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News Item Hardware we all want: FSF announces criteria for hardware endorsement program "Respects Your Freedom"
BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- Thursday, October 14, 2010 -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced today that it has published an initial set of criteria for endorsing computers and other devices. The FSF seeks both to obtain feedback on the criteria, and raise interest in the program among hardware manufacturers. Ultimately, the FSF plans to promote an endorsement mark to be carried on products that meet the criteria: respects your freedom.
Document Public Lectures by RMS in India
A list of all public lectures and talks by RMS in India (2010)
News Item Monthly News Digest of Free Software Foundation
Monthly News Digest of Free Software Foundation
News Item Time for nonprofits to leave proprietary fundraising software systems behind
News Item iPad is iBad for Freedom
With new tablet device, Apple’s Steve Jobs pushes unprecedented extension of DRM to a new class of general purpose computers
Document Why is free software important to you?
Submit your response to our new video campaign!
News Item Lest CodePlex perplex
by Richard M. Stallman President
Link Are Std VIII textbooks promoting IT brands
A news article in DNA on state education policy By - Priya Ramakrishnan
News Item Sugar Labs and FSF announce joint efforts to promote learning platform for children worldwide
Sugar Labs and Free Software Foundation Celebrate Software Freedom Day, Announce Joint Efforts to Promote the Sugar Learning Platform for Children Worldwide
News Item Delegation meets Education Secretary of Maharashtra
File Letter to Education Secretary of Maharashtra
News Item Free software News updates
Updates on the activities of Free Software Foundation and its sister organizations.
FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) activists are getting together to promote the awareness, influence Govt policy, defend the software freedom, bring in changes in IT education curriculum, work towards free information infrastructure.
Link Journal on free, open source software law launched
An international peer reviewed biannual journal was recently launched. The focus of this journal is to aid the analysis of various issues concerning the use and governance of FOSS. This journal aims to debate and answer the various questions that come up pertaining to the digital rights of people in the digital world. More ...
News Item FSFI writes to Secretary, Department of IT
A letter written to Secretary, Department of I.T., Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies, on the successful drafting of Standards Policy for e-Governance.
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