Archive for June, 2008

New Anti-Enlistment Poster

A century ago, unwitting CrimethInc. agent Winsor McCay sketched a political cartoon lambasting the waste of human life in overseas imperialism. Back in 1991, we updated it for the first Iraq invasion, but never got around to releasing it. Finally, over five years into the latest occupation, we are giving up and presenting it to the public. All along, we hoped that the poster design was about to become dated and irrelevant; unfortunately, we now fear that it will remain timely for years to come.

In hopes of shortening those years, please print these out and post them everywhere potential recruits and deserters might see them. In a couple months or so, we’ll have the two-color version printed and ready to include in orders.

A fairly comprehensive list of resources and groups related to conscientious objection, G.I. rights, and anti-recruitment resistance can be found at

Disclaimer after the jump.

The Mortgage Crisis for Beginners

Our favorite radio show, This American Life, recently did a hour show examining the current mortgage crisis— the straw that broke the camel’s back and triggered a global financial crisis, the end of which is nowhere in sight. As the U.S. stumbles forward deeper and deeper into a recession, it would behoove those of us who don’t understand what has happened to take a minute to learn about the economic process—which was truly not a major aberration from business as usual—behind the credit collapse that has many economists warning of a new economic depression.

As usual, TAL makes the dry subject matter absolutely fascinating and entertaining, interviewing victims and perpetrators at every level of the travesty, and as they say:

We explain it all to you. What does the housing crisis have to do with the turmoil on Wall Street? Why did banks make half-million dollar loans to people without jobs or income? And why is everyone talking so much about the 1930s? It all comes back to the Giant Pool of Money.

Listen to the show here, for free, by clicking on the ‘Full Episode’ link. For those looking for more details, another radio favorite of ours, Fresh Air, has some more perspectives here, and here. And of course, Wikipedia comes through with 12,000 words on the subject.

Convergence Update, Call for Workshops

To attend this summer’s CrimethInc. convergence, show up July 16 at Gordon Park (Locust St. & Humboldt Blvd) in Milwaukee, WI. You can also show up July 17, but you’ll miss some of the events.

The CrimethInc. convergence is a self-organized gathering to circulate skills, deepen networks, and build morale in North America in order to foster a culture of resistance worldwide. Everyone who comes is encouraged to be a presenter and performer. This year’s convergence will focus on developing direct action skills such as might be useful at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions this summer, and also on creative pastimes, subversive ideas, and survival strategies that have nothing to do with them. Anarchists from overseas will also be present to offer perspectives from other contexts.

Full report, sneak previews, and call for workshops & performances after the jump.

Green Birds of Confusion Postcard

We just printed a new version of the birds of confusion postcard on a nice Spring Green paper with Robin’s Egg Blue and Metallic Silver inks. Naming colors is fun. We did 1600 copies on our letterpress—6400 impressions over a few days—and they are now going out free in every paid order, and should last at least 6 weeks. Thanks again to Richard Olmsted for the artwork!

Excessive photo documentation after the jump.

Froseph Goes on the Deep Breath Tour

Froseph is going on tour this summer with the Wild Nettle Bookmobile, an anarchist literature and arts & crafts distributor from Winona, MN and his latest album “Deep Breath.” The usual CrimethInc. wares will be accompanied by harder-to-find arts & crafts projects, CDs, shirts, patches, and zines, along with monsterous amounts of free literature. Also available will be an exciting project put together by the CrimethInc. Gleeful Ludic Throng. It’s a new Hunter/Gatherer Audio Zine with a haunting sound and fancy letterpressed casing.

The purpose of the Deep Breath Tour is very simple: To stimulate the magic and intimacy already present in the communities being visited while teaching and learning with one another to build a stronger network of resistance to dominant culture — this is a big summer and there is a lot to talk about.

More info and tour dates after the jump.

Rolling Thunder #2 Full PDF Available

We sent out the last Rolling Thunder #2 today, and as such, the complete PDF is now available for download.

Download Rolling Thunder #2 [14MB]

#2 contains articles about the protests against the G8 meeting in Scotland, a retrospective on squatting and resistance culture in northern Europe, an in-depth discussion of subcultural marginality and refusal, an inside report on the workings of current labor unions, a memoir of gender mutiny, and an account of how to establish a squatted community center; other highlights include an intimate reflection on the patterns by which abusive relationships perpetuate themselves and a primer on communications technology for direct action, and much more.

Reviewer’s Guide to Expect Resistance

Our overworked promotions department has finally heated up the boilerplate to complete this handy reviewer’s guide to Expect Resistance. This belated tutorial offers points of departure for readers and would-be reviewers alike, and presents a contest for the particularly assiduous.

In case any intrepid reviewers require additional assistance, we’ve added a new feature to our reading library: “The Fine Art of Criticism: A How-To Guide for Aspiring Journalists.” This controversial screed originally appeared in the third issue of Rolling Thunder, and remains as relevant today as it was then—however relevant that is.

Tune in next time for the follow-up, “A User’s Guide to Expect Resistance,” a preview of which is pictured above.