Save Parliament

Do you like living in a democracy?

Well, enjoy it while you can. In early 2006, the UK government started trying to pass a law that would have let them do away with Parliamentary democracy altogether.

...a nightmare plot

Unnoticed by the majority, the government quietly tried to slip through legislation that got dubbed the "Abolition of Parliament Bill", the "Totalitarianism Bill", and other equally scary names.

...truly how democracy is extinguished

Its real name is the "Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill", and in its original form, it threatened to bypass normal Parliamentary controls, and make it almost impossible to stop government ministers from enacting any law they like.

...almost unfettered power

Fortunately, the Save Parliament campaign (amongst others) managed to raise enough opposition that the government had to make major changes to the Bill. However, there are still problems, and until the Bill is properly fixed to safeguard our democratic system, we will continue to campaign against it.

Next: What's The Problem?