Posted by: Naomi | July 22, 2011

Refreshing Changes

Happy Summer everyone! We hope you are all enjoying the gifts summer brings with its generous sunshine, longer days and hopefully more laughter. We just hope you are sure to cover up from that sunshine to protect your precious skin!

As many of you may have noticed, Bodykör has been out doing some summer activities of our own and we haven’t been posting and our site was ‘resting’ for a bit. We’ve been doing some changes to our look in hopes to entice you even more and we welcome you all back. (And more changes are on the way!)

We will continue to post and bring you any little or big nugget of information relating to skin care, sustainable living and overall health and lifestyle issues.

Thanks to all for your patience!

Posted by: Naomi | March 16, 2011

Spring is in the Air!


Sunday, March 20th is the first day of spring!

With the change of seasons, you might want to consider making adjustments to your skin care routine. A lighter moisturizer is helpful in keeping your skin’s surface cool as the weather warms. Other spring time considerations; be sure you’re drinking enough water, and don’t forget to break out a hat and sunscreen.

For many, the change of season can also mean allergies, which can directly affect your skin with bacteria and skin-rash buildup. If you’re prone to allergies, be sure to do an exfoliation treatment on a regular basis; it’s a quick and easy extra step you can do in the shower.

Tip — make sure you’re using a good eye creme, like bodykor’s Coenzyme Q10 Eye Creme. It’s not just dry weather that contributes to wrinkles around the eyes, it’s also the transition from cooler to warmer weather that causes your skin to react. Treating your delicate eye area during the change in seasons gives you the extra protection your skin needs to help stave off the wrinkles.

Enjoy taking off the layers from winter and get out there and enjoy the sunshine!

Posted by: Naomi | February 4, 2011

Treat your Skin to a Humidifier

Do you find yourself leaned up against a corner trying to satisfy that itch in the middle of your back, much like a bear does on a tree? Or do you feel as if even after a hot steamy shower, within an hour your skin is back to feeling dry and scaly? For me, I call all of this The Winter Itchy and Scratchy Show which essentially is a season of constant itching and mild (or for some) extreme discomfort. If only we can all go to a spa everyday….BUT there is a great remedy that may help!

Spa facial treatments usually include an intense steam treatment directed at your face at some point in the procedure. This works to both open your pours and hydrate your skin, prepping it for pour treatment.

You can give your skin a similar boost of moisture therapy at home by using a humidifier. Depending on the amount of moisture normally in your environment (which in some areas changes dramatically depending on the season), you may benefit from using a humidifier set on low in your bedroom. We spend more time in the bedroom on average than any other room, yet they are often the driest room in the house due to low air circulation. Be sure to try the humidifier out first to determine it’s noise level. Though you may find the hum soothing, some units can be quite loud.

Your skin is constantly shedding skin cells. Adequate air moisture allows new skin cells to have accessible hydration, giving them a healthy start, and keeping you looking your best.

TIP: Experiment using drops of your favorite scented oil in the humidifier water for an enjoyable aromatherapy experience!

Posted by: Naomi | January 8, 2011

The New Year’s Skin Workout

Ahh the holidays are over and it’s that time of year where many of us are putting our bodies back in check. Translation:  Get back on that treadmill.

How many miles does it take to burn all of those sugar cookies and egg nog? A lot, which is why so many people this time of year are hitting the gym more often.  Great news for you and keep it up.

BUT, be sure to be prepared for your skin to protest your high impact, sweat til you drop mantra. You may notice more breakouts that include sudden acne, redness and for some; inflammation. And this may occur not only on your face but dare we say, other areas of that precious body of yours. So, here are a few tips to help you while you chisel away those calories from grandma’s Christmas Apple Pie:

1)   We’ve said it many times before, but we’ll say it again..drink water. More than usual, especially if you are really working out hard. Our bodies lose hydration as our workouts get more intense. Your skin needs extra hydration so drink up!

2)   Be sure to wear breathable, workout friendly clothing. Clothing that specializes in channeling perspiration away from the body is ideal such as moisture-wicking work out gear.

3)   Shower as soon as you can after that power work out. Many of us work out at a gym so shower there if at all possible.

4)   Stick to your skin care routine. Don’t run out and try something new because you notice you have sudden acne after your NEW work out regiment has gone into high gear. Stick to what you do but hopefully it already includes cleansing with a mild soap and moisturizing at minimum. A gentle exfoliation is key to preventing sweat breakouts as well.

5)   Lastly, keep it all up. A lot of us give up our new year’s resolutions by February. Stick with it, whatever it is. A happier you can mean a healthier you.

Happy New Year!

Posted by: Naomi | December 22, 2010

Merry Skin and Happy Soaking!


As we bundle up more and more everyday the colder it gets, it seems our skin seems to on the beating for us. Embrace the cold and follow some tips. Here is part 2 of our autumn/winter skin treatment guide:

1) Curl Up and Soak-Your skin changes as the seasons change. The lipids (molecules in your skin that contain fat, oils and waxes) tend to get dry in autumn and winter, which is often why our skin feels crackly and brittle. Hydrating and rehydrating your skin daily is essential but a tricky balance. Many extra hydrating moisturizers tend to be too oil based and thus clogs pours and causes a whole other set of issues. We recommend a more natural moisturizer that contains shea butter, almond oil and/or safflower oil all of which are wonderful hydrators AND protects the skin from the environment. Bodykör’s Moisture Rich Creme is ideal for this season.

2) Above and Beyond-You are What you Eat-This is one of mantras no matter the season. Winter can limit the produce you have access to but a healthy diet rich with fatty acids and Vitamins are essential to maintaining that healthy glow. Winter squash is rich with Vitamin A and C so go crazy and chase it all down with lots and lots of water.

Last little tip this week…enjoy the holidays with vigor. Ultimately, we all look better when we feel better and the holidays for many conjure up more smiles and laughter.


Posted by: Naomi | November 27, 2010

Julia Ormand and kor Giving

As cofounder of bodykör, nothing makes me more proud than to be able to celebrate those special people in our local and global community who choose to manifest their beauty by taking action to lift the lives of others.

I’m humbled and grateful to have had the opportunity to gift extraordinary actor and social activist Julia Ormond  with bodykör’s authentic organic products. She embodies the “kor” values at the heart of our brand.

Ms. Ormond gave her time, respect, love, and Emmy award to her own inspiration, mentor, and ultimate “role” model, Eustacia Cutler, (Temple Grandin’s mother) at Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services’ Autism conference. (Click here to see the video)

She spoke about the impact Eustacia had made on her life, thereby compelling her to take on her award winning role in HBO’s, Temple Grandin. In so doing, she opened hearts and minds all over the world.

What could be more Beautiful?
We each have the power to give love, take action, and to be of service.

Beauty is 360 degrees…inside and out.

Posted by: Naomi | November 7, 2010

Turning Back the Clock..If Only

It’s that time of year to turn back your clocks one hour for Daylight Savings.
If only we could turn back OUR clocks to get that youthful glow many of us
took advantage of when we were younger.

We recently attended an informational seminar on how many products are out there are
claiming to ‘turn back time’. We walked away feeling informed and a bit alarmed and we know there are so many products out there that it can be quite confusing and overwhelming.

Our suggestion: read labels, be informed and most importantly; beauty and youth
comes from within. We believe that taking time for yourself, taking care of yourself by eating
right and exercising will all lead to good things. It also helps to laugh for at least 5 minutes a day.

And It does helps of course to find whatever products that work for you and indulge.

Enjoy gaining an hour this week!

Posted by: Naomi | October 23, 2010

Trick and Treat Your Skin

For many of you, Halloween wouldn’t be complete without piling on several layers of thick make up. Whether you are going for the ghoulish costume or just make up to add to the festivities of dressing up, either way your skin will go through a work out.

You may want to be aware of some potential skin issues that may develop after Halloween. First, Halloween make up is often made up of vastly different ingredients than your typical everyday make up. Especially the bright colors such as purple, orange and green as they contain minerals that can irritate the skin and cause an allergic reaction. We recommend doing a patch test on your forearm and wait a few hours.

Second, Halloween make up tend to be based in grease-paint foundation which although gives great coverage for that creepy look you may be going for, it can clog your pours. Especially when you combine this with perspiration! (For those acne prone or oily skin types, avoid grease paint make up altogether).

Be sure to gently cleanse after that fun costume party and give your skin some extra hydration and rest. Enjoy the ghouls!

Posted by: Naomi | October 6, 2010


The summer has come and gone and your skin may be needing some extra TLC. The runways show a new trend… or perhaps a recycled dream we all wish we had, which is a smooth, clear and even complexion with little help from make up. Alas, for those of you who wake up in the morning with perfect skin, good for you, and keep up whatever you are doing. For the rest of us, getting our skin ready for fall and can take a few steps. Here are a couple of steps to start off with this autumn season…stay tuned for winter tips!

1) Gentle Lovin-Cleansing and Exfoliating are a must year round BUT your skin has been through some work soaking up the sand, sun and perhaps salt water so be gentle this autumn. Use a mild, non-drying cleanser this time of year, as well as a gentler exfoliating system. This will help your skin transition into the winter months. We recommend of course our bodykör Microdermabrasion Scrub, but whatever you use, use it less frequently and mix a little water before application (or wet your face) for a milder scrub. Also, our Citrus Face Wash is a wonderfully gentle, but very effective cleanser.

2) Added Touch of Silk-Wrinkles Anyone? It seems this time of year, as we’re exposed to colder weather, strong winds, and harsher temperatures, that our skin; and perhaps we, feel older and start to see the signs of aging. Dry skin can result form many causes, including aging and environmental factors. Serums are a perfect added touch of continuous hydration throughout the day. If done in combination with a good moisturizer, your skin won’t even know it’s getting colder—only you will!

Posted by: Naomi | July 29, 2010

Summertime… keep your skin healthy by hydrating!

Woman and Water

No product you can buy is better for your skin than water. This is especially true in the summer months. Drinking water aids in flushing toxins and helps to eliminate bloodstream pollutants. Impurities that are not properly flushed from your body can eventually make their presence known in the form of skin blemishes, irritation and flakiness.

Hydration is especially important in the summer months, when increased exposure to sunlight, wind, and increased perspiration can take their toll. So enjoy the summer, the wonderful outdoors, and all the benefits of outdoor activity — just remember to drink plenty of water! (and use sunscreen)

Extra tip: if you live in an arid climate, consider using a humidifier at night. Sleeping in an arid environment can cause mild topical dehydration, which can lead to a premature aging of the skin.

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