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by Peter Brown Contributions last modified August 01, 2010 16:36

Latest news from the Free Software Foundation

Celebrate Software Freedom Day with the LibrePlanet community

by John Sullivan — September 17, 2010 20:00

Please join us in bringing some of the Software Freedom Day celebration and advocacy to the LibrePlanet wiki, to build a resource and meeting place that will last throughout the year.

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FSF responds to Oracle v. Google and the threat of software patents

by Brett Smith — September 08, 2010 12:15

As you likely heard on any number of news sites, Oracle has filed suit against Google, claiming that Android infringes some of its Java-related copyrights and patents. Too little information is available about the copyright infringement claim to say much about it yet; we expect we'll learn more as the case proceeds. But nobody deserves to be the victim of software patent aggression, and Oracle is wrong to use its patents to attack Android.

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Delivering the ACTA petition: Sign before Thursday to have your voice heard!

by John Sullivan — August 17, 2010 14:00

A month ago, we published a statement against ACTA and asked for your signatures in support. Over 3,000 of you joined us in calling on ACTA negotiators to either dramatically change the agreement or drop it all together.

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Women's Caucus internship opportunity

by Deborah Nicholson — August 02, 2010 15:28

The Women's Caucus is seeking an intern to assist with its work to increase the number of women involved in free software.

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Women in free software: Recommendations from the Women's Caucus

by Deborah Nicholson — July 16, 2010 11:06

Nearly a year ago the FSF held a mini-summit for women in free software to investigate practical ways to increase the number of women involved in the free software community.

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Job Opening: FSF Campaigns Manager

by Peter Brown — May 25, 2010 12:10

The FSF is hiring a Campaigns Manager to be part of a team that directs and coordinates our campaigns for software freedom. This is an opportunity to take a senior role in the organization that sponsors the GNU project, publishes the GNU GPL and works to promote the message that software freedom is a civil liberty.

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GPL Enforcement in Apple's App Store

by Brett Smith — May 27, 2010 07:12

An iPhone port of GNU Go is currently being distributed through Apple's App Store. However, this distribution is not in compliance with the GNU GPL. The primary problem is that Apple imposes numerous legal restrictions on use and distribution of GNU Go through the iTunes Store Terms of Service, which is forbidden by section 6 of GPLv2. So today we have written to Apple and asked them to come into compliance. We would be happy to see Apple distribute these programs under the GPL's terms, but unfortunately, it seems much more likely that they'll simply make the problem go away by removing GNU Go from the App Store.

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Bilski and Patent Absurdity

by Peter Brown — May 24, 2010 10:43

Who should see the documentary film Patent Absurdity?

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Chris Hofstader appointed as GNU access technology director

by Peter Brown — May 17, 2010 12:55

GNU Project appoints director of access technology software and publishes GNU Accessibility Statement

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Breakthrough for Free Software Gaming

by Peter Brown — May 06, 2010 09:31

Breakthrough for Free Software Gaming--Ryzom Announces Full Release of Source Code and Artwork, and a Partnership with the Free Software Foundation to Host a Repository of the Game's Artistic Assets

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FSF responds to Jobs's "Thoughts on Flash"

by John Sullivan — April 30, 2010 15:03

Apple's use of proprietary software and recommendation of an explicitly patent-afflicted standard (H.264) are inconsistent with the free web.

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New Documentary Film "Patent Absurdity: how software patents broke the system"

by Peter Brown — April 19, 2010 04:06

New documentary film "Patent Absurdity" is set to expose how the judicial activism that led to the patenting of software has broken the US patent system's promise of promoting the progress of science and useful arts

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Time for nonprofits to leave proprietary fundraising software systems behind

by Matt Lee — April 14, 2010 16:08

BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- Wednesday, April 14th, 2010 -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) today announced that CiviCRM has earned its recommendation as a fully featured donor and contact management system for nonprofits.

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Why I'm rejecting your email attachment

by John Sullivan — April 02, 2010 16:51

Why I'm rejecting your email attachment: for freedom and the good of the web!

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Free Software Awards Announced

by Peter Brown — March 24, 2010 13:58

Free Software Award Winners: John Gilmore and the Internet Archive

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Day Against DRM: Tuesday, May 4th 2010

by Peter Brown — March 17, 2010 16:33

"When companies organize to design products to restrict us, we have to organize to defeat them" -- FSF president Richard Stallman

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The FSF is a charity with a worldwide mission to advance software freedom — learn about our history and work.