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Welcome to CBCN

Welcome to the Canadian Botanical Conservation Network (CBCN). Our objective is to preserve the biological diversity of Canada's rare and endangered native plant species, wild habitats and ecosystems through the education and conservation programs of our members, including botanical gardens and arboreta.

Our Top Stories:

Welcome to 2010 - International Year of Biodiversity

12 January 2010

The UN has designated 2010 as "International Year of Biodiversity," or IYB. Around the world and across Canada, botanical gardens, arboreta and other museums and institutions are preparing celebrations, educational events and even new studies of biodiversity in response.

Later in 2010 the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, or CBD, will be meeting in Nagoya, Japan for one of the most important summits on conservation and biodiversity ever held.

On the agenda for the October 2010 Nagoya meeting, the GSPC, or Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, will reach the culmination of what has been a two year assessment and overhaul process. Following an in-depth review in 2008, the GSPC has been re-drafted and is now being reviewed by agencies, governments and specialists around the world.

The North American Botanic Garden Strategy for Plant Conservation

North American Botanic Garden Strategy for Plant Conservation, produced in 2007 by the American Public Gardens Association, the US Centre for Plant Conservation, Botanic Gardens Conservation International and the Canadian Botanical Conservation Network, was a key topic for discussion at the 2008 American Public Gardens Association conference. Botanical gardens and arboreta across North America are now using this leading document to guide their conservation programs.

Click here for a .pdf copy of the strategy in English.

Click here for a .pdf copy of the strategy in French.

Click here for a .pdf copy of the strategy in Spanish.



The Canadian Botanical Conservation Network is being developed through the facilities of the Botanical Conservation Office of Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton/Burlington, Ontario. Our Web Site is hosted by Royal Botanical Gardens.


Funds have previously been provided to this project by Environment Canada and its Environmental Conservation Branch, Ontario Region.


Funds have previously been provided to this project by Canadian Heritage and its Museums Assistance Program.


The information on this Web site is presented for educational and conservation purposes only. Commercial use of any information on this site is not allowed. All rights are retained by the owners of the respective materials.

Further Web Site Credits and Acknowledgements