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Blogs about: Mps Expenses

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Biggles gets nastier

Joe Egerton wrote 3 days ago: Alan ‘Biggles’ Lockwood, IPSA’s Compliance Officer is bidding for real power over MPs.   They will s … more →

Tags: IPSA, Liberal Democrat, Dally Telegraph, Bercow, Speaker, House of Commons, Andrew McDonald, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, Westminster

Humphrey Mallins delivers last snub to Woking electorate

Lisa Harding wrote 1 week ago: As if taking disgusting liberties with his expenses and letting his children live in his second home … more →

Tags: Spidey Says, Woking, humfrey mallins, resettlement payments

The end of the party? Do you trust politicians? Have your say in my poll

benjaminbartonformp wrote 1 week ago: Back in January I went had a meeting with Sir Paul Judge at his appartment in London. It was a lovel … more →

Tags: Political, observations, Opinion, News & Current Events, Politics, London, News, Poll, The End of the Party

MPs too tight to afford a train!2 comments

2me2you wrote 1 week ago: Too tight to get a train home There appears to be dust in the purses of some Parliamentarians. It lo … more →

Tags: British politics, Bureaucracy, Expenses, Politics, Westminster

Rise in MP's Expense Claims

Northants Patriot wrote 2 weeks ago: The latest details of MPs’ expenses showed that there has been no reduction in their expenses … more →

Tags: Peter Bone, Phil Hope, brian binley, Sally Keeble, Cannabis factory, tim boswell, Zheng Chen, Kettering Muslim Association, Philip Holobone

Quotation for Today, Thursday 17 June

adamsmith1922 wrote 4 weeks ago: Colin Espiner writing on Chris Carter and his reaction to his demotion, contrasting Carter unfavoura … more →

Tags: Quotations, Political Quotations, Colin Espiner, Chris Carter, Expenses

IPSA: an abomination in the eyes of God and man

Joe Egerton wrote 4 weeks ago: The Parliamentary Secretary ended today’s Westminster Hall debate on IPSA, the Independent Parliamen … more →

Tags: commons, IPSA, McDonald, Andrew McDonald, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, Parliament, westminster hall, Sir Ian Kennedy, Sir John Stanley

Does Carter have pictures?7 comments

adamsmith1922 wrote 1 month ago: In various of Adam’s past lives, a common saying when a colleague who committed major stuff-up … more →

Tags: Politics, Chris Carter, Shane Jones, Credit Cards

Quotation for Today, Tuesday June 15

adamsmith1922 wrote 1 month ago: To call a spade a spade, Labour’s MPs were taking the piss. They were taking the taxpayers of … more →

Tags: Politics, Quotations, probity, Labour, NZ Labour Party, Colin Espiner

McDonald is an ass: he must go

Joe Egerton wrote 1 month ago: Instead of criticising Barack Obama for threatening ‘to kick ass’ we should copy him.  This side of … more →

Tags: commons, IPSA, McDonald, Andrew McDonald, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, Parliament, Ann Widdecombe, Oxford Union

Lorne Gunter: Proof positive that MPs need auditing

Lorne Gunter wrote 1 month ago: National Post Throughout the six-week controversy over whether MPs should be subjected to a performa … more →

Tags: Full Comment, Canada, Canadian Politics, lorne gunter, auditor general

Should the Telegraph stops its MP’s expenses investigations?

Tom Leatherbarrow wrote 1 month ago: It is interesting that the fall of David Laws, who resigned as Chief Secretary to the Treasury over … more →

Tags: media, Politics

They still don't get it1 comment

Julia Smith wrote 1 month ago: The first scalp of the new government was claimed by the media over the weekend and, surprising all … more →

Tags: Miniplenty, Economic Woes, Lib Dems, Cuts

Precocious British coalition stumbles into first sex scandal

Araminta Wordsworth wrote 1 month ago: Seems just like the bad old days. Less than a month into governing Britain, David Cameron and Nick C … more →

Tags: Full Comment, social issues, World Politics, Gays, Araminta Wordsworth, Full Comment Abroad, David Cameron, Nick Clegg, British politics

David Laws3 comments

Anders Hanson wrote 1 month ago: Ever since the General Election finished I’ve been mulling over the idea of restarting this bl … more →

Tags: Lib Dems, Politics, David Laws

What's the Telegraph up to?2 comments

Ron wrote 1 month ago: A couple of days after trashing Lib Dem Treasury Chief Secretary David Laws, the Telegraph has now t … more →

Tags: What's the Telegraph up to?, Politics, The Telegraph, David Laws, Danny Alexander

Why Laws Had To Go5 comments

The Futility Monster wrote 1 month ago: I'm sure we'll see this again, regardless... I have been pretty strident with my arguments … more →

Tags: musings, expenses fiddling, David Laws


cowanglobal wrote 1 month ago: An excerpt from a story you won’t have read in the papers over the last few days: “I’d like to apolo … more →

Tags: All Blogs, News Comment, David Laws, Political comment

The expenses scandal revisited 2 comments

2me2you wrote 1 month ago: I think 2me2you has just had one of those inspirational moments – has a lightbulb just been sw … more →

Tags: British politics, Westminster, Coalition government, David Laws, Expenses, Scandal, Lawsgate

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