Posts Tagged as ‘Japan’

Sunday 3 October 2010

No half measures

ten minutes hate is not often given to dishing out advice for living, preferring to let people get on with messing things up in their own unique way without unasked-for interference. Predictably, perhaps, a birthday sees a departure from that path, in order to offer up the following admonition: Accept no half measures. Let your [...]

Friday 1 October 2010


You can reach a point where you almost stop noticing or caring that you are bathed in sweat and have been ever since you reluctantly got dressed into ‘smart business wear’ at 11 o’clock that morning. From the last possible moment before you leave the house, when the air conditioning absolutely must, no question, be [...]

Saturday 25 September 2010

Japan: the first month

All pictures by Julia Top: an obsession is born, Roppongi Crossing sizzles in the heat, Bento Heaven Middle: downtown platform, Samurai noodles, Tokyo Tower Bottom: You walk into a bar…, Japanese bowling shoes – designed by the Klaxons, told you I was obsessed!

Thursday 19 August 2010

Norwegian Wood

Needless to say, this whole adventure was probably at least 68% inspired by Haruki Murakami.  Therefore I am almost as excited about this: as I am about the fact that I am now a mere three days away from arrival in Japan. Isn’t it good?

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Musical interlude…

Back soon!

Friday 13 August 2010

On anticipation…

I really had meant to do more writing this week, still I suppose packing should really take precedence, given that ONE WEEK from today I will be beginning a journey that will see me pitch up in Tokyo for a 12-month stay. That said, it seems a shame to let this time, which I described [...]

Friday 4 June 2010

Float on

Sometimes, as pal of ten minutes hate Mark Woff says, you have to not force it.  The sun is out, this is just up the road… … and I have books to read, work to do, not to mention Japanese to learn.  There are plenty of things upon which to direct the ire but others [...]

Monday 3 May 2010

Where is Silas?

As promised yesterday… From the earliest days of Silas, its creators were determined to do things a little differently to ensure they stood out.  Reasoning that well-made, craftily designed and cheekily executed clothing will only take you so far, they worked with an array of talent – including designer Fergadelic, artist Ben Sansbury, photographer Clare [...]

Sunday 2 May 2010

Save the Silas!

And that is as much politics as I can handle this weekend.  Have a story instead… Back in the day, when I was a yoot (that is eight or so years ago) I was an avid collector of Silas.  I think I was going all out to be able to dress head-to-toe in it, every [...]

Monday 9 November 2009


The road to Japan starts here.  How do you get to Japan?  You just go.  A long time in the dreaming, now the planning has taken over.  So much done and yet more still to do, hence the recent break in blog posts. In my last dull office job I had a little black and [...]