Monday, 27 September 2010

John Leech voted against the coalition - but who is the third man?

A world exclusive scoop for the Fabian Fringe tonight when John Leech MP admitted from the platform that he voted against the coalition agreement: "As one of only three Lib Dem MPs who didn't vote for the coalition, I am absolutely certain that we shouldn't close the door on a coalition with Labour."

Charles Kennedy is already on record as having voted against the agreement, so who is the third man (or indeed, woman, though there are only nine of them)? In conversations with Next Left after the fringe meeting, John Leech refused to reveal this information. The search continues.

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MatGB said...

Um, none of the MPs "voted against". Kennedy was one of three that abstained, which is a completely different thing.

No, I've no idea eitehr, I have a few suspects in my minds but...

Sunder Katwala said...

Sorry, you are right, as the quote itself says.


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