Posts Tagged as ‘Twitter’

Thursday 13 May 2010

The Clegg and Compo show

Here we all are then, the Dave ‘n’ Nick show opens with the release of the initial and snappily titled ‘Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition negotiations agreements’ on how we are to be governed.  You can read the whole thing here. The agreement does demand close inspection, because there are at least a couple of hopeful messages for the future directed at those [...]

Sunday 25 April 2010

Disobey on 6 May

Watching the Dailies Mail, Telegraph, Express and the Sun spew rage-fuelled invective across their own front pages this week has been wonderfully exhilarating.  That their attempts to slur Nick Clegg prior to the second leaders’ debate amounted to little more than, in Tabloid Watch’s memorable description, ‘hysterical bawlings from the sidelines’ caused the warm glow [...]

Friday 5 March 2010

ten minutes hate

ten minutes hate, the absolutely amazingly well-written and thought provoking website you are currently reading, famously takes its name in part from Nineteen Eighty Four.  However, there is another use of the term ‘ten minutes hate’ and that is to describe the final run-up to any hard-fought election.  It is meant to be the time [...]

Monday 11 January 2010


A couple of innovations to make your experience of ten minutes hate a more enjoyable one: First, I am now on twitter, so there are even more opportunities to see inside the workings of my brain.  Updates on politics, books, music and occasionally football can all be yours by clicking on the icon on the left [...]

Friday 7 August 2009

It’ll all come out in the wash

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be -Kurt Vonnegut Having trounced the troughing politicians so well, and given the ‘dead tree press’ a run for their (lack of) money, the next battle has been declared against the spinmeisters.  This is one endeavour that everyone, regardless [...]