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Memoria y Resistencia: November 19-21, 2010 at Fort Benning, Georgia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Liz Albanese   
Tuesday, 05 October 2010 13:49

Join us in Georgia from November 19-21 to remember the victims and to celebrate the resistance!

For information on volunteering at this year's event, click here!

(para información en español, haga click aquí)

Thirty years have passed since Maryknoll missioners Maura Clark, Jean Donovan, Ita Ford, and Dorothy Kazel were brutally killed by graduates of the SOA in El Salvador. They are four among thousands of victims and survivors of the ongoing SOA / WHINSEC violence. In 2009, SOA graduates overthrew the democratically elected government of Honduras and unleashed brutal repression against the pro-democracy resistance. This year saw the release of a human rights report that links SOA graduates to extrajudicial killings in Colombia. Enough is enough! Shut it down!

From November 19-21, 2010, thousands will gather at the gates of Fort Benning to stand up for justice, to shut down the School of the Americas and to end the oppressive U.S. foreign policy that the school represents. We invite you to join us this November as we remember, in solemnity, the victims, and as we grow stronger than ever before in our resistance.

November Vigil Schedule of Events (Preliminary) - Cronograma Preliminar de Actividades

Please join in on Nonviolence Trainings Friday morning and afternoon. The practice of nonviolent direct action is an essential part of the movement to close the School of Americas and it is only successful if we are constantly practicing and improving our nonviolent pressure.

Organizing Packet (Paquete Organizativo)

Organizing a group to come to Georgia may seem intimidating, but the organizing packet can make it a lot easier! Use this packet as a guide and feel free to contact info[at]soaw.org to request a paper copy of the packet.

Workshops, Tables, and Ads

Workshops are a vital part of the Vigil weekend. SOA Watch offers space on a first come, first serve basis to organizations, individuals, and student groups who wish to present on a certain topic, screen a film, or host a meeting. To become a workshop host(ess) please fill out the workshop registration form and return it to Liz by October 6th. Instructions are on the form.

Tabling is a great way to educate people about the work you are doing. Tom Bottolene is handling all table requests. You can contact him at tom[at]circlevision.org. Read the tabling information and fill out the included registration form if interested.

Advertising space in the 2010 Vigil Program is going fast! The program is distributed to thousands of people throughout the weekend. If you are interested in placing an ad, click here. Contact nico[at]soaw.org with questions about ads.

From bases in Colombia to detention centers in Georgia, END U.S. MILITARIZATION NOW!! Join us for the 4th Annual Vigil at the Stewart Detention Center located only45 minutes outside Columbus, Georgia!

Help us make the 2010 November Vigil even better!

  • This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

**NEW BOOK! Calling all Probationers and Prisoners of Conscience...Come share your story! Former SOA Watch POC Tina Busch-Nema will be collecting stories at tables throughout this year's vigil for a book she will be editing about SOA Watch POC's. This project is a way to capture stories and tell the history of SOA Watch from the perspective of our legacy of non-violent civil disobedience. Any and all proceeds will go to SOA Watch. Come to the table either at the Convention Center or on Fort Benning Road to learn more, and to leave your story. Any questions please contact Tina Busch-Nema at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 636-236-2427.

Helpful Links:

Preliminary schedule of vigil events (Cronograma preliminar de actividades)

Travel Information / Ride Board

Hotels, Motels, and Camping in and around Columbus, GA

A Call for 2010 Peacemaker Volunteers

Legal Briefing for those Considering Nonviolent Civil Disobedience

Accesibility at the Vigil

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 October 2010 14:28
Report from Ecuador - Democracy under Threat PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hendrik Voss   
Friday, 01 October 2010 20:33

Coup Attempt in EcuadorSOA Watch has been monitoring the failed coup attempt in Ecuador. We continue to call for the end of the training of military and police personnel at the U.S. School of the Americas, International Law Enforcement Agencies (ILEA) or other institutions that promote anti-democratic behavior. We congratulate the social movements of Ecuador for impeding any possible coup.

On Thursday morning, a large number of media reported that the Ecuadoran military had seized the main airport in Quito and that the police fired tear gas, burned tires "after taking over bases in Quito, Guayaquil and other cities." They also claim that an Associated Press photographer "witnessed soldiers participating in the action that shut down the main terminal at Quito's Mariscal Sucre airport." On the other hand, TeleSur reported that the police had indeed launched a possible coup attempt but that the response by the military was unknown.

News from Ecuador kept pouring in as the events unfolded throughout the day. After President Correa was held hostage in a hospital by the police for 10 hours, Ecuadoran military forces moved in and freed the President and returned him to the Presidential palace.

Click here to read a Report from Ecuador: Democracy Under Threat"

Bolivia’s Morales accuses Washington of encouraging “failed coup in Ecuador”

Chavez Says U.S. Is Behind Failed Coup Attempt Against Ecuador's Correa

For coverage in Spanish, visit http://golpeestadoecuador.blogspot.com

Last Updated on Monday, 04 October 2010 16:01
Stop FBI raids and harassment of activists opposing U.S. intervention in Colombia and the Middle East PDF Print E-mail
Written by Becca Polk   
Tuesday, 28 September 2010 17:34

Stop FBI RaidsTake Action by contacting the Department of Justice HERE

SOA Watch stands in solidarity with the anti-war and international activists whose homes were raided by the FBI. On Friday, September 24, 2010 the FBI raided seven houses and an office in Chicago and Minneapolis in an attempt to collect evidence of 'material support' of terrorism.  The FBI also handed subpoenas to testify before a federal grand jury to eleven activists in Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan. These raids were aimed at those who dedicate their time and energy to supporting the struggles of the Palestinian and Colombian peoples against U.S. funded occupation and war.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 September 2010 17:52
Help advertise for the November Vigil Order your palm cards today! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Liz Albanese   
Wednesday, 15 September 2010 18:52

SOA Watch printed glossy color front-and-back 3.25" x 3.5" palm cards to advertise the November 19-21, 2010 vigil at the gates of Fort Benning. They are a great way to mobilize your community for this year's event.

Palm cards come in packs of 150 for only $6.  For more details and to order, click here or click the image to your right.

With your help we will get the palm cards distributed far and wide and grow attendence at the vigil!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 September 2010 19:42
Urgent Please Help / SOAW Activist Assulted, Unarmed Peasants Being Attacked Right Now PDF Print E-mail
Written by Becca Polk   
Friday, 10 September 2010 21:44

New video about repression against the community:
(Aprox. 15 minutes)

More recent updates from September 16th, 2010
For updates and previous videos, please click here

To read Palmer Legare's letter from Sept 2, 2010 click here.


(Already responded to previous alerts about the community Saquimo Setaña?  Please respond again with your concern about the continued negligence of the authorities.)
*Please immediately call the governor of the department of Altaverapaz at 011 (502) 7951 4311
* Please immediately email President Alvaro Colom at   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

It is very important to please also cc: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , mpCobá This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   If possible please also cc your members of congress.

For the demands of the members of Saquimo Setaña and CUC please click here.

Please write in English or Spanish your concern about the situation. Your email can be brief or long but it is important that government officials know they are being monitored.  If possible, please write an email in your own words.  Please include your location in the email.

Visit www.GuatemalaSolidarityProject.org for updates


Last Updated on Friday, 17 September 2010 21:02
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Nov. 19-21: Converge on Fort Benning, Georgia

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