Entries Tagged as ‘Minitrue’

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Sugar and spice

Once again, Grace Dent has written the kind of column that should have all intelligent people running around the room cheering and air-punching. I had only made it as far as this paragraph: Sotomayor spent 2010 transforming judicial thought on the “right to remain silent”, while Gaga was probably dancing about a stadium – nips [...]

Sunday 25 July 2010

Well Red

Feeling a little guilty at the lack of new reading material I have been providing loyal ten minutes hate readers with lately, so instead here is a reminder to get yourself a copy of some of the finest football writing around when issue 3 of Well Red magazine hits newsstands next week.  Or order online [...]

Thursday 1 July 2010

A right pair of Hunts

Maybe I wrote too soon.  No sooner had we heard an MP use the example of the Hillsborough Disaster to make an intelligent and reasoned comment about the media coverage of such tragedies then we had a couple of examples that dragged us right back into the gutter. If Liverpool fans and others who take [...]

Wednesday 30 June 2010

No Alanis, this is ironic…

This blog hates many things, as the name suggests.  Top of the all-time shit-list though, is the British tabloid “news”paper known as The S*n.  This earlier post explains why. Now, as much as I love to hate, there are many things I genuinely love and WordPress is one of them.  Absolutely lovely, easy-to-use blogging software [...]

Monday 28 June 2010

‘Mawkish brutality’

Tabloid Watch has an excellent article here about Cumbrian MP, Jamie Reed, and his reaction to the media coverage of the murders committed by Derrick Bird.  It is a moving speech, one that deserves to have a wider audience, particularly because he really doesn’t pull any punches in his condemnation of the behaviour of certain [...]

Friday 18 June 2010

Iceland gets its mojo back

Go on, admit it, you were all set to hate them forever for ruining your holiday and stranding you in Bali… … and then they go and do this. If it weren’t for the price of booze, I suspect most journalists would be on the first plane! In honour of Iceland, today’s musical hit comes [...]

Tuesday 15 June 2010

A warning to children

Children, do not bully the weird kids at school, for they may grow up to be a Treasury secretary and exact a most terrible vengeance on us all. — Picture borrowed from here

Thursday 10 June 2010


If it is true, as H. L. Mencken suggests, that ‘no-one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public’, perhaps it is equally true that no-one ever lost power in the UK by underestimating the stupidity of our electoral system. The Tories attempt to win an election with a leader who is their [...]

Thursday 13 May 2010

The Clegg and Compo show

Here we all are then, the Dave ‘n’ Nick show opens with the release of the initial and snappily titled ‘Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition negotiations agreements’ on how we are to be governed.  You can read the whole thing here. The agreement does demand close inspection, because there are at least a couple of hopeful messages for the future directed at those [...]

Tuesday 11 May 2010

A ringside seat

At the risk of sounding self-indulgent, blogging seems a bit redundant at the moment.  The situation changes so rapidly, while Stephen Fry, John Q Publican and the Flying Rodent say everything I want to, but better.  It seems ridiculous to add another opinion to the fog of disinformation as the news media continues its descent from the sublime to the ridiculous: [...]