never forget for completely different reasons.  One date that should resonate for all fans of the team is 29 May.  Today is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Heysel stadium disaster, when 39 people died [...]

Tuesday 25 May 2010

We won it 5 times…

Evertonians, look away now… I was planning to write something incredibly serious today, about the budget cuts and how the proposed £6bn must be just the start, in light of the Greek troubles.  But you can go and read something better than I would have written on the Independent website instead, while ten minutes hate indulges in some [...]