By Maggie Sager * | Sabbah Report |

In the newest development concerning peace negotiations between Israel and the PA, Netanyahu has offered to partially extend the fake settlement freeze in exchange for recognition of Israel's Jewish character. In a startling spectacle of rationality, the PA has rejected the offer in kind. BBC reports:

The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said Mr. Netanyahu was "playing games" with his offer, and that there was no connection between settlements and the national character of Israel.

"I don't see a relevance between his obligations under international law and him trying to define the nature of Israel," he added. "I hope he will stop playing these games and will start the peace process by stopping settlements."

He's right. Settlement activity in the West Bank is illegal under international law regardless of Israel's "Jewishness". Perhaps Bibi Netanyahu forgot this:

Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal and an obstacle to peace and to economic and social development [... and] have been established in breach of international law. -International Court of Justice Ruling, July 9, 2004

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Thumbnail image for One Wall, Two People, No States: the Peace Pretense

One Wall, Two People, No States: the Peace Pretense

by William A. Cook October 12, 2010

If the future state of the Palestinians is a mirage, the present Israeli State mocks the definition of a nation State; a true state has jurisdiction over a given territory. The state of Israel refuses the demarcation of its borders and refuses to abide by the United Nations resolutions that demand it return the land it has illegally occupied to the people of Palestine. Given this defiance, the possibility of establishing “two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side” can be construed as nothing less than hypocrisy.

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Thumbnail image for Time for New Palestinian Political Strategy

Time for New Palestinian Political Strategy

by Dr. Elias Akleh October 12, 2010

There is a dire need for an immediate new more assertive Palestinian political strategy. There is an urgent need for a new more effective Palestinian election, involving not only Palestinians under Israeli occupation, but also Palestinians in all Palestinian refugee camps and in exile, to choose a more representing political body, who would sincerely and assertively fight for the Palestinian rights on the international arena. The 17 years old Palestinian negotiating team with its futile negotiate-only mindset needs to be dismantled and be replaced with another team who is ready to negotiate only after Israel withdraws back to 1967 borders. The effectiveness of this new Palestinian body depends on the Arab League re-instating the Palestinian issue as the major Arab cause in totality and to support Palestinians in every form of resistance.

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Thumbnail image for Israel's New Loyalty Oath

Israel's New Loyalty Oath

by Stephen Lendman October 12, 2010

Israel's direction mirror's 1930s Germany, especially under a Netanyahu/Lieberman/Shas coalition and most extremist ever Knesset, flouting democratic freedoms one law or edict at a time. Lieberman and other extremists called the new measure a first step to loyalty legislation they want enacted as well as other anti-democratic laws to be considered in the Knesset's winter session. A forthcoming article addresses them.

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Thumbnail image for His father's boy: the three faces of Binyamin Netanyahu

His father's boy: the three faces of Binyamin Netanyahu

by Guest Post October 12, 2010

Binyamin Netanyahu's main motivation is his total obedience to his old father. When Netanyahu the son transferred a part of Hebron to the Palestinian Authority, his father rebuked him and stated publicly that he was unfit for the job of prime minister, fit at most to serve as foreign minister. But the son made a huge effort to remain true to his father's views, and that is the main motivation for his policy. According to Samet, he would not dare to face his father and tell him that he had given away parts of Eretz Israel.

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Thumbnail image for Israel's other "peace" plan: arm-twisting Obama

Israel's other "peace" plan: arm-twisting Obama

by Jonathan Cook October 12, 2010

The Palestinians and Israelis concentrated on the blame game, thereby highlighting the fact that both think the talks are doomed. The Camp David talks lasted two weeks before collapsing; these negotiations have been on life support since they began more than a month ago. The Israeli government was given the choice between peace and settlements, and it has chosen settlements. Rather than investing wasted energy in doomed talks, the two sides appear to be adopting the same alternative strategy: cutting a deal directly with Washington that circumvents the other party.

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Thumbnail image for Double entendre

Double entendre

by Paul J. Balles October 9, 2010

How can the West expect a placid reaction to their own actions when they have massacred more than 1,300,000 Iraqis, let alone the Afghans and the support given to Israel for their vicious savagery in Lebanon and Gaza? How can we expect anything but calls for retribution when the agonizing stories of innocent victims of military atrocities get told and retold?

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Thumbnail image for Arab regime credibility hanging by its last invisible thread

Arab regime credibility hanging by its last invisible thread

by Alan Hart October 9, 2010

Arab leaders know that with America’s mid-term elections fast approaching, there is no way a humiliated, increasingly desperate and isolated Obama can even think about applying real pressure on Israel. So why are they, Arab leaders, going through the motions? The short answer is that once again they are seeking to cover the ugly nakedness of their impotence.

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Thumbnail image for Israeli settler hits Palestinian kids, runs

Israeli settler hits Palestinian kids, runs

by Haitham Sabbah October 9, 2010

Leader of Jewish settlers in the occupied East al-Quds (Jerusalem) neighborhood of Silwan has deliberately run over two Palestinian children and fled the scene. (see video) The Israeli car driven by David Be'eri, the leader of hardline Elad organization trying to settle Jews in Silwan, charged a group of Palestinian kids, hitting one boy full on and throwing another off his feet.

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Thumbnail image for Negotiating An Evaporating Palestine

Negotiating An Evaporating Palestine

by Guest Post October 9, 2010

The price of clinging to power and remaining in the good graces of the U.S. State Department has been forsaking Gaza. The Israeli government seized on this, bolstering Abbas’ stature by pretending they had found a trusted negotiating partner—all while the quiet annexation of land continued. But it is hard to solely blame Abbas. As Netanyahu stated, Israel has mastered the art of entering empty dialogue with Palestinians as new East Jerusalem and West Bank settlements are built.

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Thumbnail image for Israel's Persecution of Ameer Makhoul

Israel's Persecution of Ameer Makhoul

by Stephen Lendman October 8, 2010

Sharon earlier, and Netanyahu today, share like-minded views; namely, that "relations with the Palestinians (are) a zero-sum game" in which Israel intends to gain at their expense, including its own Arab citizens. Both leaders spurn concessions, Sharon once saying, "This is our land, and we'll settle it and build on it in order to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state. We'll never give up this area." As a result, Palestinians have been ruthlessly persecuted, imprisoned, or slaughtered in gross violation of international laws.

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Thumbnail image for Leaked letter reveals Obama's contempt for international law

Leaked letter reveals Obama's contempt for international law

by Stuart Littlewood October 8, 2010

We are all in trouble if the US president takes leave of his senses and jettisons integrity. The most powerful man in the world then becomes the most dangerous. I'm sure someone has reminded Mr Obama that Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention makes it crystal clear that the occupying power is forbidden to transfer parts of its own civilian population – Israel's half-million squatters – into the territory it occupies. What's more, in 2001 the High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention unanimously reaffirmed its applicability to the Palestinian Occupied Territories including East Jerusalem.

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Thumbnail image for Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mahboob and Momin Khawaja

Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mahboob and Momin Khawaja

by Stephen Lendman October 8, 2010

The plain truth is that Western nations face no Islamic threat. Claiming one is a US-concocted lie. Authorities and media reports viciously spread it to justify state-sponsored terrorism against innocent victims like Mahboob and his family, including son Momin, now imprisoned for being Muslim at the wrong time in Canada.

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Thumbnail image for Nothing Has Changed Since the Yom Kippur War

Nothing Has Changed Since the Yom Kippur War

by Guest Post October 8, 2010

Nothing has changed in 37 years. It's the same arrogant hubris, the same obstinate resistance to any prospect of an agreement, the same failure to recognize that only peace will save us from another defense minister who sinks into an existential depression while warning of an impending holocaust. What's the point of this festival of 1973 war documents and this retroactive dance of death? Why look back, if on the day the settlement building freeze ended the settlers did a remarkably accurate imitation of the dance of arrogance that preceded the 1973 war?

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Thumbnail image for The reality of Israel

The reality of Israel

by Khalid Amayreh October 8, 2010

Israelis, often thoroughly absorbed in their collective sanctimony and self-righteousness, seem never to stop repeating the eternal mantra that the Jews are a "light unto the nations" and Israel is "the only democracy in the Middle East". This week, several events occurring in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories highlighted the stark gap between what Israelis think about themselves and the reality.

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Thumbnail image for Israeli Police Given Protection for Killing Palestinians

Israeli Police Given Protection for Killing Palestinians

by Guest Post October 8, 2010

Once again Israel's police officers and border police shoot and kill an Arab in cold blood. This time it was a father to many children who was trying to enter Jerusalem to find work for his livelihood. Again the automatic false claim was made that a Palestinian tried to take a border policeman's weapon. Will the police force, once again, rally behind this murdering officer? Will he, too, gain the status of a hero that killed another Arab? Israeli rights group Yesh Din reported earlier in the year that only "six percent of investigations yielded indictments against Israeli soldiers who harmed Palestinians.

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Thumbnail image for The Press as Political Player

The Press as Political Player

by Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban October 8, 2010

The facts published in the report which characterized the "Israeli army's violence" as "brutal" did not get its way to TV networks and other media. The second intervention by the media this week has been the blackout on a group of Jewish activists on board of the boat Irene who sailed to Gaza to show the world that not all Jews support the Israeli blockade policy.

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Thumbnail image for Al-Qaeda's Suspect Humanitarianism

Al-Qaeda's Suspect Humanitarianism

by Maidhc Ó Cathail October 6, 2010

If, as seems likely, the al-Qaeda messages concerning this summer’s floods in Pakistan are fakes, they would seem to provide further evidence of an Israeli-inspired campaign to destabilise the world’s only Islamic nuclear power. The question then becomes, what, if anything, Islamabad will do to counter such efforts before it too goes the way of Afghanistan and Iraq.

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Thumbnail image for Qiresh Family Eviction: 1948 Ethnic Cleansing Continues [must see]

Qiresh Family Eviction: 1948 Ethnic Cleansing Continues [must see]

by Antoine Raffoul October 6, 2010

The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians continues to this day. In 1948 it went unobserved by most of the world media. Today, it continues despite of the presence of world media. Add to this the farcical indifference of the world community. If this is acceptable today, then we are bystanders. Tala Qiresh, the little Palestinian girl in the pictures, and her family have been evicted from their home in Old Jerusalem and despite the lawyer's intervention, the soldiers refuse them entry. Tala and her family sleeps on the street in front their home. The Qiresh family lived in that house since 1940 with 40 other residents in 20 rooms.

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Thumbnail image for Will Hezbollah defeat Israel (again!) in the coming war?

Will Hezbollah defeat Israel (again!) in the coming war?

by Franklin Lamb October 6, 2010

Virtually the whole waterfall of Hasbara studies, many handsomely paid for by various Israel lobby funders, conclude that the next Hezbollah Israel war will be nothing like the 2006 July War. Hezbollah believes Israel will indeed attack Lebanon and that the Zionist battle plan will include the use of the following Israeli units which Hezbollah has been carefully studying and preparing to confront. Some analysts believe that once the Israeli attack date is imminent, northern Sunni militia being clustered around Tripoli and Akkar and other locations will attack Shia targets diverting Hezbollah units and weakening its southern and eastern (Bekaa) resistance.

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