Entries from July 2009

Friday 24 July 2009

Top 5 Records

Friday tunes to put you in a good mood! 1. Simian Mobile Disco – Hustler Especially for everyone that was at Lovebox last weekend as SMD provided the soundtrack to the most amount of fun had on a Sunday evening since Match of the Day 2 finished.  (Possibly.) 2. The Who – Substitute Sometimes I [...]

Friday 24 July 2009

You’re gonna need a bigger boat

There are days when I feel I should have the words “epic fail” branded onto my forehead because I have never been anywhere that wasn’t Europe or North America, never travelled anywhere where I didn’t speak the language or knew enough words to get by or wasn’t with people who were fluent.  There are other [...]

Thursday 16 July 2009

Victory Cigarettes for all!

US Forces in war zones are not going to be banned from smoking, as the Pentagon is worried that to do so might add to their stress.   Smoking rates are ‘thought to be as high as 50%’ among those returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.  I’m amazed they are that low. There is a telling quote [...]

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Quote of the day, week, month, year

Well, I have a deep disdain for them [Tony and Cherie]. I couldn’t bear that grinning, money-hungry, beaming, Cliff Richard-loving, Berlusconi-adoring, guitar-playing twat. There is plenty more where this gem came from over here. Sometimes it’s easy to write reams and reams about a subject, to set out a case and argue it fully, leaving [...]

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Back to the politics

At times, there is an awful lot of chatter about how ’1984 is coming true’ and a blog with the title of ten minutes hate is probably no place to try to argue the opposite.  So I won’t bother. 1984 is here. You’re a citizen of Oceania and you give the state your full, unquestioning [...]

Sunday 5 July 2009

Manchester views

A couple of pictures I took, when strolling around… Channel M have a huge ferris wheel in town, by the Arndale centre.  They also used to have a music channel broadcasting local bands, but that unfortunately closed in May.  The story is here, and echoes a conversation we had on Thursday night after Kraftwerk about how Manchester’s [...]

Friday 3 July 2009

We are the Robots

To Manchester!  The city sweltered in the unaccustomed sunshine, as the Manchester International Festival opened in style with Kraftwerk at the Velodrome.  The ‘living legends and globally revered innovators of techno pop’ (as noted in the programme) are also cyclist enthusiasts, so when we arrived to find the stage and standing section in the centre of the track, [...]

Thursday 2 July 2009

Rampant anti-hipsterism

I have been having a lot of fun in recent weeks taking the mickey out of the hipper inhabitants of my neighbourhood.  Ripping them for their lack of irony, helping a friend to surreptitiously take pictures of overly sincere straw boater-wearing, which may end up on here soon.  And I am not the only one.  [...]

Thursday 2 July 2009

drunk blogging

Probably not a good idea.  But here goes anyway… You think you’ll break my heart but you’re not capable of it I’m too strong for you I’ll outlast you every time. Good luck to you: All’s fair in love and war, but you can not win if your object is to break me It can’t [...]