news and action

17 Aug 2010 >> News, Top story
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John McDonnell MP, comedian Mark Thomas, leading black campaigners and NEC members from the Unite, PCS, TSSA and UCU unions and more…

13 Aug 2010 >> News
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Musicians, trade unionists and campaigners are giving their support to the event called to oppose the racist English Defence League

13 Aug 2010 >> News, Top story
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Musician Aki Nawaz of Fun-Da-Mental, who is from Bradford, is among those backing the We are Bradford event on 28 August.

12 Aug 2010 >> News, Top story
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The deputy general secretaries of the CWU and FBU, and Bradford Respect Party chair Arshad Ali are among the latest supporters of the We are Bradford event.

11 Aug 2010 >> Action
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UAF, our sister organisation Love Music Hate Racism and the Muslim Council of Britain have called a national march to end with a carnival on Saturday 6 November.

11 Aug 2010 >> Action

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The event on 28 August is supported by...

David Ward MP Bradford East, John McDonnell MP (pic: right), Bradford NUT, Mark Thomas comedian and activist, 1990 Trust, Gill George executive council, Unite the union, Zita Holbourne PCS national executive committee and joint chair, Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (Barac), Sue Bond vice-president, PCS, Jane Loftus vice-president CWU, Aki Nawaz hip-hop artist, Fun-Da-Mental and Nation Records, Tony Kearns senior deputy general secretary, Communication Workers Union, Andy Dark assistant general secretary, Fire Brigades Union, Communication Workers Union, the Public and Commercial Services union, Transport Salaried Staffs' Association, University and College Union, Andy Reid PCS national executive committee, Arshad Ali chair, Respect Party, Bradford, Martin Smith national coordinator, Love Music Hate Racism, Mike Thompson chair, Leicester 0168M Unite branch, Steve Hedley RMT London Transport regional organiser, Lowkey hip-hop artist and poet (pic left), Paul Mackney former general secretary NATFHE/UCU, Dave Renton author and historian, Keith Flett chair Haringey TUC, Marianne Owens vice-chair PCS Wales, Sean Vernell UCU national executive committee, Robert Barron president GMB @ PCS (pc), Saira Azam member of the UK Youth Parliament for north-west Norfolk, Neal Frankland Wakefield District Green Party, James Eaden UCU national executive committee, Anindya Bhattacharyya writer and activist, Emily Bishop consultant, Women's Refugee Commission, Sally Kincaid divisional secretary, Wakefield and District NUT, Professor Malcolm Povey University of Leeds UCU president, Steve Johnston president, Leeds NUT, Frank Parnham PCS rep, Barnsley and Rotherham branch, Frank Ormston TSSA rep, Network Rail (pc), Tony Stanley Leeds Racial Equality Council, Taj Salam Unite the Union, Dave Gibson branch secretary, Barnsley College UCU and UCU national executive, John Hemingway NASUWT Birmingham, Dick Pole GMB NW London branch president, Roger Keely Kirklees NUT, Paul Hodgkinson vice-chair of governors, Nab Wood school, Bradford (pc), Mark Bergfeld NUS national executive committee (pc), Sam Browse PGR councillor, Sheffield Student Union, Matt Saywell GMB Holborn branch secretary (pc), Barnaby Raine School Students Against War, David Kersey communications officer, Coventry Unison (pc), Sasha Simic Usdaw shop steward, Central Books (pc), Hanif Leylabi NUS LGBT committee, David Crouch, NUJ FoC, Financial Times (pc), Claudia Campbell chair black members' group Birmingham Unison, Rev. Chris Howson City Mission priest, MS Kahn member, Council for Mosques, Rachel Yosef member, Bradford Synagogue Council, Abdul Nasir IslamBradford, Elizabeth Lawrence UCU regional secretary and NEC member, Geraint Evans branch secretary Bradford UCU ACE, John Campbell chair, Yorkshire and Humber UAF and Unison NEC member, Bill Greenshields NUT past president, Rev. Lynn Britten, Little Lane church, Kanja Sesay NUS Black students' officer and ex Bradford University student union communications officer, Abdul Basit Ali Black and ethnic minority students officer, Bradford University students' union, Ratna Lachman JUST West Yorkshire, Rev. Clare MacLaren vicar, St Martin and St Barnabas church, Heaton, Liz Firth Communities Organised for the Common Good of Bradford, Ashiq Hussain chair, We are Bradford, Sarah Cartin vice-chair CND (pers cap) and former Bradford University student union officer, Hildah Mpofu, Rezza Faissaly, Richard Hargreaves, Nerimaz, M Pearse Bradford Immigration and Asylum Support and Advice Network, Will Sutcliffe Bradford Ecumenical Asylum Concern, Bruce Gulland, Bradford ESOL lecturer, Dennis White Bradford NUT, Lindsey Johnson Bradford Education Business Partnership, Stephen Paul Drake BYDP youth support worker, PM de Villiers Bradford Cathedral, Zaffar Hussain probation officer, Helen Forbes ACE UCU Bradford College, S Ahmed Family Action, Naeem Amza finance officer, Girlington Advice Centre, Sumara Sultan MPAC UK, A Mohmin MBU, Mary Dawson Bradford Community Broadcasting, Yorkshire CND Weyman Bennett joint secretary Unite Against Fascism, Merseyside Stop The War Coalition, Harold Shalet PCS (Ret'd) HSE HQ branch, Merseyside Love Music Hate Racism, Paul Holborow secretary Anti Nazi League (1970s), dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip hip-hop duo, Socialist Workers Party, Bindz Patel president, Goldsmiths University Students union, James Haywood communications officer, Goldsmiths University Students union, Maddy Abbas Leeds Coalition Against war, Ruqayyah Collector (pic: above right), China Miéville author, The Peace Artistes Bradford street band, Steph Owens TSSA national executive committee (pc), Paul Williams PCS DfT group president, Aumayra Saleem MPACUK, Alf Filer Harrow College UCU, Foisal Uddin Muslim Defence League, Umit Yildiz UCU black members standing committee, Rima Amin FE womens representative, NUS Black Students Campaign, Martin Cornish senior steward, Camden Unison, The Carers Resource, Cllr Michael Lavalette, Preston City Council, Dave Gibson Barnsley UCU branch secretary and national executive committee member, Jehanzeb Khan antiracism campaigns officer, Warwick Students Union, Kieran Crowe assistant secretary, Barnet Trades Council (pc), Dave Owens PCS North West region DWP vice-chair and DWP GEC (pc), Joel Anderson branch secretary, CSSD UCU Branch. Plus hundreds of individual supporters