Posts Tagged as ‘propaganda’

Wednesday 30 June 2010

No Alanis, this is ironic…

This blog hates many things, as the name suggests.  Top of the all-time shit-list though, is the British tabloid “news”paper known as The S*n.  This earlier post explains why. Now, as much as I love to hate, there are many things I genuinely love and WordPress is one of them.  Absolutely lovely, easy-to-use blogging software [...]

Friday 18 June 2010

Iceland gets its mojo back

Go on, admit it, you were all set to hate them forever for ruining your holiday and stranding you in Bali… … and then they go and do this. If it weren’t for the price of booze, I suspect most journalists would be on the first plane! In honour of Iceland, today’s musical hit comes [...]

Tuesday 15 June 2010

A warning to children

Children, do not bully the weird kids at school, for they may grow up to be a Treasury secretary and exact a most terrible vengeance on us all. — Picture borrowed from here

Monday 14 June 2010

Why Labour lost

Following a defeat or set back it is natural to contemplate what went wrong, human nature having developed this tactic to avoid repeating mistakes forever.  One of my favourite and oft-quoted pieces of wisdom is that one, sometimes attributed to Einstein, about the definition of insanity being expecting a different result from the same action. [...]

Tuesday 8 June 2010

How much??!

They spent over three hundred grand on the CPS website. Julia spent the square root of feck all on ten minutes hate.  Which one do we think looks better? Think I might change tack and start tendering for government IT contracts.  At this rate I could undercut all the competition and still have enough to [...]

Tuesday 11 May 2010

A ringside seat

At the risk of sounding self-indulgent, blogging seems a bit redundant at the moment.  The situation changes so rapidly, while Stephen Fry, John Q Publican and the Flying Rodent say everything I want to, but better.  It seems ridiculous to add another opinion to the fog of disinformation as the news media continues its descent from the sublime to the ridiculous: [...]

Friday 7 May 2010

Hang ‘em high

So… I bet you are glad you paid attention in constitutional law now, right? In case, like 80% of the people being interviewed across the media this morning, you have next to no idea what comes next, here is a brief outline of The Rules. First and most important, it is the incumbent who gets [...]

Monday 26 April 2010

A free press

After writing yesterday of the Independent’s Murdoch-baiting, you could bet that I wasn’t going to be a slouch when I heard and saw the lovely lady dishing out free copies of the paper in my city centre this lunchtime. Oh no. I was over to her quicker than Tsegaye Kebede, ready to see for myself. [...]

Sunday 25 April 2010

Disobey on 6 May

Watching the Dailies Mail, Telegraph, Express and the Sun spew rage-fuelled invective across their own front pages this week has been wonderfully exhilarating.  That their attempts to slur Nick Clegg prior to the second leaders’ debate amounted to little more than, in Tabloid Watch’s memorable description, ‘hysterical bawlings from the sidelines’ caused the warm glow [...]

Wednesday 21 April 2010

None of the above

Bless ‘em, it seems as if the ‘traditional media’ are struggling to cope with the vagaries of electioneering in these modern interconnectivity-driven times.  First the formerly ‘great ignored’ Nick Clegg gets a 10-point bunk up due largely to appearing on the gogglebox and not coming across as a complete twat.  Then all hell breaks loose, [...]