
Number of bundlers for 2008 presidential candidates: 3,068

Number of lobbyist bundlers for 2008 presidential candidates: 184

Amount raised by 2008 presidential candidates: $1,599,797,976

Click here to see former candidates
Barack Obama (D)

Total Raised:
Bundlers: 605
Lobbyist Bundlers: 17
John McCain (R)

Total Raised:
Bundlers: 851
Lobbyist Bundlers: 77

This Web site allows you to follow the money trail of campaign bundlers – or people who funnel money to campaigns – as they collect thousands, and sometimes even millions, of dollars from other people for the 2008 presidential candidates.

It reflects the most comprehensive data Public Citizen’s team of researchers can obtain. It also explains a little about how we got to this record $1 billion campaign season – and what we can do about it by renewing our dedication to public funding of presidential – and congressional – elections.

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Taking Names: Movers And Shakers Toast The News At Private Parties (Crain's Chicago Business - 11/5/08)

Mega-Bundlers Up Financing Ante (WSJ - 11/5/08)

2008 Campaign Costliest In U.S. History (Politico - 11/5/08)

Obama Fundraising Breaks The Money Mould (Canwest News Service - 11/4/08)

The Tally on Independent Spending (NY Times The Caucus -11/4/08)

What Happens to Public Financing, When Obama Thrived Without It? (NY Times - 11/2/02)

Obama Team Plans for Hiring Lobbyists (WSJ - 11/1/08)

Political Newcomer Hopes To Help Democrats Regain Control Of Texas House (Ft. Worth Star-Telegram - 11/1/08)

Yes, He Can (Slate - 10/30/08)

Now, the $2 Billion Campaign (NY Times - 10/31/08

Outside Soft Money Groups Approaching $400 Million in Targeted Spending in 2008 Election (Campaign Finance Institute - 10/31/08)

Groups Spend Millions Bypassing TV, Radio (USA Today - 10/24/08)

New Legal Battle For Prominent McCain Fundraiser (NBC Deep Background - 10/23/08)

Buying Elections (Baltimore Sun - 10/24/08)

A New Era For Campaign Finance (Christian Science Monitor - 10/24/08)

Watchdogs Want To Curb Campaign Bundlers After Obama Tidal Wave (CQ Politics - 10/23/08)

We Think: Congress And The President Should Repair Campaign Funding System (Orlando Sentinel - 10/23/08)

In Presidential Race, Tennessee Strategies Diverge (Knoxville News Sentinel - 10/22/08)

Read more>>

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