Posts Tagged as ‘London’

Thursday 22 April 2010

All that scratchin’ is makin’ me itch

I get a continued kick out of the fact that one of the most popular posts on this here ten minutes hate of mine continues to be the one called ‘stop being a sap!’  which features Joe Strummer’s words about taking control of your life and creating something for yourself. Malcolm McLaren, whose funeral took [...]

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Julia fixes Parliament!

You guys, I just thought of something! There’s MILLIONS of us right? Must be at least a few that are hacked off with all this corruption. So why don’t we all throw a quid in the pot until we’ve got a couple of grand and then we can buy our VERY OWN MP. They’ll have [...]

Thursday 1 October 2009

Sorry, fashionistas…

…but I couldn’t resist.  When I saw this juxtaposition: … all I could think was how much the skinny MySpace boy needed the free pizza!  I confess, I sniggered. I’m going to fashion hell!

Sunday 27 September 2009

An accidental tourist

I’m leaving because the weather is too good.  I hate London when it’s not raining -Groucho Marx This morning, after a most enjoyable Full English (exquisite black pudding, sorry veggies), I left the Aged Relatives at the station and wondered what to do with the rest of a beautifully sunny Sunday on which I had [...]

Friday 25 September 2009

Something for the weekend

Maybe it is because it is the season of fashion weeks (Fashion Month?) and maybe because I just submitted some scribblings to a fashion mag’s writing competition (in the hope of winning shoes!) but I have of late, found myself musing about the mad, bad and dangerous to know world of fashion. Of course, ten [...]

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Age is no concern

Not to worry about the little wrinkles around the eyes.  I think that’s glamorous. This is a lovely short film including pictures from Guardian photographer Christian Sinibaldi alongside interviews with people he met at Age Concern in Camden.  Their take on what makes a person glamorous and beautiful should give hope to any late twenty-something [...]

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Politics will make you mad

A couple of different commentators in the same paper today (read it while you can – it is still free!) musing on the possibility of politics not being for the sane.  Over here, there is Rachel Sylvester pondering if politicians are born mad or driven that way by the need to pander to the demands [...]