Posts Tagged as ‘1984’

Sunday 7 March 2010

One glorious year of ten minutes hate!

ten minutes hate celebrates its first birthday today. Twelve months of venting spleen on the internet and having it vented right back at me has been funny, inspirational and thought-provoking. I have had help from some exceptional people, especially the lovely ladies who designed my Penguin-tastic header, but, today of all days, I will avoid [...]

Friday 5 March 2010

ten minutes hate

ten minutes hate, the absolutely amazingly well-written and thought provoking website you are currently reading, famously takes its name in part from Nineteen Eighty Four.  However, there is another use of the term ‘ten minutes hate’ and that is to describe the final run-up to any hard-fought election.  It is meant to be the time [...]

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Lark Pies to Cranchesterford

It has almost become a new blood sport to bait the BBC for its perceived failings. Left and right, Christian and atheist, lovers of Terry Wogan and those of Chris Evans, it seems hardly anyone is content with the organisation we were once happy to call ‘Auntie’. And ten minutes hate is no different. Except [...]

Tuesday 8 September 2009

The Golden Country

Last night I got home from work and watched the evening sun play across the wall for about an hour. In 1984, the Golden Country is a place of escape, untouched by Big Brother and the Party and remote from the cares of everyday life in Oceania. More posts to follow… (Photos by me, for [...]

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Back to the politics

At times, there is an awful lot of chatter about how ’1984 is coming true’ and a blog with the title of ten minutes hate is probably no place to try to argue the opposite.  So I won’t bother. 1984 is here. You’re a citizen of Oceania and you give the state your full, unquestioning [...]

Sunday 28 June 2009


Very excited to read today that Haruki Murakami has revealed some of the inspiration for his new book: Murakami has now admitted that he had “long wanted to write a near-past novel similar to George Orwell’s futuristic novel 1984″ Only slightly tempered by this: It proved an instant bestseller in Japan when it was published [...]