Posts Tagged as ‘economic woes’

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Toerags unite!

If you haven’t read The Road to Wigan Pier yet, now might be a good time to add it to your reading list.  It isn’t just a searing indictment of everything that had gone wrong in the economic policies of the 1930s and their effects on the day-to-day lives of millions in that blighted Northern [...]

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Building a dream

Diane Abbott called it right.  According to Paul Waugh on Twitter: As well they might.  But do not be mistaken, although Liberal Democrats with narrow majorities over Labour MPs will be rueing the day they lined up for such a shafting, it is all of us who will be getting fucked. Royally, in fact.  While [...]

Tuesday 8 June 2010

How much??!

They spent over three hundred grand on the CPS website. Julia spent the square root of feck all on ten minutes hate.  Which one do we think looks better? Think I might change tack and start tendering for government IT contracts.  At this rate I could undercut all the competition and still have enough to [...]

Wednesday 2 June 2010

They still don’t get it

The first scalp of the new government was claimed by the media over the weekend and, surprising all those who were betting on Vince Cable being the first to walk, it was rising star David Laws who got the push. Despite having enjoyed incredible success in his first career in the City, to the extent [...]

Thursday 13 May 2010

The Clegg and Compo show

Here we all are then, the Dave ‘n’ Nick show opens with the release of the initial and snappily titled ‘Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition negotiations agreements’ on how we are to be governed.  You can read the whole thing here. The agreement does demand close inspection, because there are at least a couple of hopeful messages for the future directed at those [...]

Wednesday 14 April 2010

A good election to lose

There are still whole weeks to go and already my main thought when I consider the election is: make it stopmake it stopmake it stopmake it stopmake it stopmake it stopmake it stopmake it stop Slightly more than a week since I urged you to ignore the parties’ bells and whistles and concentrate on what [...]

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Politics drops its drawers

The best party is but a kind of conspiracy against the rest of the nation – Lord Halifax, 1750 It is difficult to judge how far the effect of this latest scandal extends outside Westminster.  I suspect that many people had their suspicions confirmed, before shrugging their shoulders and getting on with their days, while supporters of [...]

Friday 12 March 2010

Some animals are more equal

Just when I thought all the residual anger I could muster had been squeezed from the MPs expenses scandal, along came some of our ever-so-unHonourable Members to remind me that I am still angry enough to head down to Westminster with some self-assembly stocks and a few tonnes of mouldy tomatoes. First, we have the Member for Romsey, [...]

Wednesday 3 March 2010

The worst cut is the deepest

Septic Isle has a really good post over here, mentioning that: cynics are suggesting that it’s chosen 6 Music and Asian Network specifically because it knows that they have such a dedicated following that the uproar at their disappearance will ensure the BBC Trust intervenes which has helped me immensely in saving time I would [...]

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Do it if you must, Labour, but make it quick

So the chickens might be coming home to roost for Gordon Brown. There I was, half-heartedly watching Andrew Marr on Sunday, when the great man himself appeared groaning on about something. It sounded like ‘…targets met… investment not cuts… we offer leadership for the future…’ and then I managed to rouse myself from the early [...]