Any colour you like, as long as it's red - a review of Made in Dagenham

There are a tiny number of films which sympathetically portray strikes that win - this is one. ....Read more

Injustice: Why Social Inequality Persists

Henry Parkyn-Smith on an excellent, sharp and at times poignant analysis of the political, social and economic situation that capitalism as a social system is in today. ....Read more

A Question of Class: How workers can change the world

We are told by the media and politicians that the concept of class is no longer relevant. Lindsey German argues that we cannot understand the current crisis without it. ....Read more

Stitched Up Part 5 | An Ideal Fashion

Part Five of Stitched Up looks at fashion in an ideal society, a society without divisions along the lines of class, gender, race or sexuality. ....Read more
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Thousands Protest at Tory conference

Protesters marched on the Tory conference in rain swept Birmingham on Sunday. Around 5,000 people joined the protest called by the Right to ...

Reports | Sunday, 3 October 2010

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Prevent the Deportation of the Okpara Family.

Mildred Okpara and her three young children aged 7, 5 and 1 years of age are to be deported in the very near future - possibly in the next f...

Reports | Friday, 1 October 2010

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“We’re not here to save money, we’re here to save lives”- interview with London firefighter

Tory London Mayor Boris Johnson is preparing mass sackings of London firefighters in a dispute over working hours. Counterfire interviewed a...

Reports | Friday, 1 October 2010

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North East trade unionists rally against savage cuts

Hundreds of trade unionists and their supporters gathered at Grey's Monument in Newcastle today to protest against the coalition government'...

Fighting the cuts | Wednesday, 29 September 2010

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North East: the impact of cuts

The excellent Touchstone blog is one of the better things about the TUC. It provides a wealth of invaluable information about government cut...

Fighting the cuts | Monday, 27 September 2010


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Film: Migrants for London

Migrants for London is a dynamic look at migrants' impact on our society, giving voice to different experiences of migra...

Video | Friday, 1 October 2010

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A Marxist History of the World part 15: The Macedonian Empire

Neil Faulkner looks at the defeat of the democratic empire centred around Athens in a protracted counter-revolution led ...

A Marxist History of The World | Monday, 27 September 2010

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Ed Miliband, Labour and the battles ahead

The election of Ed Miliband as Labour's new leader today is a defeat for Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, the 'New Labour' e...

Opinion | Saturday, 25 September 2010

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The Pope, religion and the Left

The visit of Pope Benedict XVI was greeted by protests by secularists, LGBT activists and campaigners for womens’ rights...

Opinion | Saturday, 25 September 2010

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Unfinished business: The Dagenham strike and the battle for equal pay

Made in Dagenham, the film about a strike by women machinists has highlighted the struggle for equal pay. But with women...

Women's Liberation | Friday, 24 September 2010


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Capitalism and Class Consciousness: the ideas of Georg Lukács

The next in the series of Counterfire publications is Capitalism and Class Consciousness: the ideas of Georg Lukács by Chris Nineham. Below ...

Theory | Tuesday, 24 August 2010

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Trotsky: The Lessons of October | 70th Anniversary

On the 70th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky, a leading figure in the 1917 Russian revolution, Alex Snowdon introduces a key chapte...

Marxist History | Friday, 20 August 2010

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Lukács: Reification and the Class Consciousness of the Proletariat

Georg Lukács made a large contribution to Marxist theory, but especially significant are the series of essays he wrote under the title His...

Theory | Monday, 9 August 2010

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Another China rising

As a rising labour movement gains strength in China, the reprint of Harold Isaac's classic Marxist history of the Chinese revolution provid...

Book Reviews | Thursday, 5 August 2010

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Strategy and tactics: how the left can organise to transform society

Counterfire is publishing a series of short books over the next few months. Below are excerpts from Strategy and tactics: how the left can o...

Theory | Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Fighting the cuts

Tony Benn"The time to organise resistance is now..."

Join Tony Benn and sign the Coalition of Resistance against Cuts and Privatisation Statement

National conference: 27th November, The Camden Centre, 10am-5pm


Editors' pick

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Chris Banbury - Right To Wor

Fourmanfilms | Monday, 4 October 2010

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Paul Mackney Coalition of Re

Fourmanfilms | Monday, 4 October 2010

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Judth Orr Socialist Workers

Fourmanfilms | Monday, 4 October 2010

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Dr Jacky Davis Keep o - Righ

Fourmanfilms | Monday, 4 October 2010

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Lindsey German Stop The War

Fourmanfilms | Monday, 4 October 2010

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Romayne Phoenix Green Party

Fourmanfilms | Monday, 4 October 2010