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Where do the indepedents stand?

This election almost 1 in 5 Australians walked away from the major parties and voted for minor parties and independents.

So who are the independents and what do they stand for? Click here to read about them.

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Thanks to your support, we won 98,000 additional Australians the right to vote, spoke with 1.1 million voters on the ground and ran over 700 TV ads this election.


Click here to check out our post election video.

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Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Traditionally, GetUp campaigns have focused on holding politicians accountable - but power doesn't reside with government alone. When 96% of GetUp members said they support campaigning for greater social responsibility by business and corporations, we knew we had to think big.

The first step: we're backing a class action lawsuit against the big banks to recoup for consumers over $1 billion dollars a year in unfair bank fees - fees that hit the most vulnerable Australians the hardest. Click here to add your name to the case.

GetUp! in the News

The missing voters: 1.4 million eligible Australians couldn't be bothered

Australia is still a growing nation - growing too fast for many - but voters are not moving with the times....
- Brisbane Times

ANZ hit with $50m suit over fees

THOUSANDS of Australians rallied behind a class action against ANZ Bank yesterday in the first of 12 cases against...
- Business Day

Groups join forces to battle banks

The partnership between online activist group GetUp!, consumer advocacy group CHOICE and the Australia Institute will...
- Sydney Morning Herald

GetUp is Action for Australia

GetUp.org.au is an independent political movement to build a progressive Australia. GetUp! brings together like-minded people who want to bring participation back into our democracy.

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Authorised by Simon Sheikh, Level 5A, 116 Kippax St, Sydney NSW 2010