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    Question of the Day
    Photo Galleries
    • North Korean celebration

      North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and his son Kim Jong-un preside over the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party in Pyongyang, North Korea.

      61 Photos

    • Fort Hood massacre hearings begin

      A hearing convenes to determine if there is enough evidence to put Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan on trial for the Fort Hood shootings.

      5 Photos

    • Ukraine rail collision kills 43

      A crowded passenger bus collided with a train in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, killing 43 people and leaving 8 injured.

      5 Photos

    • Clinton urges Balkan reforms

      Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton urges the ethnically divided Balkans to embrace political reform needed for European Union and NATO membership.

      14 Photos

    • Poland roadway crash kills 18

      A van carrying orchard workers in Poland crashed head-on with a truck in dense fog. All 17 passengers and the driver were killed.

      4 Photos

    • Maryland gubernatorial debate

      Maryland's gubernatorial candidates, former Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Democratic incumbent Gov. Martin O'Malley, debate in Baltimore.

      10 Photos

    • Nobel Prize for economics awarded

      Two Americans and a British-Cypriot win the Nobel Prize for economics. The wife of the Nobel Peace Prize winner is under house arrest.

      12 Photos

    • Obama pushes for infrastructure spending

      White House stages a Rose Garden event to lobby for Republican support for a $50 billion infrastructure-investment proposal.

      5 Photos

    • Arrest in Hungarian sludge disaster

      The managing director of a Hungarian aluminum company has been arrested after a company reservoir unleashed a torrent of toxic red sludge, killing eight.

      10 Photos

    • Gates in Vietnam

      Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates meets with Vietnam's prime minister and military leaders in Hanoi.

      11 Photos

    From left, Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen, Lt. Dan Choi, Cpl. Evelyn Thomas, Capt. Jim Pietrangelo II, Cadet Mara Boyd and Petty Officer Larry Whitt stand together on April 16 after they handcuffed themselves to the fence outside the White House during a protest for gay rights. A federal judge issued a worldwide injunction Tuesday stopping enforcement of the

    Federal judge orders end of 'don't ask, don't tell'

    By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times

    A federal judge in California on Tuesday ordered the U.S. military to stop enforcing the 17-year-old policy banning openly gay service members, the policy known as "don't ask, don't tell." Published 8:44 p.m. October 12, 2010

BACK TO WORK? The Nobel Frontier Driller, an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, may be used again with the moratorium lifted.

    Drilling go-ahead in Gulf criticized

    By Kara Rowland - The Washington Times

    The Obama administration on Tuesday said it would lift the deep-water drilling moratorium it imposed after the massive BP oil spill, but Gulf of Mexico region lawmakers and industry advocates said the stiffer new rules that the government is imposing will leave rigs idle and workers out of jobs for months longer. Published 8:41 p.m. October 12, 2010

    In this photo from Oct. 6, 2010, Tiffany Hartley (left) and family members lay a wreath near the site where her husband, David Hartley, was shot last month on Falcon Lake in Zapata, Texas. U.S. and Mexican authorities said Tuesday a Mexican state police commander investigating the Hartley's reported shooting and disappearance has been killed. (Associated Press)

    Mexican official leading probe of Texan's death reported killed

    By Jerry Seper - The Washington Times

    Law enforcement authorities in the United States and Mexico on Tuesday confirmed the slaying of the high-ranking Mexican state police commander who was overseeing an investigation into the fatal shooting by suspected pirates of an American tourist on a Texas border lake. Published 8:38 p.m. October 12, 2010

    Image from MTV's

    MTV's '16 and Pregnant' sobering for many teens, poll says

    By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times

    A poll found that out of more than 1,000 teens, six in 10 had seen the show. Of those teens, 82 percent thought the show helped teens understand the challenges of childbearing much better, while only 15 percent thought it glamorized having a baby in high school. Published 8:38 p.m. October 12, 2010

    Latest Video
BACK TO WORK? The Nobel Frontier Driller, an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, may be used again with the moratorium lifted.

    Drilling go-ahead in Gulf criticized

    By Kara Rowland - The Washington Times

    The Obama administration on Tuesday said it would lift the deep-water drilling moratorium it imposed after the massive BP oil spill, but Gulf of Mexico region lawmakers and industry advocates said the stiffer new rules that the government is imposing will leave rigs idle and workers out of jobs for months longer. Published 8:41 p.m. October 12, 2010

    Image from MTV's

    MTV's '16 and Pregnant' sobering for many teens, poll says

    By Cheryl Wetzstein - The Washington Times

    A poll found that out of more than 1,000 teens, six in 10 had seen the show. Of those teens, 82 percent thought the show helped teens understand the challenges of childbearing much better, while only 15 percent thought it glamorized having a baby in high school. Published 8:38 p.m. October 12, 2010


    Questions surface over Campbell's handling of crisis

    By Jim McElhatton - The Washington Times

    As the Republican nominee for Maryland's comptroller, William H. Campbell is campaigning on his experience as a top financial officer at federal agencies, including Amtrak. Published 5:14 p.m. October 12, 2010

    Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni (Associated Press)

    Netanyahu takes heat for Obama snub

    By Ben Birnbaum - The Washington Times

    Israel's opposition leader and a former prime minister criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday for not agreeing to a U.S.-proposed two-month extension of a West Bank settlement freeze, whose expiration has threatened to sink renewed Mideast peace talks. Published 8:04 p.m. October 12, 2010

    From left, Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen, Lt. Dan Choi, Cpl. Evelyn Thomas, Capt. Jim Pietrangelo II, Cadet Mara Boyd and Petty Officer Larry Whitt stand together on April 16 after they handcuffed themselves to the fence outside the White House during a protest for gay rights. A federal judge issued a worldwide injunction Tuesday stopping enforcement of the

    Federal judge orders end of 'don't ask, don't tell'

    By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times

    A federal judge in California on Tuesday ordered the U.S. military to stop enforcing the 17-year-old policy banning openly gay service members, the policy known as "don't ask, don't tell." Published 8:44 p.m. October 12, 2010

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    Baseball's Labyrinth

    A statistically slanted view of baseball, brought to you by a disciple of the Bill James movement.

    Forbidden Table Talk

    Political satirist and Christian apologist Bob Siegel discusses religion and politics.

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