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  1. @rosspruden gene simmons is bluffing. he's said the same thing for years... but hasn't actually sued: #infdist
  2. Er. This is sorta creepy: "If you have a passion for Mike Masnick..." And, when did FB start copying Wikipedia?
  3. @robinsloan @mike_ho don't learn chinese. just pick up one of these: (kidding. would love to learn chinese too)
  4. @PrometheeFeu also, normally, I'd reply faster, but was on a plane all day today...
  5. @PrometheeFeu we do use twitter to add updates/alerts etc., but more conversation stuff happens via personal accounts (i.e., @mmasnick )
  6. @solobasssteve i know. such a sad state of affairs.
  7. Updated the story on Minecraft developer. More like $100k made per day, rather than $350k. Still damn impressive.
  8. Dear PR person: pitching some totally unrelated startup by comparing the CEO to Mark Zuckerberg in "The Social Network" is not compelling.
  9. Heh. Nieman mashes up @ev (williams) and @biz (stone) RT @NiemanLab: Twitter CEO Ev Stone announces he's stepping down
  10. @jamie_love is the list of applicants public somewhere?
  11. @johnpstrohm i think there are many coherent arguments for rethinking (c). here's a good one:
  12. @johnpstrohm indeed. i wouldn't say stupidity (or intelligence) is limited to one side.
  13. @johnpstrohm funny. i've seen plenty of very well thought out anti-(c) comments. it's usually the pro-(c) people who strike me as uninformed
  14. @goorpy haven't found a good one yet
  15. Apotheker may not be a *good* choice for HP, but what kind of reporter would call him a "no-name"?
  16. @Jakewk if Ellison was happy to get Hurd, he must be thrilled that HP now hired Apotheker
  17. Sad day, saying goodbye to a good man who left this world and his family way too soon.
  18. Who says ingenuity is dead? Sandwich bags that make your sandwiches look moldy to scare off kitchen thieves:
  19. @KarlBode to be fair, aol kept engadget going as a strong property. so i think that's more comparable.
  20. @ethank yeah, they keep chugging along. not sure what they do any more.