War On Want

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People’s Congress in Colombia calls for radical change

22 October 2010, Latest news

Last week members of the Colombia-based Social Research and Action Association (NOMADESC), a War on Want partner organisation, joined 17,000 people in Bogota for the country's first-ever People's Congress.

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Tags: colombia | conflict zones


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Who are the real freeloaders here?

20 October 2010, Latest news

On Wednesday George Osborne will stand up to deliver the so-called comprehensive spending review - a misnomer as we all know, because rather than reallocating spending he is committed to slashing budgets across the board.

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Tags: campaigns | cuts | financial crisis


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‘Cuts make poor suffer for crisis’

19 October 2010, Press releases

Campaigners set to protest today against huge cuts in jobs and public services in the British government spending review tomorrow warn that poor people will be hit hardest by a financial crisis sparked by the rich.

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Tags: campaigns | cuts | financial crisis


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On World Food Day, Via Campesina demands justice for small-scale farmers

15 October 2010, Latest news

The international peasant movement La Via Campesina will mark World Food Day, celebrated on 16 October, by calling for a global day of action against agribusinesses. These firms threaten the environment and have undermined the right to food of communities across the developing world. La Via Campesia will target Monsanto, a firm that owns almost a quarter of the patented seed market worldwide.

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Tags: food justice | overseas work


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Fighting the cuts: Time for action on the Comprehensive Spending Review

14 October 2010, Latest news

On 20 October the government will make public its revised budget for the nation following its Comprehensive Spending Review. Although the details of the review have not yet been released, we already know that there will be massive spending cuts across all sections of society. The cuts in public sector expenditure will result in large numbers of job losses and a huge cut in front line public services, with the poor affected the most.

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Tags: campaigns | cuts | financial crisis | tax dodging


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War on Want hails campaign victory on CDC

13 October 2010, Latest news

Campaigners have scored an early win through the British government's announcement today that it will change its policy direction with regards to CDC, the private investment arm of the Department for International Development. The move comes after years of campaign pressure from War on Want and other organisations, which have long warned of the harm caused by CDC's activities in developing countries.

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Tags: campaigns


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War on Want demands release of jailed Western Saharan activists

08 October 2010, Latest news

As part of a broad coalition, today War on Want submitted a letter to the UK government demanding the immediate release of three detained Saharawi human rights activists. The coalition includes MPs Jeremy Corbyn, Caroline Lucas, Katy Clark and Paul Flynn; filmmaker Ken Loach; and campaigners fighting for justice in Western Sahara.

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Tags: western sahara


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World Day for Decent Work 2010

05 October 2010, Latest news

This Thursday is the World Day for Decent Work, an international event that calls on activists, trade unionists and campaigners to continue the fight for decent work. As part of the event, which is in its third year, actions will take place across the world in support of decent work, whose key principles include a living wage, fair working conditions and the right to join a trade union. With the economic crisis plunging millions into employment across the world, it's now even more important to fight for these rights.

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Tags: campaigns | supermarkets & sweatshops


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‘Clothes price rises leave workers poor’

16 September 2010, Press releases

Clothes retailers today come under fire over their warnings that rising costs of cotton will increase prices as campaigners signal that stores continue to exploit overseas garment workers struggling to survive on poverty pay.

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Tags: campaigns | fashion victims | love fashion hate sweatshops | supermarkets & sweatshops


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Is it time to cut off the government's development finance arm?

15 September 2010, Comment is Free

The Commonwealth Development Corporation has come under attack for the reportedly lavish expense claims of its executives. The government has launched a review, but does it have the will to change the remit of its development finance company?

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