Posts Tagged as ‘Afghanistan’

Monday 26 April 2010

A free press

After writing yesterday of the Independent’s Murdoch-baiting, you could bet that I wasn’t going to be a slouch when I heard and saw the lovely lady dishing out free copies of the paper in my city centre this lunchtime. Oh no. I was over to her quicker than Tsegaye Kebede, ready to see for myself. [...]

Sunday 28 March 2010

Julia Smith is away.

Julia Smith is away. So amuse yourselves in the Archives and also, catch up on the following essential articles: Godfrey Hodgson’s ‘The great American refusal’, discusses the controversy over the passing of the heathcare-reform bill in the context of American history since the Civil Rights Movement. Disillusioned with the UK election?  Give your vote to [...]

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Suffer, little children

If you should find yourself musing on the immigration question this election-tide and wondering if we are, in fact, in danger of being swamped, seen as a soft touch or provider of free swan burgers to all the world’s poor and huddled masses, reassure yourself with this story: M was arrested, and locked up in [...]

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Justice League

I wrote earlier that Amir Choudhary was ‘wrong, plain wrong’ and was rightly called up on it by this bloke over here in the comments. Rightly because, in one important aspect, Mr Choudhary is right, for reminding us of the non-British war dead, albeit for some very wrong reasons: getting his name in the papers. [...]

Tuesday 15 December 2009

And so this is Christmas

It’s a predictable question for this time of year, but one which needs to be asked again. And so this is Christmas And what have you done? What exactly?  Covered yourself in glory? Or featuring repeatedly on the naughty list?  How can you tell? It has been a year of such rampant evil that you [...]

Thursday 15 October 2009

No alternative

Quote from a ‘senior source’ talking about the latest expenses scandal: We were led up the garden path by Gordon. I have never known a prime minister to be heckled at a meeting of the parliamentary party as he was on Monday. Not even Tony during the Iraq war got such a rough ride. (my [...]

Thursday 16 July 2009

Victory Cigarettes for all!

US Forces in war zones are not going to be banned from smoking, as the Pentagon is worried that to do so might add to their stress.   Smoking rates are ‘thought to be as high as 50%’ among those returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.  I’m amazed they are that low. There is a telling quote [...]

Thursday 2 April 2009

Riot of my own

There were riots in Northern Ireland earlier this month.  As the news showed pictures of balaclava-wearing youths with petrol bombs in their hands, I thought ‘how old fashioned’ – as if this kind of thing had died out a long time ago.  You knew that our rulers thought they would never see the like again: [...]