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Blogs about: Culture

If everyone in your city looked the same, practiced the same religion,  spoke only one language and had the same taste in food, music, art, television, websites and recreation, well, not only would it be a freakfest, it would be a boring freakfest, devoid of what makes places great: culture. Perhaps that’s why the most cultured places on the planet also tend to have the most diversity?

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How Low Can We Go?
Mainenowandthen's Blog

Many eyes are currently focused on the Supreme Court and its consideration of Snyder v. Westboro Baptist Church, the case involving a small religious group and their practice of demonstrating in the vicinity of funerals for fallen military personnel, using these sad occasions for advancing their own prejudices and agendas and then spreading further invective through the internet.  The case reportedly will have a major impact on the right of “Free Speech” no matter what path the Justices decide upon. This “Christian” congregation insists that their God is angry over America’s “acceptance and glorification of homosexuality”.  The Westboro people state that God’s retribution takes the form of arranging the death of young military people and that by their demonstrating in the closest proximity to these specific funerals that they can manage they are doing “God’s work. In my opinion, this particular expression of insanity is inspir

A Reason to Vote for Prop 23
Usna1957's Weblog

From the San Francisco Chronicle: “California grossly miscalculated pollution levels in a scientific analysis used to toughen the state’s clean-air standards, and scientists have spent the past several months revising data and planning a significant weakening of the landmark regulation, The Chronicle has found. The pollution estimate in question was too high – by 340 percent, according to the California Air Resources Board, the state agency charged with researching and adopting air quality standards.” Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/10/07/BAOF1FDMRV.DTL#ixzz11nF0kbTo Comment: They use faulty data to scare us to death, pass punitive legislation – and expect us to knucle under and simply obey!  

Please Check Your Guns at the Door

There is a loose movement of gun-happy individuals which has been choosing random locations to show up with handguns openly strapped to their waist at various businesses, e.g. Starbucks. This practice generally goes by the name of “open carry.” There was even an instance of a woman who walked into a Unitarian church service, and told ushers “I’m exercising my constitutional rights.” It is an open question whether the Second Amendment was intended to create a right to carry a gun ANYWHERE in public that an individual wished to. It is also an open question whether the presently constituted Supreme Court of the United States will find such a right when the inevitable appeal reaches that ultimate tribunal. However, in the meantime, there is a useful and hallowed recourse for people who don’t want to be too close to the open carry of firearms. NOT ON MY PRIVATE PROPERTY. In medieval times, it was common that knights and nobles were required to check their

BC/AD Extirpation
The Heterodox
Vijay's blog
INFLUENCERS: How Trends & Creativity Become Contagius

INFLUENCERS is a short documentary that explores what it means to be an influencer and how trends & creativity become contagious today in music and fashion. Directed by Paul Rojanathara and Davis Johnson, the film is a Polaroid snapshot of New York influential creatives (advertising, design, fashion and entertainment) who are shaping today’s pop culture.  Check out the trailer above. Ecstatic Freshness Admin Group

Su Teatro Theater Productions Presents:
North City Park

Su Teatro presents: October 15th – 30th, 2010 The Last Lamented Dance at the Rainbow Ballroom and El Louie and Other Post Pachuco Dreams It’s closing night at the Rainbow Room…. Composer/Director Daniel Valdez re-examines the work of Chicano Royal Air Force poet, Jose Montoya, beginning with the tale of El Louie, a Korean War vet and an OG pachuco. This beautiful examination of the glory and tragedy of Chicano street life is a classic of Chicano literature. Set on the last night of El Rainbow Ballroom, the play features a parade of the musicos, the cantantes, the lovers, dreamers and fools that passed its doors. Based on the poems of Jose Montoya Adapted by Daniel Valdez and Anthony J Garcia Music by Daniel Valdez General Admission: $20.00 ea. Students: $17.00 ea. Seniors: $17.00 ea. Groups of 12 or more: $12.00 ea. Denver Civic Theater/721 Santa Fe Drive/Denver, CO 80204/303-296-0219 North City Park Civic Association supports Denver performing arts.

Nature-Culture Dualism - Mankind as both separate and together with Nature
Will Wilson III - I'm Just Saying...

Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been inevitably tied to the natural world around it.  As much as we may feel that we are dominant over nature, and that we develop to bend nature to our will, we are in reality completely dependent on it. In truth, it is nature that bends us to its will. WE develop, both technologically and culturally, around the rules and parameters sent by our world. Nature-Culture coexistence is and has been at the heart of our society. It is as much of a part of us as we are of it. Bruno Latour argues both sides, discussing the belief within “Nature-Culture Dualism”  that humans are beings outside of nature. While many may believe humankind to be outside of nature, a parallel to the natural world, we are in fact a key part of it. We are the prime species it has produced through generations of evolution, and humans, like every other animal, depend on nature and our planet for survival, sustenance, and growth. Early religions were founded on th

JEPANG HOI-HOI (Pameran Fotografi dan Video Instalasi)
Bocah Bancar Belajar Bahasa Jepang

Bismillahirrohmaanirroohiim,, JEPANG HOI-HOI (Pameran Fotografi dan Video Instalasi) Karya Rai Nayoan, Solomon Sihombing dan Yulian Ardhi  di Hall the Japan Foundation, Jakarta Gd. Summitams I lt. 2 Jl. Jend.Sudirman kav.61-62 Jakarta Selatan Jumat 15 Oktober 2010 Diskusi : pk. 16:30-17:30 Pembukaan : pk. 19:30-selesai Terbuka untuk UMUM. GRATIS. Pameran : 15-25 Oktober 2010 pk. 10:00-18:00 Sabtu,Minggu TUTUP. ‘Mengalami Jepang’ menjadi pengalaman luar bisa bagi Ray, Solomon dan Yulian. Mereka bukan fotografer profesional, namun latar belakang pendidikan dan profesi mereka sebagai seniman membuat hasil bidikan mereka tidak sekedar menjadi sebuah dokumentasi perjalanan. Mereka merekam keseharian masyarakat Jepang modern termasuk interaksi antar sesama, lingkungan dan budayanya. Rekaman perjalanan ini juga menjadi rekaman terakhir bagi Solomon Sihombing yang berpulang menghadap Sang Pencipta pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2010, di saat persiapan pameran ini. Pameran ini merupakan se

Displacing the First Command
Your Cross on My Back

Pastor Kevin DeYoung has a typically thoughtful post that clarifies his concerns about the various “missional” movements: I am concerned that in all our passion for renewing the city or tackling social problems we run the risk of marginalizing the one thing that makes Christian mission Christian: namely, making disciples of Jesus Christ.

"blessings" aren't only cash...
windmill perception

With the prevailing popularity of “prosperity gospel” churches, especially during harsh economic times, it seems the new ideal is that those who are “truly” blessed or highly favored by God are blessed with money and material items. Now certainly we need money. It’s an earthly requirement in most places on the globe for goods and services that are necessary for survival. Again, most not all places of the Earth. There are many societies where bartering and growing food leads the way, not driving a Range Rover to Whole Foods on the way to a 40,000 member church. Each society is different. But in a capitalist society, one that also mingles heavily with faith, it appears to be hard for some people, noticeably Christians and Catholics, not to see gaining material wealth as proof of God’s love. With this pretense, it would mean that God hates those who suffered in Haiti during the earthquake or the billions, yes billions on Earth who live on less than two

Friday Fun-ness
Wide as the Waters

Okay, I don’t know how funny this is, but it certainly acts as unintentional parody. Sadly, it also shows how insane the left has become, and how potentially fascistic their policies are. I think sadly, for many on the left, (which would include the New Atheists) there would be no hesitation to push that button if it would ‘disappear’ their opponents.