
Poland's Main Unions Resume Attack against Pluralism

The two largest unions in Poland, Solidarity and OPZZ, are going back to the negotiating table. They have already agreed with the bosses to smash the independent unions.

In such a way, thet look to strengthen their position on the union market. OPZZ, which is a federation of unions, stands to benefit by sucking in the unions (or at least their members) which would be wiped out by a proposed amendment to the Act on Trade Unions.

Manchester Class Struggle Forum #7 - The Significance of the 1984/85 British Coalminers Strike

The next meeting of the Manchester Class Struggle Forum will take place on the subject of The Great Miners' Strike of 1984-85, 'Spikeymike' shall be providing a lead-off.

The miners' strike of 84-85 was the last great example of open class warfare in the United Kingdom, some parts of Yorkshire were turned into a police state, solidarity was sent to the miners from across the world, yet the experience was still a bitter defeat for the working class.

A short introduction shall be given, followed by plenty of time for discussion.

Suggested reading

The Killer Inside Me, directed by Michael Winterbottom

Tom Jennings is disappointed with two films which purport to illuminate and critique violence against women. Part 1: The Killer Inside Me.

Crimes and Mr Manners. Film review – Tom Jennings

Bum Deal Bums Me Out

Only 11 workers refuse illegal bum deal offered by their boss. It is depressing and their victory is needed!

I am talking about the situation of ZEFAM furniture factory workers, from a town called Nowe Miasteczko in the west of Poland. The situation has apparently been going on for months. People were not receiving their salaries, not to mention overtime pay. On August 19, some of them confronted the manager to ask when they'd get paid.


A beautiful poem, here preserved for posterity, by two unknown renegades.

Just mechanized blades slashing about everywhere
An atmosphere utterly hostile to human life
Hopefully, eventually the technology will expand to the entire solar system,
Until eventually all of reality is covered by a beautiful megamachine

Not even a weed will grow
The planet will just be mechanical noise
Heard by no one
Felt by nothing

Imagine that glorious noise!

Azteca Bar Conflict and Campaign Against Illegal Deductions in the Food Service Sector

Conflict at Azteca Bar inspiration for wider campaign.

For some time now we have been aware of several problems which are widespread in the food service industry in Poland. ZSP already started to take on the question of illegal, unpaid trial periods. Now we are also starting to deal with the problem of illegal deductions and fines taken from people's salaries.

Manchester Class Struggle Forum #6 - Class Struggle In China

The next meeting of the Manchester Class Struggle Forum will take place on the subject of class struggle in China.

Recent years have seen a rise in class conflict in China, as workers in "the sweatshop of the world" become increasingly confident in asserting their demands against an authoritarian state, multinational corporations, and servile trade unions. We will be discussing the implications of these developments, and what lessons we can draw from them for the future.

Workers' struggles in China (July 2010)

Summaries and links to news reports of workers' struggles around China during July up to the 23rd. I've been posting to a Twitter feed as I find stories: I can't continue with it or these summaries for a few months, but it's possible someone else will take over some of it for a while.

libcom articles

Atsumitec Workers Get Pay Raise - about 17 hours ago
Strike shuts Chinese Honda plants - 17 July 2010 22:49:32
China: Unrest spreads as Honda workers keep striking - 17 July 2010 22:49:00

Workers' struggles in Asia (July 2010)

Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia (excluding China) during July up to the 23rd, and also some from the Indian Subcontinent that I came across whilst searching. I've been posting to a Twitter feed as I find stories: I can't continue with it or these summaries for a few months, but it's possible someone else will take over some of it for a while.

libcom articles
Cambodian union calls off garment strike -
Cambodian government and unions agree wage increase; strikes could still be on -

WSWS: Workers' Struggles in Asia Summaries

Workers Collapse Easily - Capitalism Needs A Little Push

In the third week of a heat wave, more about more workers in Warsaw are collapsing in the street.

Over the last three weeks I have witnessed five times how exhausted people performing physical work in the streets have either collapsed or needed medical attention.

Recent anarchist academic conference

Papers from last month's 'Rethinking Anarchy: Anarchism and World Politics' are available online.

Haven't had a chance to read any and many seem way waffley but someone might find em interesting.
It was organised by the Anarchist Studies Network, a specialist group focusing on anarchism of the Political Studies Association (PSA).

Another Union Protest without Workers, Another Missed Opportunity

Late on July 13 I received by personal email an invitation from "workers of TPSA" to join a picket in front of the French Embassy the next day. (TPSA is owned by France Telecom.)

Having a number of contacts with rank and file workers at the company, I assumed this explained the invitation and, without making any phone calls to check, I managed to get there during my break at work.

Manchester Class Struggle Forum: Anarcho-Syndicalism

The next meeting of the Manchester Class Struggle Forum will be on the subject of Anarcho-Syndicalism.

What is anarcho-syndicalism? How do anarcho-syndicalist unions differ from existing workers' organisations? Do anarcho-syndicalist strategies have any value in 21st Century Britain, or are they 80 years out of date and several countries out of place? Or are anarcho-syndicalist strategies the tool we need to fight back in a period of savage cuts and declining living standards?

Workers' struggles in Asia (June 2010)

Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia (excluding China) during June, and also some from the Indian Subcontinent that I came across whilst searching. I now have a Twitter feed where I will be posting the stories I find, so if you don't want to wait until the end of the month to read them or would like to write up some of these for libcom news when they happen rather, please follow it:

libcom articles

Sleepless nights for bosses in the Bangladeshi garment sector
Strikes at Air India to continue despite sackings

WSWS: Workers' Struggles in Asia Summaries

28th of June ( )
19th of June ( )

Erasing David, directed by David Bond

This enterprising demonstration of biopolitical domination is too blinkered to transcend liberal agendas.

Eraserhead, Not. Television review – Tom Jennings

Workers' struggles in China (June 2010)

Summaries and links to news reports of workers' struggles around China during June. I now have a Twitter feed where I will be posting the stories I find, so if you don't want to wait until the end of the month to read them or would like to write up some of these for libcom news when they happen , please follow it: .

This month the strike wave that started in May has continued, as has the governments relatively hands-off, even supprtive approach, and the western media's confused approach. Some think it's a good thing as it will help China switch to a domestically orientated economy, saving the world economy and magically bringing democracy to China a la Solidarinosc.

Bi-Polar economics in Venezuela

Polar beer: it tastes like shite, order Solera Verde (or Zulia if they have it)

In another inversion of leftist determinism, an attempt by Chávez' embattled administration to expropriate Venezuela's largest remaining private company was thwarted earlier this month, in part due to organised opposition by employees looking to protect both their jobs and their hard-won working conditions.

Empresas Polar is as central to Venezuelan capitalism as Coca Cola or Ford are to the American version.

To Noam Chomsky on Boycotting Elections

The following is a statement by ZSP.

To Noam Chomsky: Why We Boycott Elections

In the Land of the Free, directed by Vadim Jean

This new documentary about the Angola 3, the longest-serving US political prisoners, offers a compelling case but avoids tackling wider ramifications.

Extreme Divide and Rule. Television review – Tom Jennings

New Black Flag Blog

While we're fully intending to continue announcing new issues via libcom and the existing radical websites with teaser articles, there's now some material spread all around the web, and we wanted a shop, so...

The new blog currently hosts a brief introduction and some links to the articles which have already gone online on other pages, but over time hopefully a fair proportion of the work itself will migrate over as well.

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