Entries from October 2009

Thursday 15 October 2009

No alternative

Quote from a ‘senior source’ talking about the latest expenses scandal: We were led up the garden path by Gordon. I have never known a prime minister to be heckled at a meeting of the parliamentary party as he was on Monday. Not even Tony during the Iraq war got such a rough ride. (my [...]

Monday 12 October 2009

Simple life improvement

I have to recommend this mix as it will improve your life to a previously undreamt-of degree.  A perfect blend of really good music, no messing. In a perfect example of symmetry, Andrew Weatherall has produced the new Fuck Buttons album.  Fuck Buttons are the subject of the most recent post over on  Bone Conduction. [...]

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Whaaat? Issue #3

Oh yes, just back from the printers and ready for you to peruse.  A mere £1.50 of cold, hard cash and in return you get your hands on Issue 3 of the world’s best fanzine, Whaaat? Featuring finally crafted graphics and articles from writers including me and this bloke over here, it’s like a night [...]

Thursday 1 October 2009

Sorry, fashionistas…

…but I couldn’t resist.  When I saw this juxtaposition: … all I could think was how much the skinny MySpace boy needed the free pizza!  I confess, I sniggered. I’m going to fashion hell!