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Marie Claude about Reunification: Germany Succeeds in Icy Negotiations

in case you would chicane again, I ment "freedom fried"Comments ()

Marie Claude about Reunification: Germany Succeeds in Icy Negotiations

if you are aware of your scandals we are aware of ours too, you're confounding the [...]Comments ()

Pat Patterson about Reunification: Germany Succeeds in Icy Negotiations

Then you really don't know anything about the US because our media was all over the [...]Comments ()

Marie Claude about Reunification: Germany Succeeds in Icy Negotiations

My point initially was the double standard that I see in America regarding Europe [...]Comments ()

Pat Patterson about Reunification: Germany Succeeds in Icy Negotiations

Sure it happened but that's not the reason you posted from Pat Dollard. And as usual [...]Comments ()

Marie Claude about Reunification: Germany Succeeds in Icy Negotiations

but did it happen or not ?Comments ()

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