Denver Anarchist Black Cross
The Denver Anarchist Black Cross exists to contribute to the defense of social movements, both internally and externally, working against oppression and for self determination.

Denver Anarchist Black Cross

Denver Anarchist Black Cross

Denver Anarchist Black Cross Byron Chubbuck, whose Indian name is Oso Blanco, is serving 80 years for expropriating money from banks and sending thousands of dollars to Chiapas, Mexico to help fund the Zapatistas and feed indigenous children. Because of his political background, he has been subject to horrendous treatment at U.S. Penitentiary Lewi...sburg which includes: beatings, waterboarding, mail tampering, false charges, and the forced cutting of his hair which is a great offense against a Native American! The torture must be stopped!

There is going to be a coordinated effort to call in on behalf of Byron Shane Chubbuck. Contact USP Lewisburg on FRIDAY JANUARY 15TH 2010 between the hours of 10am-12:00pm Eastern Standard time, (7am-9am Pacific) If you cannot make this time frame, you can still CALL at
another time on the 15th, but make sure you do CALL. It is essential that we maintain a unified
effort in letting the prison staff know that we oppose the abuse against Mr. Chubbuck.
*The number at USP Lewisburg is:*

*570-523-1251* (keep trying if no answer!) ask for the Mr. Ademai, the
manager of Z Unit.

Hello, I am calling out of concern for inmate Byron Shane Chubbuck, prisoner #07909051. I am aware that his mail is being tampered with, he has been denied medical treatment as well as religious rights, and has sustained both physical and psychological abuse by staff at your
facility. I am requesting that steps be taken to correct this misconduct and hope to hear a response from you as soon as possible. Mr. Chubbuck will let us know if this continues. Thank you, (Name)

Send letters to:
Warden Bledsoe
USP Lewisburg
U.S. Penitentiary
2400 Robert F. Miller Drive

Dear Warden Bledsoe,

I have been informed that acts of abuse have been directed towards Byron Chubbuck #07909051. Mr. Chubbuck has been in various USPs and has never received the type of treatment he has been experiencing in Lewisburg.

It has been brought to my attention that he has received disciplinary action including loss of phone, visitation rights and access to commissary items. We find these excessive punishments for hanging a towel to dry or removing his jump suit to work out. He has also been
falsely accused of throwing fecal matter at your staff, carrying a weapon, and assaulting a staff member (Lt. Galleta).
Of utmost concern at this time, however, is the treatment Mr. Chubbuck received on November 7th, 2009. I am aware that officers shot nonlethal chemical pellets numerous times in to the occupied cell where Mr. Chubbuck and his cellmate, Mr. Andrade #16320-085, are
housed. Mr. Chubbuck was removed from the cell and restrained by several staff members who subsequently poured scalding water on to his face. He was then stripped and placed in solitary. While this alone is disturbing, I am extremely appalled to hear that PA Potter cut Mr.
Chubbuck’s hair. This is a sign of disrespect and a great insult to an enrolled Native American.

In addition, Mr. Chubbuck is experiencing the worst handling of his mail in over five years, at five other USPs. If these gross injustices against Mr. Chubbuck are found to be in retaliation for his political views, this would be a violation of his rights and BOP policy.

I am sending this letter in solidarity with the many across the nation. I demand a full investigation into Mr. Chubbuck’s treatment on November 7, 2009 and to see his assault charge from that day be dropped. I also ask that the June 24, 2009 fecal charges against him
be reviewed and dropped.

I have sent copies of this letter to state representatives and will establish a written record of what is widely considered as abuse. I will be going through the proper channels within the BOP system to ensure that this incident does not go unnoticed. Mr. Chubbuck will not be cut off from his international supporters. He will not be forgotten!

I look forward to hearing from you.



Write Let Oso Blanco know that you supported him! It is absolutely essential that Oso Blanco knows how many people he has on the outside that will not allow him to be forgotten, even if it is a single letter.

# 07909051
PO BOX 1000


“Who said to stop calling in!? No one runs us! WE run us!” -Oso Blanco
December 2009

I am visible–see this Indian face–yet I am invisible. I both blind
them with my beak nose and am their blind spot. But I exist, we exist.
They’d like to think I have melted in the pot. But I haven’t. We
haven’t. -Gloria Anzaldua

See More
Oso Blanco is an indigenous prisoner of war facing abuse and torture in USP Lewisburg
Time:9:00AM Friday, January 15th
Denver Anarchist Black Cross

Denver Anarchist Black Cross Join Denver Anarchist Black Cross for a film screening of Paul Greengrass's 2002 dramatization of the events of Sunday January 30, 1972, when British soldiers attacked and shot Irish civil rights protesters, killing 13.

This 107 minute film follows the actions of organizers, protest participants, and British soldiers du...ring the horrific ordeal.

This will be the inaugural film screening at P&L Printing, and we hope to continue to project films at our shop.

Join us for a night of education, commemoration, and fundraising for the Denver Anarchist Black Cross.

$1-5 sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of funds.

See More
On the 38th anniversary of the massacre of Irish civil rights activists...
Time:6:00PM Saturday, January 30th
Location:P&L Printing
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
Byron Chubbuck, whose Indian name is Oso Blanco, is serving 80 years for expropriating money from banks and sending thousands of dollars to Chiapas, Mexico to help fund the Zapatistas and feed indigenous children...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
From NYC ABCF: Today the Love and Resistance collective, NYC Anarchist Black Cross (ABCF-NYC), Support NY, Bitches Roll Deep Anarcha-feminist collective, Aftershock Action Alliance, the New School in Exile, Students Creating Radical Change (NYU), and other individuals active in the anarchist and...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
CBC News Wiebo Ludwig, an Alberta activist convicted of bombing oil and gas wells in the 1990s, has been arrested and faces an extortion charge in connection with more recent bombings at EnCana pipelines in northeastern B.C., according to his Edmonton lawyer...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
At the bail hearing for LA-based gang peace organizer Alex Sanchez yesterday, arguments were made and another hearing was set for January 13th...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
A few days ago, we reported that Asel Luzzaraga, a Basque anarchist living in Chile, had been arrested in connection with the New Year’s Eve Justice Ministry bombing in Temuco and suspicion of involvement in other bombings. ...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
Check out everything that is going on with West Denver CopWatch here… and be sure to join their fan page on Facebook!
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
Dear Denver friends far and wide, First, thank you all so much for your support while I was in jail. Although I was kept isolated and the cops read (and probably lost) most of my mail, I received some of your letters and emails, and am still getting some as they trickle in through the mail...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
The “conspiracy of the cells of fire” is an anonymous anarchist conspiracy that has claimed several bombings in Greece over the past year. Af...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
In the latter part of 2008 and the beginning of last year, a series of actions against prisons were carried out in France in solidarity with the June 2008 riot and burning of the Vincennes detention center and with the insurgents facing trial...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
by James Ridgeway and Jean Casella For the better part of four decades, Victory Wallace, 70, has made a monthly trip from New Orleans to the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola to visit her brother Herman, who just turned 68...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
The Free Palestine Subcommittee of the National Lawyers Guild has prepared a new leaflet, attached here, describing the situation of the Anti-Wall Prisoners in Palestine – particularly the cases of Jamal Juma‘, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, and Mohammad Othman. We...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
From the Olympic Resistance Network: Nairn Centre, Ontario — Today just before 1pm a group of aboriginal youth and allies briefly blockaded the Trans Canada Highway bridge over the Spanish River (west of Espanola), disrupting the Olympic Torch Relay on its way from Sudbury to Sault Ste Marie. ...
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered Judge Real to reopen Alex Sanchez’s bail hearing. New Bail Hearing is set for January 6th at 10 a.m. Downtown Los Angeles. After reviewing Alex’s appeal for bail, the U.S. 9t...