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Building Rawabi


Israel’s environment minister – supporter of Jewish settlements in Samaria – Gilad Erdan told Israel’s army radio it was “a mistake” for Israel to allow the Palestinians to build a city called Rawabi, north of Ramallah for “green” concerns.

And no – that is not envy.

The Palestinians, according to Erdan, have no proper plans for managing sewage or other waste generated from the city, that will house some 40,000 people at a cost of $700m.

Bashar al-Masri, head of the Bayti Real Estate Investment Co, that is jointly running the Rawabi project, said that AFP US-funded plans for a sewage and waste water treatment plant were well under way – to the contrary of Erdan’s accusations.

“The environment is very important to us and we are coordinating with the Americans over the sewage issue,”

He said, adding specifically that three US companies were competing over a contract for a waste water treatment plant serving Rawabi and the surrounding villages.

“Rawabi is well planned and we are ready for any investigation into what we do.”

Erdan said,

“At a political level, I don’t like the idea (that they are building) in territories over which there is a dispute about ownership and sovereignty,”

Continuing that

“on one hand, they are building thousands of housing units, while on the other side, every stone that is moved creates a scandal.”

“But let’s put that to one side,”

Erdan said, attempting not to mix politics with environmental issues,

“I have turned to the defense minister (Ehud Barak) and the civil administration and said: ‘OK, this train has already got under way, and this city will be built but let’s demand at the very least that it doesn’t damage the environment…”.

The civil administration is a military body of the Jewish country which runs civilian affairs in Samaria.

While Rawabi is being built in Area A, which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, the roads joining it to Ramallah and the surrounding area run through Area C, which is under complete Israeli military control.

Work on the project began in January and is being carried out by the Bayti Real Estate Investment Company and Qatar’s Diar Real Estate Company.

Katharina Wagner Will Be Staying in Germany


Richard Wagners

Great-granddaughter of German composer Richard Wagner canceled a trip to Israel after the leaked news of the visit prompted criticism over her anti-Semitic ancestor.

Katharina Wagner was scheduled to visit the Jewish Country and invite the Israel Chamber Orchestra to open next summer’s Wagner Festival in Bayreuth, Germany.

The visit, which according to Haaretz had been kept secret for a year, was leaked to the Israeli media to the reception of hot and cold reactions both from Israel and abroad.

Usually, Wagner’s works are not performed in Israel where he is unloved for his reputation as an outspoken anti-Semite whose work was venerated by Hitler.

Chairwoman of the orchestra’s board of directors, Erella Talmi told Israel’s Army Radio that the orchestra will play in the opening of the month-long festival of Richard Wagner operas.

“The decision was not to break a taboo,”

Said Talmi,

“The decision was to accept an invitation that showed a new openness.”

Hence, she drew a distinction between performing Wagner in Israel and abroad.

The new Austrian conductor of the orchestra, Roberto Paternostro is a friend of Katharina Wagner’s.
Some musicologists date the beginning of modern classical music to the first notes of Wagner’s Tristan – the Hendrix-esque “Tristan Chord”.

His music is especially known for its early introduction to 20th century atonality.

During the 1870′s, philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was part of the composer’s in-crowd – and in fact, Nietzsche (also known to have an anti-Semitic edge, though less sharp) proposed in his first work, The Birth of Tragedy, that Wagner’s music is the “Dionysian rebirth of European culture in opposition to Appollonian rationalist decadence”.

A prolific writer, Wagner wrote a famous essay in 1850, “Das Judenthum in der Musik” (“Jewishness in Music”), a polemic in opposition to Jewish composers in general, and in particular one Giacomo Meyerbeer. He was also well-known for his mistreatment of German-Jewish composer and conductor, Hermann Levi.

Jon Stewart is a Bigot, Rick Sanchez Is Unemployed and Fidel Castro is a Zionist


Rick Sanchez
After he made tetchy rhetoric on a radio program, CNN has put the axe in one veteran news anchor Rick Sanchez.

According to Mr. Sanchez, Jon Stewart, host of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” is a bigot.

The former CNN news anchor was born in Cuba and worked at CNN since 2004. He was host of the two-hour “Rick’s List” on CNN’s afternoon lineup. The prime-time version of that show ended when the time slot was filled by former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker.

Sanchez often found himself the butt of Stewart’s jokes — other than frequent features on the show’s “Moment of Zen” segment, the most recent example of Stewart’s bigotry directed at Sanchez was when he said on the air that his show had received a tweet from House Republican leader John Boehner. Stewart said it was a case of “send a twit a tweet.”

In rebuttal, Sanchez told Pete Dominick in a satellite radio interview that:

“He’s upset that someone of my ilk is almost at his level,” he is bigoted toward “everybody else that’s not like him.” Jon Stewart “can’t relate to what I grew up with”.

alluding to his family’s needy fiscal findings and prejudice directed at his dad.

Dominick pointed out that Stewart, Jewish, is a minority too.

The response came,

“I’m telling you that everyone who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority?”

Sanchez added a sarcastic “yeah.”

“I can’t see someone not getting a job these days because they’re Jewish.”

Stewart was labeled by Sanchez as a member of “elite, Northeast establishment liberals “who ”deep down, when they look at a guy like me, they see a guy automatically who belongs in the second tier, and not the top tier.”

Sanchez even talked about Jewish influence in the media:

“Very powerless people… [snickers] He’s such a minority…”

Here is Jon Stewart’s response:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Hurty Sanchez
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

Meanwhile, in a recent interview with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, former Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro lambasted Iranian Holocaust denial, supported the Jewish Country’s right to exist and had amicable wishes for Binyamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres.

“I don’t think anyone has been slandered more than the Jews…I would say much more than the Muslims. They have been slandered much more than the Muslims because they are blamed and slandered for everything. No one blames the Muslims for anything.”

Said Castro:

“Now, let’s imagine that I were Netanyahu…that I were there and I sat down to reason through [the issues facing Israel], I would remember that six million Jewish men and women, of all ages were exterminated in the concentration camps.”

Castro also expressed an admiration for Netanyahu’s father, Ben-Zion, who is the foremost historian of the Spanish Inquisition in the world.

Strange, even for the former Communist dictator who was once a vehement supporter of the ultra-left movement to delegitimize the Jewish Country.

In a separate public announcement, Castro also recently pitted Israel and the US against Iran by cautioning about the could-be catastrophic effects on global climate change that could come as a result of a ‘nuclear winter’.

Meanwhile, this year according to Haaretz, 5,000 Israelis traveled to Cuba on vacation. A number that is sure to increase.

I’ve Got You Under My Skin


The London branch of the Ahava cosmetics store was closed for three and a half hours (11:30 am until 3pm) on Shabbat when activists, acting on behalf of the International Solidarity Movement, locked their arms together on a concrete slab with tubing leading into the middle of the shop.

The protestors were removed and consequently arrested by London Police.

Ahava store in London shut down

The aggravated trespass charge will be challenged on grounds that Ahava is an unlawful business ergo no lawful activity was stopped by the provisional blockade.

For those who have not felt the mineral magic of Ahava’s Holy Land blessed face, body and hand, bath and hair, botanic, spa, anti-aging, dermud and various other products – I feel bad for you.

You don’t know what you’re missing!

A privately held Israeli firm founded in 1988, Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories’ central location and much-visited visitors’ center is located in Mitzpe Shalem, in the spectacular Judean desert; a spitting distance from the magical Dead Sea and the freshwater springs of Ein Gedi: playground for the Syrian Brown Bear, Mountain Gazelle and Nubian Ibex, where King David hid from his persecutors and composed Psalms to Elohim.

37% of Ahava company shares are held by the settlement of Kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem, 37% by Hamashbir Holdings (investment fund of B. Gaon Holdings and the Livnat family), 18% by Shamrock Holdings (investment fund of the Roy E. Disney family), and 7% by Kibbutz Kalia.

Mitzpe Shalem is about 9 km from the green line, Kibbutz Kalia too lays in disputed territory.

According to international law, a person of any nationality may establish a factory in any country, so long as they pay taxes to the local government. The Palestinian Authority does not receive any kind of bursary from the lucrative Israeli cosmetics firm, and therein is found the grievance.

To put things into context, listen to this:

Last year, while on display in London at the British Library, the antiquities minister of Jordan urged the Britons to return the Dead Sea Scrolls to them, rather than to their home at the Israel Museum. The reason? The ancient Hebrew Biblical scriptures on sheepskin parchment, dating from 50 AD and backward were uncovered in Qumran in the Judean Hills before the founding of the State of Israel, in “annexed territory.”

Come on! Like Jordanians can read Hebrew!

The “pillage” or “plunder” of materials, referencing the all-natural ingredients of Ahava products is illegal under international humanitarian law; specifically Articles 23, 53 and 55 of the Hague Regulations; Articles 51 and 53 of the 4th Geneva Conventions and Article 8(2)(b) of the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court.

Once an Israeli government official was asked about the legality behind the activities of the Ahava firm and this is what they said:

“The Palestinians did nothing with this land when they had it…And the Palestinians still have access to the Dead Sea. If they wanted to, they could set up a factory themselves.”

In November 2009, the Dutch Foreign Minister launched an investigation into the conditions which Ahava products are made to determine if the firm’s practices and location flouted international law and European Union labeling regulations.

This is what a representative of Ahava had to say:

“The Dead Sea and its treasures are international and do not belong to one nation…The company was founded out of love for the magical environs of the Dead Sea and throughout the years has been driven by a deep passion to reveal the secrets of the minerals’ rejuvenating effects on the skin. Therefore, the natural location of the factory is along the western shore of the Dead Sea.”

The Ahava factory outlet in Israel is open Sunday through Thursday 8-5, Friday 8-4, and Saturday 8:30-5.

Two Cases of King Lear


According to the Palestinian Authority, the main obstruction to building a real Arab state, I mean one with large outdoor festivals, power-house industries, world-class universities and hotdog stands are the Jewish Settlements.

The PA is serious this time: jettison the moratorium – no state.

Which really means no end to terror on Israeli and world citizens, or just an end to the peace discussions?

The Palestinian Authority, as part of its boycott after Netanyahu cried, “game on!” on West Bank construction, is telling Palestinians to quit their jobs in the settlements by the end of the year.

But Mr. Abbas, where else will your people find work?

Some 25,000 Palestinians are employed in Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

When the freeze ended on Monday, less than a dozen builders and surveyors went to work in Geva Binyamin, a settlement of 1,300 families eight miles north of Jerusalem. Tragic.

In the village of Hussan near Bethlehem, one Palestinian builder named Ali spoke of the employment benefits he finds in the end of the ban on Jewish building in Samaria,

“What difference does it make?” he said, “We have lived with Israelis and we will have to live together in the future. I’m pleased that I will be able to make a living…”

Meanwhile, the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan has written a letter to the head of the UNRWA and to Arab donor nations cautioning about the shortfall in the UNRWA budget, and the danger posed to Lebanon and Syria.

While the fact remains that the majority of so-called “Palestinian refugees” in Jordan are in fact Jordanian citizens, the Hashemite kingdom insists on:

“Keeping the Palestinian Arabs crammed into these miserable camps under UNRWA control rather than integrate these citizens into Jordanian society.”

The meaning behind the danger of reducing the UNRWA budget is that, as the letter expressed “these UNRWA camps are meant to keep the issue of Palestinian refugees alive.”

On the other hand, in 1950 Israel provided Israeli citizenship to the members of UNRWA refugee camps in the new state and within a couple of years the camps perished, as the refugees became self-supporting members of Israeli society!

Feeling a little #ish today?


Nice campaign for the Jewish Federation :)

Walking on Water


The Israeli Government and the IDF coordinated the delivery of a variety of Humanitarian Aid and Development Assistance to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, whose dire situation is actually questionable and whose peaceful disposition is a fallacy.

The month of August saw a 41% increase in the net volume of truckloads entering Gaza, together with the ongoing discharge of the new policies approved on June 20th.

These are including the establishment of a Joint Project Coordination Team between COGAT and the PA, which has already overseen various development efforts.

In addition there has also been a near doubling of the capacity for imports via the Kerem Shalom Crossing since the month of May.

Gaza aid shipTuesday afternoon, the Irene yacht carrying nine activists from the United States, Israel and Britain – which intended to single-handedly break the Gaza naval blockade was docked at Ashdod Port after being intercepted by the Israeli Navy. Thank God there was no violence.

Despite opposing pressure and the grilling of senior officials throughout the summer the Jewish Country insists that the objective behind the blockade is simply to prevent arms smuggling into the Hamas-run territory.

Since the end of Operation “Cast Lead” in January 2009, 500 projectiles – rockets and mortar shells – have been fired from Gaza at civilian targets in southern Israel.

The Islamic Jihad newspaper, Palestine Today explained that unlike other vessels and flotillas, Hamas has been

“Ambivalent at best towards the entire idea of this particular pseudo-aid ship…”

Therefore you can bet that Israel coordinated aid to the Gaza strip is a lot more effectual than silly Turkish yachts full of anglo-speakers, if what you have in mind or heart is actually the civilians.

A Thought On Zionism

On a side note, I would like to bring to recollection today a few recent instances of Israel demonizing.

Remember when Helen Thomas said this to Rabbi David Nessenoff?

Q: Any comments on Israel?

HT: Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. Remember, these people are occupied and it’s their land. It’s not German, it’s not Polish.

Q: So where should they go, what should they do?

HT: Go home.

Q: Where is the home?

HT: Poland. Germany.

Q: So you’re saying Jews go back to Poland, Germany?

HT: And America and everywhere else.

And within the same week wrote this on her website:

“I deeply regret the comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”

Oh and when Jimmy Carter wrote that book, “Israel: Peace Not Apartheid” and then months later told the Anti Defamation League this:

“We must recognize Israel’s achievements under difficult circumstances, even as we strive in a positive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with its Arab populations, but we must not permit criticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel,”


“As I would have noted at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, but which is appropriate at any time of the year, I offer an Al Het for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so…”

Well, right wing Hollywood hunk, Mel Gibson too apologized for his drunken anti-Semitic rant five years ago.

If indeed Zionism is virtuous – the world will not receive apologies from the Jewish Country when nine incognito Turkish Jihadist posing a pantomime peace activism are killed on board the Mavi Marmara.

Nor can Richard Goldstone squeeze out guilt or remorse from the IDF concerning “Operation Cast Lead”.

The answer?

One party is propelled by survival and the other by anti-Semitism.

Virtue does not regret its actions. Virtue does not apologize. And a Jewish State which fights for its survival is virtuous.

Missiles, Worms and Space Creatures


According to Iran’s defense minister, the Revolutionary Guard has received its first batch of brand new missiles, featuring enhanced guidance systems to hit ground targets.

Developed by Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization and successfully test-fired last month, General Ahmad Vahidi says the Defense Ministry supplied the guard with the upgraded surface-to-surface Fateh-100 missile. Previous versions of the missiles had ranges of up to 120 miles or 193 kilometers. The specifications on the new Fateh-100′s are still up for speculation.

Mahmoud AhmadinejadWhile rumors have surfaced that Ahmadinejad is considering ending the country’s uranium enrichment, a complex computer worm has affected the personal computers of the staff at that country’s first-ever nuclear power plant, just weeks before the facility is to go online.

Named Stuxnet, the computer worm can do serious damage to systems which control the inner workings of industrial plants.

Let’s Make a Deal

On a semi-related note, Moscow and Jerusalem signed a military cooperation agreement – actually the first of its kind – in early September, during a visit by Defense Minister, Ehud Barak. Israel is to sell the not-always-trusted and not-always-rational, builder of the Iranian Nuclear Power Plant, Russia, 36 UAV’s at a price of just $100 million.

Is $100 million worth Russia’s Iranian cooperation and human-rights violations in Georgia? Well how about a $300 million joint-venture to manufacture Israel drones in that country?

Hang on Ehud Barak!

Yes, the rumors are true. Russia will continue to supply Syria with advanced P800 sea-to-surface cruise missiles. These are the most advanced of their kind in the world! Will they be transferred to Hezbollah? Most signs point to yes.

The Russians, however, won’t deliver S-300 surface-to-air missile defense systems to Iran. Apparently that would be taking things one step too far.
Ahmad Vahidi said this on Iranian state-run TV:

“We think Russia should show it has an independent stance in choosing its relations with other countries as well as on international issues…”

The S-300, capable of shooting down aircraft and missiles at ranges over 144 kilometers and altitudes of 27,342 meters, would have been helpful to the Islamic Republic in combating an attack by Israel.

Meanwhile, last Tuesday, Italian authorities seized seven tons of explosives at a shipping container port in Gioia Tauro, Calabria. The shipment, sent from Iran, headed for Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, was being transported by a Swiss-Italian shipping company to Syria.

What’s Happening at the United Nations

The UN is appointing a Malaysian Astro-physicist to head the Office of Space, to welcome extra-terrestrial visitors to the planet.

She is expected to explain that the recent discovery of hundreds of stars have made the possibility of the discovery of alien life more likely than before and that the United Nations should be ready for the chance of “initial contact.”

Sharon Going Home


Now 82-years-old, Ariel Sharon has been lying unconscious since January 2006, originally at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem and then in the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.

Ariel SharonAt about the five-year point since former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon became comatose, he will be moving back soon to slumber at his Sycamore Ranch in the Negev – accompanied by loved ones and medical machines.

The house has been readied to receive him. Life support equipment and even an elevator to take him from the ground floor to his second floor bedroom.

The move will happen at first for only a few days as a trial, and after which he will be taken back to the hospital.

“If it becomes clear that the necessary medical care is available at the ranch, he will be taken back to the ranch permanently.”

It was once stated that the Chaim Sheba Medical Center had asked the family to take Sharon home, accompanied by a nurse, because:

“there is no place to provide him with special medical services at the hospital.”

But it was really his sons Gilad and Omri who requested the move.

In February 2009 the Chaim Sheba Medical Center said:

“A dialogue with the family and medical staff is being held continuously to see whether it is possible to continue treatment of Mr. Sharon in an environment which is not a hospital.”

Yellow Belly Republic


The al-Khaleej newspaper’s got the scoop! Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will soon be visiting Lebanese dictator, Saad Hariri to discuss

“Iran’s ownership of what he regards as the struggle of the Muslim world against Israel.”

As Jerusalem Post’s Jonathan Spyer worded it.

Will he visit the Southern border with Israel? Does the Iranian leader have the chutzpa?

Spyer observed that the visit could be a signal that the Republic of Lebanon is making a de facto initiation into the “axis of evil,” to borrow a phrase from the Bush-era.

Iran wishes to make itself the crux authority in the region, despite its non-Sunni and non-Arab population. Of course Abbas’ Western diplomacy and recent reception of $400 million from the World Bank only has the Iranian leader salivating more to make his proxy weapon, Hezbollah, more of a bona fide sovereignty in the region – and thereby lifts Iran to an even more authoritative position through the world over.

As a result of Iran’s weight, the good citizens of Lebanon have not stood a chance to build a state which is respectable and buoyant at-best since their 2005 withdrawal from Syria.

Restrictions on banking services and shipping are reducing Iran’s ability to sell the crude oil which is critical to its economy; a result of the country’s nuclear policy. Yet Ahmadinejad refuses to cite any other root cause than the Jewish Country for its woes.

And speaking of which, Iran lost a possible medal and many points in the 2010 World Wrestling Championships in Moscow, this month, when the Greco-Roman wrestler Taleb Nematpour refused to compete against his Israeli rival for the championship match.

Supposedly, Miresmaeili withdrew because he exceeded the weight limit – however, he was quoted on his return home saying he had

“avoided the match as a sign of sympathy with the people of Palestine.”

Wrote Foreign Correspondent, Maryam Sinaiee of the Abu Dhabi news source, The National.

If that were the case, why not stay and fight? I don’t know – call it Jihad or something! Pin the Jew and cry, “Free Palestine!”

Nematpour had won the 2010 Fédération Internationale des Luttes Associées Golden Prix Finals and was also a 2010 World Cup bronze medalist.

Iran reported that he withdrew due to “severe appendix pains.” Though Esmail Kowsari, a legislator and staunch opponent of any direct competition with Israelis, claims that:

“Such justifications – made to international athletic federations and committees to avoid penalties – are unnecessary and athletes should be proud of withdrawing.”

Kowsari said:

“I say our athletes shouldn’t even use illness as an excuse for their honourable deed…We have repeatedly announced that we don’t recognize Israel.”

Ever since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iranian athletes have refused to compete against Israeli athletes in international sporting events.

“This was worth a hundred medals,” said Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei to Arash Miresmaeili after the judo champion refused to fight Israeli Ehud Vaks in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

A political analyst in Tehran, who insists to remain anonymous said:

“Iranian and Israeli athletic performance has significantly improved since 1983 and resulted in more frequent chances of their confrontation in international athletic competition…It has also become more difficult for the Iranian athletes and authorities to justify absence from competitions to Olympics committees and international athletic federations. The denial of the consideration of lifting the ban shows that the dilemma of facing the Israeli athletes or not facing them and bearing the consequences will not be resolved any time soon…”

In July, Iran was accused of putting politics before sports at the Youth Olympics because of its withdrawal from a taekwondo final against the Jewish Country – known to be talented in the Martial Arts.

Anyway, now-a-days, any conflict which is beyond resolution by cathartic sportsmanship is very much a risk to world peace!

Get in the ring guys!

To Life AKA Vanessa’s Wedding Surprise


Yom Kippur War Documentary




Part II: Sharm El Sheikh

Clinton: Welcome back kids. Barack stayed home to focus on his square-dancing lessons and dupe some environmentalists.

Peace TalksAbbas: Bless his heart. We’re not too concerned about the environment in Palestine either.

Netanyahu: That’s OK Hillary – I think that you can handle this.

Clinton: Thank you Bibi. You start.

Netanyahu: I have one demand before we begin!

Abbas: What’s that? – umm, Hillary could you please put down the hookah for a second – it is rather distracting.

Clinton: But I wanted to Walk Like an Egyptian. haha.
(Netanyahu shoots her a strange look)
(Abbas takes the hookah out of her hand)

Netanyahu: I demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state!

Abbas: A Jewish State?

Clinton: (coughs) A wha?

Netanyahu: Yes! A Jewish state.

Abbas: haha. That is ridiculous! But the Muslims! The Christians…oh my, oh my.

Netanyahu: Well Mahmoud, firstly I find it a double-standard to demand a Palestinian State where Jews are not allowed to build settlements, alongside a Jewish state where Muslims, Christians, Druze and whoever, are given complete liberty to do as they please. Even serve in our Knesset!

Abbas: Why you—

Netanyahu: Hold on Mahmoud. Hillary, PLEASE PUT DOWN THE HOOKAH! I have something else to say. There will be no extension to a halt on West Bank housing!

Abbas: But you said—

Netanyahu: I made no promises!

Hillary: That means no spaceship Benjamin!

Netanyahu: So be it! No spaceship! The settlements are more important!

Abbas: No building freeze no deal!

Netanyahu: With all due respect Mahmoud, Israel really does not need anything from you in order to thrive. Hamas poses as big a threat to your own people as it does to mine!

Abbas: I cannot control what Ham—

Netanyahu: You’ll learn to control it!

Hillary: That’s enough! Benjamin you are being—
(Abbas jumps over the table and begins to choke Netanyahu)

Hillary: Ahh, help help, Mahmoud is trying to kill Bibi!

(fixes his tie)

Netanyahu: This is ridiculous. You cannot expect me to make a deal with an animal! What should I build a zoo for you?

Hillary: Benjamin! Be reasonable!

Netanyahu: You want reason? We do not even have a seat in the United Nations. Now I ask YOU Miss Secretary of State, is THAT reasonable?

Hillary: What’s that got to do with it?

Abbas: hahaha.

Netanyahu: You two are nuts! Listen, the United Nations partitioned a “Jewish State” in 1947 alongside an Arab State. I think you two will recall UN GA Resolution 181! The Arabs are the ones who refused it!

Abbas: (lunges at Benjamin again…Hillary holds him back) I will remember nothing you liar!

Hillary: (eyes roll and shrugs helplessly at the sky as if IT provides the answer) Oy voy voy, this is going no where!

OneJerusalem Special: The Peace Summit 2010


Part I: Washington D.C.

Middle East peace negotiations in Washington
Obama: I want to begin the summit by insisting to my Jewish and Muslim friends that these proceedings, leading where they will, are not just a shallow photo opportunity for this Nobel prize winning Pres!

Netanyahu: Not at all!

Abbas: No way Jose…..

Obama: Sebaba! Let’s get this baby moving. The President of Cool has some disco lessons with his wife! Ya dig?

Netanyahu: Swing her up down and all around President of Cool! Hahaha!

Abbas: Haahahaha.

Obama: Hahahaha. Ok Ok. Let’s get started, shall we? (motions for Abbas to speak)

Abbas: A’salaam Aleichem!

Netanyahu: Shalom Aleichem!

Obama: Peace my brothers. Welcome to Washington D.C.. Anybody up for some fresh Maryland crab cakes?

(Abbas squirms in discomfort)

Netanyahu: Yeah, I’ll try one of those bad boys.

Obama: I was kidding Benjamin. Now, down to brass tacks my brothers. Let’s start with Israel. Bibi, what say you?

Netanyahu: Israel is ready, willing and able to cooperate on a plan for peace. Our hearts are broken over this age-old, bloody dispute. It has to end. We will be reasonable and listen to the Palestinian
demands…so long as they do not compromise Jewish statehood.

Obama: (lights a cigarette) We are glad to hear that. Hillary and I have been praying to hear that Israel is ready to talk peace. How about Mahmoud – the quiet kid in the corner. What say you?

Abbas: The conflict has got to end. And that has to start with ending the occupation. It is one thing to set and honor a building freeze – but what we really need is to get the settlers out of the West Bank, for good. Look, even your own artists won’t perform at that new theatre in Ariel. You are wrong. Just plain wrong. If Israel returns to her pre-1967 borders, that also means there can be no settlers.

Netanyahu: No settlers? Settle down Mahmoud! This is very holy land for the Jews. We tell them that they can build and then two years later we change our minds? This does not look good. You all saw what happened in Gush Katif. There will be riots!

Obama: The only way to appease all parties is to make sacrifices. No solution without a return to Israel’s pre-1967 borders.

Netanyahu: Very well, Barack. But I think that both you and Mahmoud are overlooking the danger which Hamas poses. They have already made their way into the West Bank and are terrorizing my citizens. What will they do to the Islamic citizens living under the PA?

Mahmoud: Yes Bibi, we’ve consi—

Netanyahu: And not to mention the dangers posed by the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the no-goodniks. You cannot make it seem like kicking the Jews out of Samaria will bring instant peace!

Mahmoud: Perhaps a civil war is necessary!

Netanyahu: If war is necessary than why should we appease the Palestinians who have no order among themselves! Less even than the Jews!

Mahmoud: Because the outposts are illegal!

Obama: That’s right. (puts his arm around Abbas and begins to rub his shoulder). Bibi, how about if I trade you arms for land?

Netanyahu: The settlers, my colleagues, will castrate me!

Obama: Bibi, how about arms and an additional $1 billion so you can build that spaceship you’ve been dreaming of!

Netanyahu: Ooh lala! (his eyes begin to twinkle and his face grows a big dumb grin).

To Be Continued….
(next time from Sharm El Sheikh)

Can Peace Really Be Just a Stone’s Throw Away?


Last Sunday marked the 38th anniversary of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the Olympic games in Munich, Germany. On September 5th, 1972, PLO terrorists slaughtered the young men after a botched rescue attempt by German commandos.

The victims’ names: Mark Slavin, David Berger, Kahat Shore, Eliezer Halfin, Andrey Shpitzer, Yosef Guttfreund, Zev Friedman, Amitzur Shapira, Moshe Weinberg, Yosef Romano and Yacov Springer are now immortalized in a big budget, 2005 motion picture by American film director, Steven Spielberg, appropriately called, “Munich.”

Meanwhile, disgruntled Islamists fired at a vehicle carrying Israeli Border Police on Monday, near the Arab town of Kalansawa, actually located in central Israel. Two of the policemen were wounded and taken to Kfar Saba’s Meir Hospital where they recovered.

On Sunday, a two-year-old baby was wounded slightly when Arabs hurled rocks at a car driving in Halhoul, north of Hevron. The child was evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek hospital in Jerusalem.

Last Thursday, a 12-year-old girl from Har Bracha was wounded in a rock-throwing ambush near Ariel. On Friday she underwent head surgery at the Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikva. She is currently in the Intensive Care Unit.

And last week, two days after Hamas shooters opened fire at a car near Kiryat Arba killing four Israeli civilians, more shots were fired at a vehicle traveling in the area between the settlement Kochav Yaakov and Rimonim Junction, wounding two more Israeli civilians, also in the West Bank last Wednesday.

According to the IDF Twitter feed on September 3:

“30 rioters in Bi’lin hurled rocks @ security forces who responded using riot dispersal means and 50 rioters gathered in Ni’lin hurled rocks @ security forces + burning tires @ the security fence.”

Because of these incidents, the United States has temporarily banned its diplomats from traveling to the West Bank and even Jerusalem’s Old City.

Also, overnight Monday, in response to the West Bank terrorist aggression, the Israel Air Force struck a terror tunnel and two smuggling tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip. The terror tunnel was being used for infiltration into Israel and executing terror attacks against IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians such as the occurrences in the West Bank.

Free Free Palestine

According to Ha’aretz, a U.S.-based pro-Palestinian organization is planning to fly a plane-load of aid to Gaza, in defiance of the Israeli blockade. The flight was originally scheduled for this coming spring.

The California-based Free Palestine Movement which is sponsoring the flight has been linked to the IHH, which sent the floatillas from Turkey in May.

Obviously it would be challenging at best for Israeli forces to intercept an airplane without causing casualties.

Anyway, despite the blockade, according to the IDF Twitter feed on September 1st:

“336 truckloads of food, fuel & gas [legally] entered the Gaza Strip yesterday (112 via Karni + 224 via the Kerem Shalom Crossing).”

For the record, More than 100 rockets and mortars have been fired at Israeli territory since the beginning of 2010, and over 400 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel since the end of Operation Cast Lead.