Israel Declares for Ethnic Nationalism

The Israeli cabinet has approved a measure that would require persons applying for Israeli citizenship to affirm the “Jewish and democratic” character of Israel. The new oath would at the moment affect relatively few people, mainly Palestinians outside Israel who marry Palestinian-Israelis and who wish to unite the family on the Israeli side of the green line (and are permitted to do so). But the backer of the oath, Avigdor Lieberman (a former club bouncer from Moldavia), wants a similar or even stricter oath to be administered to all the Palestinian-Israelis, who form roughly 20 percent of Israel’s population.

Supporters of the measure, such as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, point out that this language already exists in Israel’s organic law.

But Palestinian-Israeli community leaders and members of the Knesset (parliament) have lambasted the oath as racist.

“Jewish” as a marker of identity can refer either to a religion or to ethnicity (as defined in Israel, persons born of a Jewish mother). Ethnicity is arguably the more important of the two markers, since a practicing Jew in Israel born of a Gentile mother cannot be listed as “Jewish” in their identification papers. The most recent Israeli census said there were 7.2 million Israelis, with about 5.5 million Jews, 300,000 non-Jews, and 1.4 million Arabs or what I call Palestinian-Israelis. The non-Jews are mostly those children of mixed families where the mother was not Jewish. Most of them view themselves as Jewish and some are actively upset that they cannot be so listed. The 5.5 million Jews, moreover, included large numbers of Russians who do not practice Judaism but whose claims to Jewish ethnic ancestry were thought credible by the Israeli authorities. (Among Israeli intellectuals there are many skeptics about many of these Russian “Jews.”)

It seems obvious, then, that the “Jewish” in Netanyahu’s new oath is not primarily a religious marker, since otherwise many of the 300,000 would be “Jewish” on their identity cards and many of the Russians would be non-Jewish on grounds of love of ham sandwiches. Admittedly, religion is in the mix, since at some point in the past the matriarchs producing Jews were themselves religious Jews. In the past, religion preceded ethnicity, while in current Israeli law ethnicity precedes religion.

As such, asking someone to say that Israel is a “Jewish and democratic state” in order to gain citizenship would be analogous to asking a Hindu Indian immigrant to the United States to affirm that the US is “a white, ancestrally Christian democratic state.” That is, white ethnicity would be privileged and would be defined in part by Christian, and likely even Protestant, antecedents. (Early twentieth century racist judges had already clarified that while Hindu Indians might be Aryans insofar as they speak an Indo-European language, they were not “white.”)

It should be obvious that asking African or Asian immigrants, or even many Latinos, to make such an affirmation as the price of citizenship would be discriminatory and racist, insofar as their very oath would deprive them of first-class citizenship.

Political theorists distinguish between “civic” nationalism, such as that in the United States and France, and “ethnic” nationalism, more common in 19th century Central Europe. Civic nationalism is based on ideals (fealty to the US constitution, e.g.) and history. Thus, Crispus Attucks, an African-American, has often been seen as the first martyr to American independence, which was about ideals and not ethnicity. There was nevertheless a latent racism in American nationalism, which assumed that the “real” Americans were white Protestants. Thus, the ideal of civic nationalism is sometimes tainted by or intertwined with the sentiments of ethnic nationalism. But by and large over time, civic nationalism has won out in the American courts, though often only after a long struggle.

I don’t like ethnic nationalism, since at its worst it produces phenomena like Nazi Germany or Milosevic’s Serbia. If the nation is defined by a dominant ethnicity, then how “pure” does the ethnicity have to be? And is it polluted by the presence of other ethnic groups (might not they intermarry and dilute the core ethnicity?) In a globalizing world with massive labor migration, ethnic nationalism is a recipe for race war.

And, of course, as a historian I reject the whole idea of a “race” in the 19th century Romantic nationalist sense as a figment of the imagination. Brian Sykes found on looking at the mitochondrial DNA of Europeans that all the women had only one of 7 haplotypes or patterns in the chromosomes, and that the same 7 appeared in all linguistic and national groups, including e.g. the Basque, though the proportions varied. Germans are no different in this regard from the Irish or from Bulgarians. The vast majority of Ashkenazi Jewish women have one of the same 7 haplotypes rather than Palestinian ones. I.e. they are directly descended from Gentile great great grandmothers who married Jewish men. One only has to go back ten or twelve thousand years at most, probably, to find a common ancestor for all the Mediterranean populations. There are no races and all human beings are all mixed up in regard to ancestry. A recent excavation at Rome from the time of Augustus found a Chinese worker. How he got to the Roman Empire would make a great tale. But if he married a Roman woman and had children, likely all Italians now have some descent from him, and so are cousins of all the Chinese.

Ethnic nationalism is not only intrinsically unfair, but it is also based on a lie, that races are real things.

If most countries have a mix of civic nationalist emphases with ethnic nationalist ones, there is nevertheless typically a predominance of one over the other. However privileged French-speaking Catholics tracing themselves to the Gaulois were in post-Revolutionary France, the long-term keynotes of French law and political practice tended toward acceptance of all who stood with the Rights of Man and other key French revolutionary traditions.

In Israel, it is the ethnic nationalism that has been predominant, though there nevertheless have been some civic-nationalist aspects to Israeli politics. Thus, Palestinian-Israelis are citizens, can vote, can form political parties, and have representation in the Knesset (Parliament), though they can also fairly easily be expelled from that body. Their civic rights are fragile and less stable than those of Jewish Israelis.

What Lieberman and Netanyahu have done with this loyalty oath is to put the emphasis even further on ethnic nationalism, with Jews as the core or privileged ethnicity. They are right that it is not a new gesture, but are wrong if they think it is not a departure of sorts in the degree of emphasis on the ethnic versus the civic.

That changing balance in favor of a privileged ethnicity is why the Palestinian-Israeli politicians and community leaders are crying racism.

It would be an exaggeration to say that the oath makes Israel an Apartheid state inside the Green Line, i.e. inside 67 borders. Palestinian Israelis are citizens, can socially mix with Jewish Israelis, can go to university and attend the same schools, etc. They can even intermarry if they are willing and able to do so abroad. The oath does not make for Apartheid, but for an ethnic nationalism of the older German or Serbian sort. It is of course shameful for Jews to adopt such exclusivist political ideas, which harmed Jews so much.

It is the situation of non-Israeli Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza that more resembles Apartheid policies of creating cantonments for the Africans.

Aljazeera English has a video report:

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Pakistan Opens Khyber Crossing to NATO Supply Trucks but issues Threats over Hot Pursuit

The Pakistani government has decided to reopen the Torkham border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan, the route whereby 70 percent of US/ NATO supplies and 40 percent of fuel are brought by truck into Afghanistan. The Pakistani Frontier Corps and the Afghanistan National Army began work Sunday to coordinate the clearing of the huge backlog of trucks that have been stuck at the crossing for a week and a half. Some reports say that the opening is expected to occur on Monday.

Pakistan closed the crossing to trucks transporting goods for NATO & the US after a September 30 incident in which US helicopter gunships made incursions into Pakistani territory and then fired missiles at a Frontiers Corps checkpoint, apparently mistaking the scouts for Taliban. Two scouts were killed and four wounded. Pakistani nerves were already raw because of unmanned drone strikes on Pakistani territory. US President Barack Obama and Gen. David Petraeus appear to have decided to push for more hot pursuit missions into Pakistan from Afghanistan, and this decision was absolutely unacceptable to the Pakistani military, as well as to the public. When the Frontiers Corps scouts were killed, Chief of Staff Gen. Ashfaq Kayani appears to have felt the moment opportune to nip the ‘hot pursuit’ doctrine in the bud by closing the main NATO transport route and reminding Washington just how badly it needs Pakistani good will.

The US and NATO were forced into uncharacteristic apologies to the Pakistani government, over which Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani and President Asaf Zardari waxed lyrical, and which appear to have mollified public opinion somewhat and to have saved face for the Pakistani elite. My guess is that the US has given representations to Kayani that no uncoordinated hot pursuits will be launched into Pakistan from Afghanistan by the US military.

In fact, In fact, Interior Minister Rahman Malik openly threatened the US and NATO after the apology was issued:: “Pakistani forces are capable of defending the sovereignty of the country and in case of any incursion in future, they will use any option in response.”

To add insult to injury, the Pakistani government is considering imposing a tax on the NATO supply trucks. The huge trucks tear up the roads and do represent a cost to the government.

CNN has a video report on the reopening of the border crossing at the Khyber Pass:

In the past week and a half, as the border closure idled the some 3000 trucks that typically are on the roads supplying NATO, the Pakistani Taliban sent 150 fuel trucks into flames and killed 15 persons. Wire services quote some truck drivers as saying that driving these supply trucks is getting too risky.

The whole affair reveals how weak Bush’s wars have made the US. In 2001 Bush officials could just threaten to reduce Pakistan to rubble if it did not turn on the Taliban and join the Bush “war on terror.”

Now, with the US bogged down in Afghanistan and Iraq and in the wake of 9 years during which the US military was shown supremely vulnerable to unconventional military tactics, no such threat directed at Islamabad would be taken seriously. The US genuinely needs Pakistani help. The threats are being issued in the opposite direction, and the US military is the party that is being forced to swallow its pride and make an about-face on policy.

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Posted in Afghanistan, Pakistan | 6 Comments

Have Terrorism, Floods, Poverty Left 1/3 of Pakistanis Mentally Ill?

This The News article about a mental health conference in Peshawar, northern Pakistan, alleges that 1 in 3 Pakistanis suffers from mental health problems as a result of the terrorist attacks of recent years and this past summer’s massive flooding. Bombing campaigns have struck areas such as Swat Valley in the north as well as major cities such as Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi, spreading a sense of dread and insecurity. The Great Deluge of 2010 affected 20 million Pakistanis and left 8 million of them in need of temporary housing.

The significance of the 33% figure is hard to judge without knowing more about the authors’ definitions. Persons with a mental illness sometime during the year in the US are estimated at between 15 and 20 percent of the population. This statistic concerns persons with a cluster of mental problems that interferes with their ordinary functioning. A much larger proportion have what US psychiatrists call ‘mental health problems’ (one study suggested that over 80 percent of people in Manhattan suffer from such maladies.) If the Peshawar mental health professionals are saying that a third of Pakistanis have a cluster of mental problems that prevent them from coping with life, then Pakistan’s rate would be twice that of the US (a much, much wealthier and more secure country). But it is more likely that the one-third proportion refers to mental health conditions rather than debilitating clusters.

Other authorities estimate the mentally ill at closer to 9 percent of the population.

An overview of the issue in Pakistan is here.

Given that a third of Pakistanis live on a dollar a day, that terrorist bombings have become widespread and all too frequent, and that drug addiction has spread as Afghanistan poppies and heroin have created a transit route through Pakistan, the 1/3 figure may be plausible regarding people with a mental condition.

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Maddow v. GOP Candidate Art Robinson

Rachel Maddow debates Oregon GOP candidate Art Robinson on his secret campaign backers, his proposal to disperse radioactive waste in the oceans or ‘even over America,’ his denial that AIDS exists, and his climate change denial.

When she quotes his own writings to him, he accuses her of smearing him.

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Posted in US Politics | 7 Comments

Republican Iott a Reenactor of SS Panzer Div. Wiking

Ohio 9th District, GOP candidate Rick Iott is a re-enactor of the Nazi 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking. Iott told the Atlantic about his admiration for Nazi Germany’s military accomplishments while denying any interest in Nazism per se: “I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that here was a relatively small country that from a strictly military point of view accomplished incredible things. I mean, they took over most of Europe and Russia, and it really took the combined effort of the free world to defeat them. From a purely historical military point of view, that’s incredible.” Tens of millions of people died in WW II.

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Qunduz Governor, 19 Others, Killed in Mosque Bombing

Insurgents in Afghanistan bombed a mosque in Taloqan, Takhar Province, on Friday, killing 20 persons and wounded 33. Among the dead was Mohammad Omar, governor of the nearby Qunduz Province, who ironically had been warning of the increasing strength of the Taliban in the north and the need for better security precautions. Unlike many northern provinces, where other ethnic groups predominate, Qunduz has a large number of Pashtuns, about a third of the population, and some proportion of them has turned to the Taliban. Omar had been visiting his home town and attended the Friday prayers service. The assassination via a bombing in a mosque of a provincial governor is a major operational success for the Taliban.

Provincial governors have frequently been a target for assassination, as has the US-backed president, Hamid Karzai. Last year, this Dari Persian site says, another attempt was made on Mohammad Omar’s life. On October 26 of last year, gunmen made a failed attempt on the life of Gul Agha Sherzai, governor of Nangarhar Province.

CNN has video on the mosque bombing:

Northern Afghanistan has been increasingly dangerous over the past couple of years. On Thursday in the northern province of Baghlan, a suicide bomber killed a German soldier and wounded 6 others, 2 of them gravely.

Meanwhile, in Pakistan some 20 armed insurgents attacked yet another NATO convoy, destroying about 29 trucks. The attacks began when Pakistan denied the US/ NATO supply trucks permission to cross into Afghanistan through the Khyber Pass.

Aljazeera English has video on the continued closure of Torkham:

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Posted in Afghanistan | 2 Comments

Israeli Settler Runs over Protesting Palestinian Children

Aljazeera is reporting on an Israeli settler hit-and-run attack by automobile on two young Palestinian boys in Silwan protesting the expansion of Israeli settlements and theft of Palestinian land there. As horrible as the video is to watch– and one hopes the boys are not gravely injured– it is a remarkable simile for what the settlers are doing to the Palestinians.

For more see this report.

The Jerusalem Fund estimates that there have been on average 2 vehicular attacks per month on Palestinians by Israeli settlers in the Palestinian West Bank during the past year and a half.

Israel conquered and occupied the Palestinian West Bank in 1967 and since the early 1970s has been illegally settling Israeli citizens in this occupied territory. Large swathes of Palestinian land have been usurped, along with water and other resources, and Palestinians under foreign military rule have been left stateless, without citizenship or rights or a say over their own destinies.

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Posted in Israel/ Palestine | 7 Comments