
Julia Smith* lives in a province of Oceania, Airstrip One, where she works in the Fiction Department, possibly doing something mechanical with one of the novel-writing machines.

The original Two Minutes Hate (and much else referenced here) comes from George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.  Which you should really read, especially if you are one of the people who has lied about reading it.

The Two Minutes Hate is a ‘hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness’.     The ten minutes hate is the same, with an extra eight minutes added for good measure.  As there are plenty of topics on which to vent spleen, posts have been arranged by reference to the four main ministries that rule Airstrip One.

Perpetual war is the preserve of the Ministry of Peace.  Here you will find coverage of the war on drugs, the war on terror and any other wars waged on random words.

Propaganda is issued by the Ministry of Truth.  Check Minitrue bulletins for commentary on the news and media.

The Ministry of Plenty oversees economic affairs.  This also includes shoes.

The Ministry of Love concerns itself with fear, torture and brainwashing and other matters of the heart.

The Golden Country is a place of escape, untouched by Big Brother and the Party and remote from the cares of everyday life in Oceania.

If this is your first experience of the hate, some good places to start are: ‘Everywhere you look’, ‘Stop being a sap!‘, and ‘Victory Cigarettes for all‘.

ten minutes hate also contains fiction, which is not produced using one of the novel-writing machines, instead it is hand-written by Julia, a most inefficient system.  If you would like to commission some original invective, or vent some of your own spleen, please drop a line to this email address,  julia *dot* smith *at* email *dot* com.

*in the spirit of post-NightJack honesty, it should be pointed out that this is not Julia’s real name.

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