
Jairus the is a loose collection of writing, links, ravings, photos, news, fiction, and bad poetry by Jairus Khan. This website has been here (off and on) for ten years or so, and was around in various other forms for three or four years before that.

I spend most of my off-hours working (in Ottawa, Canada) to promote underground arts and media, and trying to keep independent music from being smothered by an anachronism popularly known as ‘the industry’. I DJ weekly, promote concerts/festivals regularly, make beep-beep noises in an industrial-metal band, and release CC-licensed albums for my industrial-slash-experimental-electronic project Ad·ver·sary, which sounds something like robots fucking to My Bloody Valentine.

When I’m not working with, promoting, listening to, or writing music, I design very angry websites, flyers, book jackets, and the sort for various arts projects. I supplement my music/design income (roughly enough to buy a pocketful of buttons a month) by developing counter-hacking courses and moonlighting as a web coordinator for the man.

I also bake very tasty cookies.

I was born in Ottawa, Canada, as Jairus W.K.R.P., on the 22nd day of the 5th month of 1979. The name Jairus appears in the gospel of Mark, on the 22nd line of the 5th chapter. I was expected to be born April 31st or May Day, which traditionally is a day of fertility, but I was 22 days late, which means I was just late enough to be born under the sign of Gemini, the twins.

I do not put as much weight into this as you might think, although I do think it interesting enough to be noted.

It should go without saying that nothing on this site represents the views or opinions of anyone but me, but I’m saying it anyway.

This site has been around a Very Long Time overall, but is very new indeed in its current form, so there’s not necessarily much coherence to the content. Entries have been imported/exported/imported through various CMSs and blogging tools, entire sections have been scrapped, corrupted or lost, and there’s all kinds of legacy code in entries that might make them look funny depending on what you are or are not using to view them.

With that said, I’m slowly cleaning up a lot of the cruft, and it should be much easier soon to navigate through the older content.

Watch this space.

Seriously. It says something else when you’re not looking.

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